Off Canvas – Avada Website Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce Mon, 22 Jul 2024 20:26:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Make A Flyout Menu With The Off Canvas Builder Mon, 01 May 2023 23:51:45 +0000

With the Off Canvas Builder, it is possible to create Flyout menus for your website, using the full features of Avada Builder. Read on to find out how to do this, and watch the video for a visual overview.

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Creating & Configuring Your Off Canvas

To start the process, head to Avada > Off Canvas. You can find this from the toolbar on the Avada Dashboard, or from the sidebar in WordPress.

A Flyout menu sounds like it should Fly out, but essentially, it’s just a menu overlaid on the content, typically in full screen. How it appears is really up to you. A Popup is more typical but you could also use a Sliding Bar for a Flyout menu. You can adjust the width and height of the Off Canvas in the General Tab. As mentioned, flyout menus are typically full screen, but they don’t have to be.

For the example in the video above, a default 1/1 container/column combo was added, and the background color of the container was set to transparent.

In the Off Canvas options, the Popup was set to 100% width, and Full Height, with Center Content Alignment. There was a background color added to the Design tab of the Off Canvas (Black at 85%) and on the Overlay tab, a background image was added, centered with no repeat. Some margin and colors were added to the Close tab, and the Enable Conditions option on the Conditions tab was set to yes. No Triggers or Rules were set.

For full details, watch the video above, but there are many ways a Flyout Menu could be configured. See the How To Use The Off Canvas Builder doc and video for a full rundown on the available options.

Off Canvas > Video Example Setup

Creating The Content

Once you have configured the Off Canvas, it’s time to add your content. This can be anything of course, but for a Flyout Menu, you’re going to need the Menu Element at the very least. You can also configure your containers and columns as you wish. As mentioned previously, the container added in the video for the Popup content was left at default, except it had the background color set to transparent.

The content added was an Image Element, a Menu Element, and a Button Element. The Menu was set to Vertical, centered in the column, and had the font color and size adjusted. One thing to note with Flyout Menus is that they don’t work well with menus with submenu items.

Off Canvas > Video Content Setup

Setting The Trigger

With the Off Canvas Builder, you can set any number of triggers for your Popups and Sliding Bars. But with a Flyout menu, you would likely be triggering the Off Canvas from an icon in your Header. So this would be the rare instance when the Menu Element would not be needed in a Header Layout.

Instead, for a Flyout Menu, you can trigger your Off Canvas in two ways. Let’s have a look at these.

Icon Dynamic Link Method

The simplest method, and the method used in the video, is to use the Dynamic Content option in the Link option of the Icon Element. Here you select Open Off Canvas as the Dynamic Content, and then select your Off Canvas from the Dropdown list. For other popups, you might use the Toggle Off Canvas option, but in the example in the video, the Close Icon in the actual Off Canvas content is used to Close the Flyout Menu, as it is full screen, and covers the icon in the header.

Off Canvas Trigger On Click Method

Another method is to use the Trigger Options in the Off Canvas Options tab. With this method, you set a trigger of On Click on the Triggers tab and add an Element Selector under that. Here you insert an element CSS selector, either class or ID, ex: .icon_menu, #icon_menu. Then, in the actual icon in the header, you add your CSS Class or CSS ID in the relevant option. So for #icon_menu, you would add icon_menu (without the hashtag) in the CSS ID field, as # is for CSS IDs.

Configuring the Header

As mentioned before, with a Flyout menu, you don’t need the Menu Element in the Header Layout. All you need is an icon to trigger the Flyout.

In the video above, the menu element is removed and an Icon Element is added instead. Then, in the Link Opition, the dynamic content option was selected and Open Off Canvas was chosen. It’s a simple matter then to select your Off Canvas Flyout Menu. That’s it. Save the header layout, and now you have a great-looking flyout menu for your site instead.

Flyout Menu > Icon Trigger
How To Make A Popup With The Off Canvas Builder Sun, 05 Mar 2023 21:35:38 +0000

The Off Canvas Builder in Avada has two types of Off Canvas – the Popup, and the Sliding Bar. The Popup is the default Off Canvas type, and with this you can create all manner of popups on your site, reducing the need for further third party plugins. Read on to discover how to create a popup with the Off Canvas Builder, and watch the video below for a detailed overview of the process.

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Create & Configure The Popup

To create a Popup with the Off Canvas Builder, the first thing to do is to go to Avada > Off Canvas, and create your Off Canvas. There are a number of Popups in Avada Studio you can use as a starting point, or you can just create your own from scratch by adding a container/column layout.

The next step is to configure your Popup. What you choose here will be entirely dependent on what you want to create. Go through each tab, and make your selections. If you are unsure of what’s possible, watch the video above for an example of what you can do. See the How To Use The Off Canvas Builder doc for full details on the configuration tabs.

With a popup, the Conditions and Trigger tabs will play a large role. Conditions determine where the popup will be active, and the Trigger tab is the place to configure how you want the popup to be triggered. Perhaps it’s when a user shows exit intent, or maybe it’s after a certain number of seconds. This tool is so flexible, that we can only really give an example. The rest is up to you.

Add Your Content

Once your Off Canvas settings are good, it’s time to make the content. Again, this this entirely depend on your desired content, and can be anything you can add with the Avada Builder. It could be a Newsletter Subscrioption Form, a floating Contact sidebar, a promo code offer, or anything else your imagination cane come up with. Watch the video above for one example, or review the Avada Studio Off Canvas examples for some other ideas.

How To Make A Push Menu With The Off Canvas Builder Sun, 05 Mar 2023 20:06:06 +0000

A push menu is simply a menu in a sidebar, that pushes the page content across as it opens. And the Off Canvas Builder is just the tool to build one of these. Read on to discover how to create your own push menu, and watch the video below for a detailed overview of the process.

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Create & Configure The Off Canvas

The type of Off Canvas you want for a push menu is a Sliding Bar. So the first thing to do is to go to Avada > Off Canvas, and create your Off Canvas. Give it a name, and change the type to Sliding Bar.

You will need to configure the Off Canvas as you require, but the main settings you need to make a Push Menu is to make the Off Canvas a Sliding Bar, and to set the Push Transition option.

You might also want to turn off the Close Button option on the Close tab, as a Push menu would typically be toggled from the main menu in the header. For that reason, you don’t need any Conditions or Triggers for a Push Menu Off Canvas.

Add Your Content

Once your Off Canvas settings are good, it’s time to make the content. Again, this this entirely depend on your desired content, but it’s not a Push menu without a menu, so you will at least be adding the Menu Element. Add your other content and style it as you wish. Watch the video above for an example.

Set The Trigger

A sliding bar needs to be triggered, and there are many ways to do this. As explained above, for a push menu, this would typically be from the main menu. Alternatively though, you might want to set it up so that it opens with the page, or perhaps even some other way. See the Triggers section of the Off Canvas to set internal triggers, or add a menu, as in the video above. For the menu option, you would use the Off Canvas Toggle Special Menu Item in a header menu, to trigger the Push Menu. See this section of the video for exact details of that process.

Once you have your trigger in place, you are done. When the sidebar triggers on the front end, it will now push the content across, giving you a push menu.

How To Use The Off Canvas Builder Wed, 15 Dec 2021 00:44:26 +0000

The Off Canvas Builder allows you to create a huge range of Off Canvases for your Avada website. An Off Canvas is basically a panel that is positioned outside of the viewport that appears when activated. With this tool, you can create a wide range of popups, sliding bars, and even flyout and push menus.

To get started with Off Canvas, head to Avada > Off Canvas. Here, you create your Off Canvas items, as well as configure how they work, and the conditions under which they operate. Read on to find out more about this very versatile builder, and watch the video below for a visual overview.

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How To Create A New Off Canvas

The Off Canvas Builder is found at Avada > Off Canvas, from the WordPress sidebar, or from the menu on the Avada Dashboard. This is where you create and manage all your Off Canvas creations.

To get started, simply give your new Off Canvas a name, and click on Create New Off Canvas. Depending on whether you have Avada Builder Auto Activation turned on or not in the Avada Builder Options (Avada Dasboard > Options > Builder Options) you will be taken directly to the Avada Builder, or alternatively, the WordPress editor. In that case, simply click on your choice of builder, either Avada Builder, or Avada Live to start building.

In either case, the first thing you see is a choice to either Add a Container and start building from scratch, or to open Avada Studio. and import a prebuilt Off Canvas.

Off Canvas > Start Page

Avada Studio is a great place to start. There is a range of prebuilt Off Canvas items here you can use, and these come fully designed and pre-configured. Simply select the one you want and it will be imported ready for you to customize. This is a great way for you to familiarize yourself with the different types of Off Canvases that can be made, and also how to configure them.

Off Canvas > Avada Studio

If you choose instead to build an Off Canvas from scratch, simply select your starting Container/Column combination and get building. You have the full range of Avada Design Elements to build with.

Building And Configuring An Off Canvas

Creating an Off Canvas comes in two concurrent stages, building and configuring. The content comes from the Builder, and you can add anything at all into your Off Canvas using the Avada Builder. You have the full range of Design Elements at your disposal. The Off Canvas Builder can be used to create Popups, and a range of Sliding Bars and Flyout and Push Menus, but the reality is that these are simply off canvas panels, and you can add anything you want to them.

Configuration happens via the Off Canvas Options, found in the Avada Page Options panel position. In Avada Live, this is on the Sidebar and is active while you are building, and in Avada Builder, it’s at the bottom of the page. As mentioned, the configuration and build process happen concurrently, as some of the Off Canvas Options will also affect the look of the Off Canvas. Let’s go through the full range of configuration tabs.

Off Canvas Option Tabs

Settings Tab

The Settings Tab is simply where you name the Off Canvas, and its slug, and this is generated automatically when you create your Off Canvas initially. Unless you want to rename your Off Canvas, you won’t need to do anything here.

  • Page Title

  • Slug

Preview Tab

On this tab, you can configure Dynamic Content options for the dynamic preview.

  • View Dynamic Content As – Make a selection to view dynamic content as a specific item.

  • Select (Dynamic Content Type) – Choose to select specific content for dynamic preview. Leave Empty for random selection.

  • Preview – Click to render the dynamic preview.

General Tab

This is the main configuration tab for your Off Canvas. Here, you control the type of Off Canvas (Popup or Sliding Bar) and adjust its width, height and various other alignment options. There are unique options for each Off Canvas type, which you can see below.

General Tab – Popups

  • Off Canvas TypeSelect Off Canvas type. Choose from Popup or Sliding Bar.

  • Width – Set the width. Enter value including any valid CSS unit, ex: 800px.

  • Height – Select the height. Choose from Fit With Content, Full Height, or Custom Height.

  • Horizontal Position – Set the horizontal position, start and end depend on your website direction. Choose from Start, Center, or End.

  • Vertical Position – Set the vertical position, start and end depend on your website direction. Choose from Top, Center, or Bottom.

  • Content Layout Defines how the content should be positioned. If block is selected it will not use flex positioning and will instead allow floated elements. Choose from Column, Row or Block.

  • Content AlignmentDefines how the content containers should align. Choose from Flex Start, Center, Flex End, Space Between, Space Around, or Space Evenly.

  • CSS Class – Allows you to add a class for the column.

  • CSS ID – Add a unique ID to the wrapping HTML element. This ID will used in Off Canvas link.

General Tab – Sliding Bar

  • Off Canvas TypeSelect Off Canvas type. Choose from Popup or Sliding Bar.

  • Default StateSet the default state. Choose from Closed or Open.

  • Positon Set the position of the sliding bar. Choose from Top, Right, Bottom or Left.

  • Transition Set the transition of the sliding bar. Choose from Overlap or Push. (Only with Left or Right selected)

  • Width – Set the width. Enter value including any valid CSS unit, ex: 800px.

  • Height – Set the height. Enter value including any valid CSS unit, ex: 300px (Only with Top or Bottom selected)

  • Content Layout Defines how the content should be positioned. If block is selected it will not use flex positioning and will instead allow floated elements. Choose from Column, Row or Block.

  • Content AlignmentDefines how the content containers should align. Choose from Flex Start, Center, Flex End, Space Between, Space Around, or Space Evenly.

  • Content Vertical AlignmentChoose how to align Content containers vertically. (Only when Row is selected)

  • Wrap Content“Wrap” wraps elements onto multiple rows, while “No Wrap” will force rlements onto one row. (Only when Row is selected)

  • CSS Class – Allows you to add a class for the column.

  • CSS ID – Add a unique ID to the wrapping HTML element. This ID will used in Off Canvas link.

Design Tab

The Design Tab allows you to configure your Off Canvas, with background color or image, border options, as well as any margin, padding and box shadow.

  • Background ColorControls the background color of the Off Canvas.

  • Background ImageUpload an image to display in the background.

  • Scrollbar Hide or customize Off Canvas scrollbar. Styling and support varies depending on the browser. Choose from Default, Custom, orHidden.

  • Scrollbar BackgroundControls the background color for the scrollbar (Only if Custom chosen above).

  • Scrollbar Color HandleControls the color for the scrollbar handle (Only if Custom chosen above).

  • Border Radius – Controls the border radius. Enter values including any valid CSS unit, ex: 10px.

  • Border Width – Enter values including any valid CSS unit, ex: 10px.

  • Border Color – Controls the border color. Leave empty for default value.

  • Margin – Enter values including any valid CSS unit, ex: 4%. Controls the margin around the Element.

  • Padding – Controls the padding for the button. Leave empty for default values.

  • Z-IndexEnter the value for z-index CSS property, can be both positive or negative.

  • Box Shadow – Set to “Yes” to enable box shadows.

  • Box Shadow Position – Set the vertical and horizontal position of the box shadow. Positive values put the shadow below and right of the box, negative values put it above and left of the box. In pixels.

  • Box Shadow Blur Radius – Set the blur radius of the box shadow. In pixels. From 0 – 100.

  • Box Shadow Spread Radius – Set the spread radius of the box shadow. A positive value increases the size of the shadow, a negative value decreases the size of the shadow. In pixels, from 0- 100.

  • Box Shadow Color – Controls the color of the box shadow.

Overlay Tab

The overlay tab controls the styling of the background page content when the Off Canvas is active. It can be disabled entirely, or configured with color, scrollbars, and even background images.

  • OverlayChoose Ye, or No, to enable, or disable, an overlay on the page content. The remaining options will only be visible is Yes is selected.

  • Z IndexValue for overlay’s z-index CSS property, can be both positive or negative.

  • Page ScrollbarEnable / Disable page scrollbar when Off Canvas is open.

  • Background ColorControls the background color for overlay.

  • Background ImageUpload an image to display in the background.


The Close tab allows you to configure how your Off Canvas will close, and you can adjust the close button with icon, icon size, color and margins etc.

  • Close With ESC KeyEnable/Disable. When enabled, you can use the ESC button to close the Off Canvas.

  • Automatically Close After TimeSet time in seconds to close Off Canvas automatically after it has passed, Leave empty to remain open.

  • Close ButtonEnable/Disable close button.

  • PositionSet close button position. Choose from Right or Left.

  • Show Close Button After TimeSet time in seconds to show the close button, Leave empty to immediately show.

  • Close Button MarginSet the margin of the close button. Default is 20px from the top and the selected position side. Enter values including any valid CSS unit. Negative values are accepted.

  • Close Icon ColorSet the color of the close icon.

  • Close Icon Hover ColorSet the hover color of the close icon.

  • Close Icon SizeSet the size of the close icon.

  • Custom IconSelect a custom icon for the close button.

Animation Tab

The Animation tab allows you to configure both an Enter and Exit animation for your Off Canvas, giving you a range of effects for the way it enters and leaves the page.

  • Enter Animation – Set the enter Off Canvas animation.. Choose between Slide, Bounce, or Fade.

  • Enter Animation Speed – Set the speed of animation. Choose between 0.1 to 5.

  • Exit Animation – Set the exit Off Canvas animation. Choose between Slide, Bounce, or Fade.

  • Exit Animation Speed – Set the speed of animation. Choose between 0.1 to 5.

Conditions Tab

When an Off Canvas is created, they are not active by default. They are essentially in a draft state, so you can decide when, where and how they are activated. This is achived on the Conditions tab. Simply setting the Enable Conditions option to Yes makes the off Canvas live and global, i.e. displayed on every page.

You can also click on Manage Conditions to open the Conditions dialog, where you can specify exactly what parts of your site you want your Off Canvas to be active for. Using this method, you must select which pages and post types to both enable and disable with the Off Canvas.

  • Enable ConditionsSet conditions for displaying Off Canvas. NOTE: Off Canvas won’t be displayed at all, when this is turned off.

  • Conditions Load Off Canvas on these pages. Default is ‘Display on Entire Site’. Click Manage Conditions to open the Conditions dialog.

Triggers Tab

Triggers are managed on the Triggers Tab, and here you can set a range of automatic triggers like On Page Load, Time On Page, On Scoll etc. There is also an option to set an Element Selector for manual triggering of your Off Canvas from a button or other trigger.

Outside of this tab, there are also a couple more ways to trigger an Off Canvas. The first one of these is through the use of an Avada Special Menu Item. By adding the Off Canvas Toggle Special menu Item to a menu, you can add a menu link to toggle a specified Off Canvas. See the Avada Special Menu Items doc for more information on this method.

Another way to trigger an Off Canvas is through the use of Dynamic Content. For example, you could add a Button with dynamic content as the Button URL. There are three dynamic content options to use: Toggle Off Canvas, Open Off Canvas, and Close Off Canvas.

See our video on How To Trigger an Avada Off Canvas for a rundown of the options and some examples.

And now, you can also trigger an Off Canvas from an Avada Form Submission. With these methods, you have great diversity with how to trigger your off canvas creations. Go wild!

  • On Page LoadDisplay Off Canvas on page load.

  • Time On Page Display Off Canvas after visitor spend a specific amount of time on the page in seconds.

  • Time On Page Duration (Seconds)Set the time in seconds to display the Off Canvas ex: 5. (Only when above option is set to Yes)

  • On Scroll Display Off Canvas if the visitor has scrolled up or down to a specific position or element.

  • Scroll Direction – Up or Down. (Only when On Scroll option is set to Yes)

  • Scroll ToChoose whether the scroll trigger should be relative to position or element on the page. (Only when On Scroll option is set to Yes and Scroll Direction is set to Down)

  • Scroll PositionSet the scroll position. Enter value including any valid CSS unit, ex: 300px. (Only when On Scroll option is set to Yes and Scroll Direction is set to Down)

  • Scroll ElementInsert element CSS selector like class or ID, ex: .element-class, #element-ID. (Only when On Scroll option is set to Yes)

  • On ClickDisplay Off Canvas if visitor clicks on the element.

  • Element SelectorInsert element CSS selector like class or ID ex: .element-class, #element-ID. (Only when above option is set to Yes)

  • Exit IntentDisplay Off Canvas when visitor intends to close or leave the page.

  • After InactivityDisplay Off Canvas if visitor is inactive for a specific amount of time in seconds.

  • Inactivity Duration (Seconds) Set the time in seconds to display the Off Canvas ex: 30. (Only when above option is set to Yes)

  • After Product Is Added to CartDisplay Off Canvas after WooCommerce product is added to cart. (Only when WooCommerce is installed).

Rules Tab

The Rules Tab allows you to configure rules around the display of your Off Canvas. These include showing the Off Canvas first after a specified number of page views, sessions or minutes, or even when your users are coming from a certain page, or exiting to a certain page. Combined with the Conditions, and the the Triggers, this gives you a very powerful system for controlling the display of your Off Canvases.

  • Frequency Select display frequency for the Off Canvas.

  • Number Of DaysSet the number of days to display the off canvas. (Only when Show On Specific Day is selected in Frequency)

  • Number Of TimesSet the Off Canvas display count ex: 3. (Only when Show up to x times is slected in Frequency)

  • Show After x Page viewsDisplay Off Canvas after visitor views a specific number of pages.

  • Number of Page ViewsSet the number of page views to display the Off Canvas ex: 3. (Only when the above option is set to Yes)

  • Show After x SessionsDisplay Off Canvas after a specific number of sessions.

  • Number of SessionsSet the number of visiting sessions to display the Off Canvas ex: 3. (Only when the above option is set to Yes)

  • Show Up To x TimesDisplay Off Canvas for a specific number times.

  • Number of TimesSet the Off Canvas display count ex: 3. (Only when the above option is set to Yes)

  • Show When Arriving FromSelect or leave Blank for all.

  • Users Display Off Canvas for all users, logged in users, a specific users roles or logged out users.

  • User RolesDisplay Off Canvas for specific user roles. Leave blank for all. (Only when Logged in users selected above)

  • Device Display Off Canvas for all devices or a specific devices. Leave Blank for all.

Custom CSS Tab

If you need even more control, there is a Custom CSS tab, which you can use to apply custom css for the specific Off Canvas.

  • CSS Code – Enter your CSS code in the field below. Do not include any tags or HTML in the field. Custom CSS entered here will override the theme CSS. In some cases, the !important tag may be needed. Don’t URL encode image or svg paths. Contents of this field will be auto encoded.

Import / Export Tab

Finally, like any Page Option Set, you can Import or Export your Off Canvas options, for reuse on other Off Canvases.

  • Import Page OptionsImport Page Options. You can import via file or copy and paste from JSON data.

  • Export Page OptionsExport your Page Options. You can either export as a file or copy the data.

Edit Off Canvas

The Avada Off Canvas Builder negates the need for any popup builder plugin, as well as allowing you to add a wide range of sliding bars. The flexibility this tool affords means that it is limited only by your imagination. What Off Canvas are you going to build?

Avada Special Menu Items Mon, 06 Jul 2020 22:13:23 +0000

On the WordPress Menu page, you will find the Avada Special Menu Items. These are at the bottom of the Add Menu Items dialog, found at Appearance > Menus. You can use these special items to add these specific features to your menu when using the Menu Element. Read on to learn more about the special items.

Avada Special Menu Items

How To Use The Avada Special Menu Items

There are a number of special menu items, that we used to add into the menu automatically. Now, you have full control to place them in the menu where you like, plus more control over the appearance/icon. These items can be added to a menu when you build it, at Appearance > Menus. Simply select the one you want and click Add to Menu, Each one has their own Avada Menu Options dialog to help style the menu item.

Adding Special Menu Items

Avada Special Menu Items


With this item, you can add the Search function to your Menu, rather than using the Search Element. It has a custom Avada Menu Options dialog with just the one setting. With this you choose the style of the Search bar.

  • Inline – A search field displays in the menu, with an icon and a tooltip.

  • Dropdown – This displays the word Search and an optional icon, and the search field displays on rollover in a dropdown field.

  • Overlay – A search icon displays on the menu, and when clicked, the entire menu area is overlaid with a Search field.

Avada Menu Options > Search

Log Out

With this item, you can add a Log Out option to your Menu. It has an Avada Menu Options dialog with Button, Icon and Highlight styling options.

Avada Special Menu Items > Log Out > Menu Options

Sliding Bar Toggle

With this item, you can add a Sliding Bar toggle to your menu. It has a couple of settings around the Icon shown.

Avada Menu Options > Sliding Bar Toggle

Off Canvas Toggle

With this item, you can add the any Off Canvas to your Menu, allowing you to toggle it via a menu link.

Avada Special Menu Items > Off Canvas

WooCommerce Cart

With this item, you can add the WooCommerce Cart to your Menu. It has a custom Avada Menu Options dialog with WooCommerce cart relevant settings.

Avada Special Menu Item - WooCommerce Cart

WooCommerce My Account

With this item, you can add the WooCommerce My Account to your Menu. It has a custom Avada Menu Options dialog with settings for the Icon.

Avada Menu Options > WooCommerce My Account