How To Register For My Avada (Support & License Management Portal)

Last Update: March 1, 2024

Avada comes with 6 months of included support and free lifetime updates. Once the 6 months of included support is up, you can extend support coverage for 6 or 12 months further. If you choose not to extend your support, you will still be able to submit bug reports via email or item comments and still have access to our online documentation and video tutorials.

Follow this link for more information on Envato’s item support terms and conditions.

We have an advanced, secure ticket system to handle your requests. Support is limited to questions regarding Avada’s features or issues arising from usage. We are not able to provide support for code customizations or third-party plugins. If you need help with anything other than minor customizations, we suggest enlisting the help of a developer. Read on to find out How To Register For My Avada, and watch the video for a visual overview.

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Create A User Account

To create an Avada user account, head to This will take you to the Login page, but to register, simply click the Create Account link to be taken to the page.

To register, you need to add a valid Avada purchase code, or Import your purchase codes from Envato.

With the purchase code, you can add a single purchase code, or you can also import all your Avada purchase Codes directly from you Envato account. You can also do this from within My Avada once you have registered.

My Avada > Create Account

If you are unsure about where to locate your Purchase Codes, please see the How To Locate Your Purchase Code on ThemeForest doc. To import your purchase codes from Envato, simply click on the Import From Envato button. This opens a window where you can login and connect to the Envato API (this is the same login as your ThemeForest account).

My Avada > Create Account > Envato Connection > Sign in

When you login, you will be met by another screen, asking you to Approve My Avada to connect to your Envato account. You can see specificially what access is granted on this screen. You must click Approve for the purchase codes to be imported.

My Avada > Create Account > Envato Connection > My Avada Approval

Finally, when you click on Approve, another window will quickly appear and then close, and you will be back on the Create Account page, and a message will be displayed explaining that if there are any Avada purchase codes on that Envato account, they will be imported into the Avada account when you click on Create Account.

My Avada > Create Account > Envato Connection Successful

At this point, all you need to do is to add your name, a unique username, a valid email address, and your chosen password into the relevant fields and then click Create Account. An email will be sent to your email address with a link to validate your account. Simply click on Verify Account, and you will be directed to a page confimring the verificaton was successful. From here, simply click on View Dashboard.

My Avada > Email Account Verification
My Avada > Email Account Verification Success

The My Avada Dashboard

Once you are logged in, you will see the following user dashboard. Here you can manage your licenses, submit a support ticket, or engage with us on various aspects of Avada’s development.

My Avada Dashboard

Please follow the link below for more information on how to use My Avada, or for more information on managing Avada licences.

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