How To… – Avada Website Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce Thu, 10 Oct 2024 23:31:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Use Z-Index in Avada Sun, 02 Jun 2024 23:12:01 +0000

Z index is a CSS property that controls overlapping HTML elements’ stacking order. With this property, elements with a higher index are placed on top of those with a lower one.

In Avada, you will find a Z-index option in all Containers and Columns, as well as in a few other specific elements like the Image, Pagination, and Scroll Progress Elements, as well as Off Canvases. Read on to find out more about using Z-Index in Avada, and watch the video below for a visual overview.

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There are a few typical places you will need to use Z-index when building a website. A common example would be anytime you have overlapping content, like images. Menus are another common example where a Z-index can really come in handy. This could be a sticky menu, a mobile menu, a drop-down sub-menu, or mega menus. In all these situations, we want the menus to be on top. Let’s use these as examples as to what the Z-index can do.

Overlapping images

In the example below, there are two images in a column, and I have overlapped them by manipulating the margin values on the second image. The later in the DOM, the higher the element’s stacking, and so the second image is above the first. But with a Z-index value, you can decide which image should be on top.

Overlapping Images

So if we edit the first image and head to the design tab, we can set a z-index of say 100.. and it is now on top. The number just has to be high enough to place the element above the other one. See below for more on the Z-index numbers.

Overlapping Images > Z-Index


As noted before, there are many situations with menus where using a Z-index can come in handy. Whether it’s a sticky menu or a container holding a menu with dropdown menus, the concept is the same.

With menus, the best strategy is to make sure the container holding the menu is above everything else. For example, with this header layout section shown below, there are both submenus and mega menus, and we always want them to be above the content below.

So here, we just go to the holding container, and on the design tab, set a very high Z-index to ensure the container, and its content, stay on the top.

Header with Dropdown Menu

So here, we just go to the holding container, and on the design tab, set a very high Z-index to ensure the container, and its content, stay on the top.

Header with Dropdown Menu > Z-Index

How High Do you Need to Set the z-index?

When it comes to the number you use for a Z-index, there are no arbitrary rules. A negative value will place content below anything that has a higher value, and a very high value will place the content above everything else. Theoretically, you could use a value of 1 to place something above something else that has a value of 0. But in reality, there are a lot of elements in the dom, and it’s perhaps easiest to use a standard numbering system.

One way to do it is to add the z-index in steps of 100. This gives plenty of room for values in between in case you later have to add another element above one item, but below another.

Another method, when wanting to add something to the very top is to use a very high number like 9999, as an ‘absolute top ever value’. In the end, you just need a higher value than the content you want to be below it, so just experiment your way forward.

OK, that’s the Z-index in Avada. Go wild!

How To Customize Avada Prebuilt Websites Wed, 13 Mar 2024 21:45:09 +0000

In this two part video series, we go over how to take an Avada Prebuilt Website, and customize it with your own content.

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For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.
How To Build A Website From Scratch With Avada Wed, 13 Mar 2024 21:41:03 +0000

In this extensive eight part video series, we go over Building a Website From Scratch with Avada. This starts with the Avada Setup Wizard to set typography colors and site inclusions, and contines through full customization. as well as site clean up and optimization. In short, this covers everything you need to know about using the Avada Website Builder to build you own WordPress website.

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For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.
For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.
For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.
For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.
For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.
For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.
For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.
How To Build A One Page Website With Avada Thu, 17 Mar 2022 01:44:12 +0000

A one-page website lets you consolidate all your site information into one page that is split into multiple sections. There are both advantages and disadvantages of one-page sites, so read up on the pros and cons, but if you decide you want to create one, Avada gives you the flexibility needed to do this, and also provides several prebuilt one-page websites to get started with. To get an idea of how one-page sites work, please see our Landing Product, Cleaning Services, Hair Salon, or Resume Prebuilt websites, or read this detailed blog post.

Please read below for detailed information on how to create content for a one page site, and how to make and assign the menu needed to get a one page site to work as intended. Also, watch the video below for a visual overview of the process.

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Creating One Page Site Content Sections

The main consideration when creating content for your One Page site, or a page with a one page menu in a multi-page site, is to organize your content into sections. In this way, you can then reference each section in your menu. Your menu will serve as a way for your viewers to quickly scroll to a section they’d like to view. For example, clicking the About menu item will automatically scroll the page to the About section.

There are two methods you can use to identify the specific sections of the page. You can use the ‘Name Of Menu Anchor’ option present in the Container Element, or the Menu Anchor Element at the beginning of every section.

Step 1 – Create your page content into the different sections you want on your page. For example, the About section, the Contact section, etc. The easiest way to do this is to have separate containers for each section.

Step 2 – Once you’ve decided on the different sections of your page, it’s time to reference each section. There is little difference in whether you use the ‘Name Of Menu Anchor’ option in the Container Element or the Menu Anchor Element, but in most cases, the Name of Menu option in the Container will be the simplest. The main difference is that the ‘Name Of Menu Anchor’ option, references the start of a Container. The Menu Anchor Element, however, can be inserted anywhere in the content, giving you the ability to reference a spot in the middle of a Container for example. In most situations, referencing the start of the Container, or Section is what you will want, and therefore either method will work.

Step 3 – If you’re using the ‘Name Of Menu Anchor’ option, you simply insert the unique Menu Anchor ID for the section you are on into the Container option. If you’re using the Menu Anchor Element, click the ‘Element Settings’ and enter a unique Menu Anchor ID for the section in the ‘Name’ field. For example, about.

Step 4 – Click ‘Save’ to save your changes, then repeat step 2 and create separate Menu Anchors for all the different sections that you have on your page. See the screenshot below for an example of the Menu Anchor Element inserted at the top of a Container, in the ‘About’ section.

Menu Anchor Element

Creating A One Page Site Menu

A Custom One Page Site menu is important because this is how your viewers jump to different sections of your page. Instead of normal links, your One Page site’s custom menu will have Anchor Links that link and scroll automatically to each section on the page.

Step 1 – Navigate to the Appearance > Menus tab on your WordPress admin panel.

Step 2 – Click the ‘Create A New Menu’ link. Give it a name, then click the ‘Create Menu’ button.

Step 3 – In the left sidebar, expand the ‘Custom Links’ tab. If you’re missing content types in the left sidebar that you want to add to the menu, you can open the Screen Options and enable them for your menu.

Step 4 – In the ‘URL’ field, enter the Menu Anchor ID you’ve assigned to a section on your page. For example, if this menu item links to your About section, then it would be about. NB. Please note that you have to enter it with a hashtag (#) in order to scroll to the section properly. For example, #about.

Step 5 – Once you’ve added the Anchor Name ID to the ‘URL’ field, enter a name for the ‘Link Text’ field. This is simply the menu item’s text. For example, About. See the screenshot below for an example of this.

Step 6 – When finished filling in those fields, click the ‘Add To Menu’ button.

Step 7 – Repeat steps 4-6 and create a menu item for each section you have on your page.

Step 8 – Under the ‘Menu Structure’ section, you’ll find all the menu items you’ve just created. You can expand each menu item and edit its settings if you need to.

– Once you’re done creating your custom menu, click ‘Save Menu’. For situations when you want to have a page with one-page links on a multi-page site, you will have to make a separate menu. See the Multi-page site section below for more details.

One Page Parallax Relative Menu

Assigning Your Menu To A Custom Header Layout

Once you have created your content and your menu, you need to assign the menu. There are two methods for this, depending on whether you are using a Custom Header or a Legacy Header. For assigning Menus using Legacy Headers, please see this document.

If you are using Avada Layouts, and have a Custom Header Layout, then you assign the menu for the one-page site in the Menu Element in your Header Layout Section. Here you can select the custom one-page menu you’ve created from the dropdown of available menus. In the screenshot below, we can see the menu selected for the Avada Landing Page prebuilt site.

That’s it. Save the Layout Section, and it will be used when it is added to the Global Layout. Please see the Avada Layouts doc for more information on Layouts, Layout Sections and Custom Headers.

Menu Element > Assign Menu

Creating Custom One Page Menus For A Multi-Page Site

You can also have a multi page website, with one page acting like a one page site. To achieve this, you need to create two menus, one with absolute links, and one with relative links. This is because relative links only work on the page the anchored content is on, and so on another page, an absolute link would be required to both go to the page, and then scroll to the linked section. Please see the One Page Menu with Multi-Page Links doc for more information about relative and absolute links.

So in this situation we’d need two menus. One could be called Relative Links Menu, and the other could be called Absolute Links Menu. The Relative Links menu would be the same as we created in the Creating A One Page Site Menu section above, and would only be assigned to the actual page with the one-page sections.

The Absolute Links Menu would be for all other pages, and would contain normal links to all the pages of the site, as well as Absolute Links to the page / sections of the one page content.

So for example, the absolute link to the About section on a page called One Pager, would be This link would take the user to the One Pager page, and then scroll them down to the About Section. Just to reiterate: on the One Pager page itself, we would only need #about to link us to the About section of that page, but when we are on another page,we need the absolute link to get us there.

See the screenshot below for an example of an absolute link added to the default menu of a multi-page site.

Absolute Link To One Pager Section

Assigning Custom One Page Menus To A Multi-Page Site

Once you have created, or edited your second menu with the absolute links to the sections of the one pager, we need to assign the different menus to their correct places. Again, there are two methods for this, depending on whether you are using a Custom Header or a Legacy Header. Here, we will present the up to date method using Avada Layouts. For legacy headers, please see this document.

Step 1. For your Main Menu, you would create your Header Layout Section as per usual. You would assign the Absolute Links Menu to the Menu Element, and assign this Layout section to the Global Layout. This would apply the menu to all pages on the site.

Step 2. And now we need to assign a different menu to the One Pager page, the menu with the relative links. To start, we need to duplicate our Global Header. This can be easily done on the Layout Section Builder Page by cloning the Layout Section and then editing and renaming it, or you could save the Global Header Layout Section to the Avada Library, then create a new Header Layout Section and load the template from the Library. Both methods work.

Step 3. In either case, you now have a new Header Layout Section that is a direct copy of the Global Header Layout Section. Now, you just need to change the menu the new Header Layout Section will use. Simply edit the Menu Element, and choose your Relative Link Menu, and save the layout section.

Step 4. Finally, we need to apply the new Header Layout Section to our One Pager page. To do this, create a new layout (we might just call it One Page Layout) assign the new Header Layout Section to the Layout, and then open the Manage Conditions dialog and set the layout to only include the one Pager page (as seen below). Now the site will use the Absolute Links Menu on all pages, with the exception of the One Pager page, which will use the Relative Links Menu.

See the screenshot below of the resultant Layouts.

Layouts for One Pager On Multi-page Site
How To Add Custom CSS In Avada Mon, 03 Dec 2018 18:59:37 +0000

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is code used to style your content. There are innumerable styling options already included with Avada, in the Global Options, and within both Element and Page Options. But even with that plethora of styling options, chances are, that at some point you are going to want to change something that will require some custom CSS.

In this document, we will take a look at both where and how we apply custom CSS in Avada. Read on to demystify this topic, and watch the video below for a visual overview.

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Global or Local Custom CSS?

There are several places Custom CSS can be applied in Avada.

Global Custom CSS

  • Firstly, there is the Custom CSS section in the Avada Global Options. Go to Avada > Options > Custom CSS. The Custom CSS entered here will override the default theme CSS. Do not include any HTML in this field. In some cases, the !important declaration may be needed. Don’t URL encode image or svg paths. Contents of this field will be auto encoded.

  • If you are using a child theme, you can place custom css in the style.css file, which will also take precedence over the Theme CSS. Whether you add the CSS in your child theme or in the Global Options is purely personal preference and makes no material difference.

Global CSS Options

Local Custom CSS

  • You can also place local Custom CSS on a page by page basis. If you are working in the Avada Live, you can add local Custom CSS, which applies only to the page you are working on, by going to the Sidebar, selecting Page Options, and in there, the second last option is Custom CSS.

  • In the back-end builder, you will find the Custom CSS Icon on the Avada Builder Toolbar Bar, found at the top of each page.
Local CSS Options > Avada Live
Local CSS Options > Avada Builder

How to Apply Custom CSS To An Element

Step 1 – To apply custom CSS to a specific element, you will first need to give that element a unique Class or ID. All of the Elements you can insert via the Fusion Page Builder, including the Column and the Container Elements, will have an option to set these values (Note: You can use either, but both are not required).

  • See this article for an understanding of the differences between Classes and IDs. Essentially though, you use ID when the change is unique to one element, and Class when you want to change many.

CSS Class and CSS ID Fields

Step 2 – After you set the custom class or ID, we can then control the styling of that element by adding custom css that targets the class name. This CSS should primarily be added to the the Custom CSS field in the Global Options, found at Avada > Options > Custom CSS.

Obviously, this is the hard bit, where you need to know CSS, and how to apply it. This is beyond the scope of this document, and even outside the scope of official support, but there are plenty of tools (see further down the page) that will help you both find the classes you need to modify, and how to write the CSS to display that class as you wish.

Here is a simple example, where we change the background color of .custom-class-name to black.

Using CSS to change the background color

IMPORTANT NOTE – The style above will apply a black (var(–awb-color8)) background to the element with the class name ‘custom-class-name’. Please note the period (.) before the class name. This is very important, and if forgotten, would break any other styles that you have applied. If we were to use a custom ID instead of a class, we would simply use a “#” symbol instead of a “.”.

As we may be overriding existing styles, we can also use the “!important” value just before the “;”. This tells the browser that this style is to take priority over other CSS trying to set the same style.

If you’re unsure about how to get the code for a color you wish to use, you can use this online tool.

Some Basic CSS Examples

Here are a few, relatively simple, common examples of custom CSS, used in Avada.

Disabling Links from Featured Image Rollover

Copy to Clipboard

Two Product Columns on Mobile Layout

Copy to Clipboard

Inspecting Pages With Browser Tools

If you would like to override existing styles of an element, you will need to find the CSS selector that it is currently using, and there is no better way to do that than to inspect your site with some kind of browser developer tool. Among other things, browser developer tools and extensions allow you to inspect the CSS of live sites and make changes to the CSS and view the live changes, without making any changes to the actual site. These tools are invaluable, and well worth the time it takes to learn them. There are several out there to use; see below for the different options we recommend.

Chrome Developer Tools

If you use Chrome, you already have built in browser tools to help you inspect your site. Just right click and choose ‘Inspect’ or use the F12 shortcut.

Chrome Inspect Tools

There is a lot of information out there on the web about Chrome Developer tools, but here are a few starter links to get you going.

Firefox Development Tools

Firefox also comes with its own set of Developer Tools, very much like Chrome. There is also even a Developer Edition of the browser. Please follow these links for more information on that.


CSS is an incredibly powerful too to change the way content displays. For a really interesting project that highlights this power, see CSS Zen Garden.

Having the ability to customize elements in Avada is the backbone of the ability to change the appearance of virtually any part of your Avada website, but CSS is a complex and deep topic, well beyond the scope of our support.

There are many, many resources on how to use CSS on the Internet, and it’s a very useful skill to learn. The Avada Users Group on Facebook regularly discusses CSS changes, and that may also be a good place for you to learn about CSS in a very specific Avada context.

How To Use Font Awesome Icons with Avada Tue, 09 Oct 2018 05:32:43 +0000

Font Awesome is the world’s most popular and easiest to use icon set. We have integrated it into Avada, so you can add any of the thousands of free Font Awesome Icons to your content. The full set of styling options available allows you to choose any icon size, weight, color, background, rotation, and more. And every icon is 100% full vector, so they look incredibly sharp and are retina-ready!

As well as all the free icons, there is also Font Awesome Pro Integration in Avada, giving you access to a crazy 22,000+ Font Awesome Icons through the Avada Builder.

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How To Use Font Awesome Icons with Avada

Before using Font Awesome Icons in Avada Builder, it’s best to start in the Global Options, as there are several options that affect how Font Awesome Icons are displayed in the Builder.

  • Font Awesome – Here, you can choose which subsets you want to load. If you have a Font Awesome Pro license, and you can connected it, you can also choose the Light subset, but otherwise you can display the Brands, Regular and the Solid subsets.

  • Font Awesome v4 Compatibility – Turn this on to enable support for Font Awesome 4 icon code format. You’ll generally only need to enable this is you have hard coded icons in your markup, for example:

    Copy to Clipboard
  • Font Awesome Pro – Turn this on to connect your Font Awesome Pro license.

Font Awesome Icon Options

Accessing Font Awesome Icons in Avada Builder

Once you’re set up in the options, you can add Font Awesome Icons in any of the Elements that support icons. If you want to add an icon on its own, use the new Icon Element. But icons can also be used in several other elements, including the Alert, Button, Checklist, and Content Boxes Element, to name just a few. In short, anywhere you find the Icon Picker, you will be able to use the Font Awesome Icons in your content.

Icon Picker

How To Fix Missing Font Awesome Icons Or Custom Fonts

There are a few scenarios when Font Awesome icons or Custom Fonts might not show up. Read below to see the most common causes of this issue.

Fonts Hosted On Different Domain

All browsers require fonts to be hosted on the same domain (and a sub-domain is considered a separate domain name). If your Font Awesome Icons or custom fonts are not showing up in a certain browser (mainly Firefox or IE), then you have two solutions for the issue.

1. Host the font on the same domain as the domain where the website is accessed.

2. Create or edit the .htaccess file in the root folder on the same domain where the fonts are hosted, and add the following code into it:

Copy to Clipboard

To create or edit your .htaccess file, you need to log in to your server via FTP or through your cPanel File Manager, and find the root folder of your WordPress installation (you can see the ‘wp-admin’, ‘wp-content’ etc folders there). If there is already a .htaccess file there, you can right click and edit it directly on the server if you are using File Manager. If you are using FTP, you will need to download it, edit it and then upload it. (In Filezilla, there is a right click ‘edit’ and this effectively does the same thing.)

If you don’t have a .htaccess file (on File Manager, make sure you have ‘Show Hidden Files (dotfiles)’ selected in the Settings Menu), then you will need to create one, add the code above, and upload it. You can do this in any text editor. For a more step by step tutorial, read this!

Edit your .htaccess file

Font Awesome Subsets Not Selected

Another scenario when the Font Awesome icons do not show, is when no Font Awesome font subset is selected in the Features section of the global options (Avada > Options > Advanced > Features > Font Awesome). Ensure at least one subset is selected.

Options > Features > Font Awesome > Set Selection

After Site Migration

In some cases, when users migrate sites, the Font Awesome files can still show a path to the old site, and this causes the font to now show. Resetting the Avada Caches easily fixes this (Avada > Options > Performance > Reset Avada Caches).

Reset Avada Caches
How To Offload Google Fonts Fri, 01 Jun 2018 12:07:58 +0000

When you are using Google fonts that usually mean retrieving the font files from their API, which includes sending the IP addresses of your users (which are considered to be private data) to Google. You might find that circumstance worrisome, but at the same time you don’t want to do without the nice typography options Google fonts offer.

Avada to the aid. We have a Global Option that easily allows you to decide whether Google fonts should retrieved via the Google fonts API, or if they should be hosted locally on your server.

To offload Google fonts, please go to Avada > Global Options > Privacy and set Google Fonts Mode option to ‘Local’.

Avada GDPR Google Fonts
How To Order Posts Thu, 26 Apr 2018 17:53:01 +0000

Ordering of posts, portfolio items, FAQs, products, and even events can be achieved by various means, but the method we recommend is to design a Post Card for your particular post type, and then display them via the Post Cards Element, and then use the ordering options available to sort them as you wish. Let’s look at what these are.

Post Cards Element Sorting Options

Order By Options

  • Date
  • Post Title

  • Post Slug

  • Author

  • ID

  • Number Of Comments

  • Last Modified

  • Random

  • Price

  • Popularity (Sales)

  • Average Rating

  • Event Date

These can be set to either Descending or Ascending.

So, in this way, with the Post Cards Element, you can select the post type to display (Post Type Option), select which items from that post type will display (Posts By Option), and then order those items in exactly the way you want.

FAQ Posts

An exception to this might be when displaying FAQ posts. Here, it might be preferabel to use the Sorting options in the FAQ Element itself. Check out the FAQ Element doc for full details on that powerful Element.

FAQ Element > Sorting Options

Reorder Standard & Custom Post Type Posts in WordPress by Published Date

By default, WordPress orders posts and custom posts types by their publish date. These include blog posts, portfolio posts, FAQs, and the like. Avada also reinforces this order with Avada sliders and Elastic sliders. To learn how to re-order posts and custom post types, please continue reading below.

Posts & Custom Post Types

Below are the posts and custom post types that you can re-order in WordPress by published date.

  • Media Posts – Media posts found in the ‘Media’ tab.
  • Orders – WooCommerce orders found in the ‘WooCommerce’ tab.
  • Coupons – WooCommerce coupons found in the ‘WooCommerce’ tab.
  • Avada Slides – Avada slides found in the ‘Avada Slider’ tab.

  • Elastic Slides – Elastic slides found in the ‘Elastic Slider’ tab.
  • Events – Events Calendar events found in the ‘Events’ tab.
  • Venues – Events Calendar venues found in the ‘Events’ tab.
  • Organizers – Events Calendar organizers found in the ‘Events’ tab.

Reorder Posts by Date

Because the posts are ordered by their publish date by default, you can manually manipulate your posts publish dates to get them in the order you’d prefer. The post with the oldest date appears last, and the post with the earliest date appears first.

Step 1 – Navigate to the posts you’d like to re-order. For example, blog posts in the ‘Posts’ tab.

Step 2 – Hover over a post, and you’ll see the ‘Quick Edit’ link. Click this to bring up the main details of a post, such as title, slug, date, and the like.

Step 3 – In the ‘Date’ field, change the date and time accordingly.

Step 4 – Repeat steps 2-3 for all the posts you’d like to re-order.

Post - Quick Edit Options
Post Order Manual

Using Post Types Order Plugin

If you want to manually reorder your posts you can use the Post Types Order plugin. It works for all Avada posts and post types, using a simple drag ‘n drop way for you to rearrange the order. Continue reading below to learn how to install and use this plugin.

How to install the Post Types Order plugin

Step 1 – Go to the Plugins > Add New tab of your WP admin sidebar.

Step 2 – In the search bar on the upper right side of the screen, search for ‘Post Types Order’. It’ll be the first search result and the plugin created by Nsp Code.

Step 3 – Once you’ve found the correct plugin, click the ‘Install Now’ button.

Step 4 – Wait for the plugin to finish installing. Once it’s finished, click the ‘Activate Plugin’ link and wait for the plugin to finish activating.

Post Types Order Plugin

Post Types Order Plugin Settings

Step 1 – Go to Settings > Post Types Order tab on your WP admin sidebar to bring up the options for the plugin.

Step 2 – On this page, you can set which interface to enable or disable. For example, you can choose ‘Hide’ for the Post option to disable the re-order feature on blog posts.

Step 3 – To re-order posts, hover on the tab of the post you’d like to re-order, then select ‘Re-Order’. For example, if you’d like to re-order your Portfolio posts, hover on the ‘Portfolio’ tab on your WP admin sidebar and select the ‘Re-Order’ option.

Post Types Order General Settings
How To Use Anchor Scrolling Thu, 12 May 2016 14:06:25 +0000

Anchor Scrolling is a great way to direct your user’s attention to important information at the click of a link. The intention is that when a user clicks the anchor link they will be scrolled smoothly to the information further down or up the page. If the action is not smooth, this means that the JavaScript code isn’t firing and the anchor isn’t set up correctly. Please read below to learn how to best set up anchor scrolling in Avada.

Setting up Anchor IDs

The first part of Anchor Scrolling is setting up your Anchor IDs. Anchor IDs allow you to target a specific section of a page, by adding an ID to the start of those sections. There are 2 common ways of adding Anchor IDs, depending on the section you’d like to target.

Containers – Name Of Menu Anchor Option 

The first method of adding Anchor IDs is to use the ‘Name Of Menu Anchor’ option located in Container elements. This option lets you add an Anchor ID to the Container itself. When using this method, the user will scroll to the beginning of the Container. If you just want to generally point your users to a section, then this is the best method.

Step 1Edit your chosen Container, and under the ‘General’ tab, locate the ‘Name of Menu Anchor’ option. In the text field, enter a unique Anchor ID. For example, aboutsection.

Step 2 – Once finished, save your changes.

Anchor Menu Container Name

Menu Anchor Element

The second method of adding Anchor IDs is to use the Menu Anchor element. This allows you to target a specific section inside a container. For example, if you’d like to target specific content, then you would place a Menu Anchor element directly above it. That way, the user scrolls directly to the content you’d like them to see rather than just the beginning of the section it’s a part of.

Step 1 – Add the Menu Anchor element directly above the content you want the achor to scroll to.

Step 2 – In the ‘Name’ field, enter a unique Anchor ID. For example, aboutme.

Step 3 – Once finished, save your changes.

Anchor Menu Anchor Element

Once you’re finished adding your Anchor IDs, it’s time to add your Anchor links. There are multiple ways to add Anchor Links into your content depending on where you’d like to place them. Continue reading below to learn more about each method, and when to use them.

If you want your link to be a button, simply add a Button element where you want it on the page, and simply add your anchor id name preceded by a hashtag (eg, #aboutsection) to the Button URL option. That’s it. Clicking on this button will then scroll the user to either the top of the Container where the Menu Anchor Option was entered, or the section of the Container where the Menu Anchor Element was added.

When you use anchors on your menu items, it will always automatically scroll to the corresponding section. To learn how to create one page websites or how to use anchors on your menus correctly, please read our How To Build A One Page Website With Avada doc. If you want to use anchor links as well as normal links on your site, please read our One Page Menu With Multi-Page Links doc.

You can also add anchor links using the One Page Text Link Element. This element is an Inline Element and can be inserted via the WordPress Content Editor. It can be used with any basic HTML elements like plain text and images. See the One Page Text Link Element for full details on this Element, but its basic usage is shown below.

Step 1 – Set up your Menu Anchors as instructed in the area ‘Setting Up Anchor IDs’ section above.

Step 2 – Add any element that allows for regular text to be inserted via the WordPress Content Editor. For example, the Text Block Element.

Step 3 – Edit the Text Block element to bring up the Element Settings window.

Step 4 – Locate the WordPress content editor field. On the toolbar, you’ll find the Avada Builder Element Generator icon. Click the Element Generator to bring up the selection window.

Step 5 – Locate the ‘One Page Text Link’ element, then click it to bring up it’s options window.

Step 6 – In the ‘Name Of Anchor’ option, enter the anchor name of the section you’d like to link to with a hashtag ( # ). For example, if your anchor is aboutme, then you’ll need to enter #aboutme.

Step 7 – Once finished, click ‘Insert’. You can then add content into the Text Block element as normal. Once you’re done, click ‘Save’ to save your changes.

Anchor Menu One Page Text Link

Adding Anchor Links As Classes

When you’re not using menu items or can’t use a One Page Text Link element, then you can add a custom class to the anchor itself. There are two classes you can add for different circumstances. These two classes are fusion-one-page-text-link and fusion-menu.


You can add the fusion-one-page-text-link class to any link you add to Text Block elements, Checklist elements, Slider elements, etc. Basically, anytime you add an

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tag, you can also add

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into the

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tag. For example:

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Anchor Menu CSS Class


You can use the fusion-menu class if you’re adding anchor links to elements that hav a ‘Link’ option available. For example, elements such as Image Frames, Countdowns, Image Carousels, Content Boxes and etc. To set this up, insert the anchor link into the ‘Link URL’ option, and then the

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class in the ‘Class’ option. For an example, refer to the image below.

Anchor Menu Link Setting

Linking To A Section On Another Page

If you’re linking to a specific section of a page, from one page to another, you’ll need to use an Absolute Link rather than just a Relative Link. Continue reading below to learn how to correctly link to a section on another page.

Step 1 – Set up your Menu Anchors as instructed in the area ‘Setting Up Anchor IDs’ section above. This is where your menu item will scroll to.

Step 2 – You’ll need to use an Absolute Link to navigate to a different page as well as the element’s ID that you want to navigate to. That will look like

This will direct you to your homepage, then your browser will “look” for the #aboutme ID and scroll to that location. Below is an example of this using a Button Element.

Anchor Menu Linking To Another Page

Anchor Linking To A Specific Toggle Or FAQ Item

You can also link to a specific toggle or FAQ item.

Step 1 – Load page (for example,

Step 2 – Scroll to toggles and right click on specific toggle item, as seen in the screenshot below (eg.How do I Get Started)

Step 3 – Select copy link address to get URL (eg

Anchor Menu Linking To Another Page

Step 4 – You can then use that link directly as part of a Button Element etc.

Using an Underscore In The Anchor Link Address

Linking from one page to another while using anchor scrolling, will cause Avada to add an underscore character between the # character and the actual target ID (the anchor name). This can cause problems in some uses, but is required for triggering the theme’s smooth scrolling script.

There are instances where users may want the ability to remove the default underscore from the URL. (eg. when linking to a non-Avada area of your site; like a specific location in a PDF document OR off your site entirely.) When that is needed, you can add the class

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to the element or link.

Methods You Can Use To Add This Class To Your Links

  • When adding to an element, you can add the class to the Custom CSS area.
  • When adding the link as a direct text link in the default editor, you can add it through a class attribute.
  • If you’re adding your link through a Custom Link WordPress menu item, you can add it to the Custom Class field for the menu item.

Note: If you do remove the underscore from the URL, it will disabling smooth scrolling for that link. So it shouldn’t be used unless you’re not intending on navigating with smooth scrolling.
