Legacy – Avada Website Builder https://avada.com For WordPress & WooCommerce Sun, 06 Oct 2024 21:44:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 Assigning A Posts Page https://avada.com/documentation/assigning-a-posts-page/ Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:06:52 +0000 https://avada.com/?post_type=documentation&p=892908

Assigning A Posts Page

The standard WordPress method for setting up a blog is to assign a blog or post page. It’s as easy as making a new blank page to hold the posts, and then telling WordPress to use that page as the post page. This method is very easy to implement, but lacks the flexibility of other methods, such as the Post Card or Blog Elements.

Step 1 – Create a new page by navigating to the ‘Pages’ tab in your WordPress admin sidebar. Once here, click the ‘Add New’ button at the top of the page.

Step 2 – Input a new name for your page, like ‘News’ or ‘Blog’, then find the ‘Page Attributes’ box on the right side. Under the Template section, ensure the ‘Default Template’ option is selected.

Step 3 – If you wish, you can choose to customize the page using options located under the Avada Page Options. When you’re done, click ‘Publish’ to save the page.

Step 4 – To set a page as your main blog page, navigate to Settings > Reading and find the ‘Posts Page’ option, then select the page you have created from the dropdown list. Doing this will automatically pull your blog posts and place them on the assigned page.

Assigned Blog Page

Avada Global Options For The Assigned Blog Page

When using the assigned posts page as described above, all the options for it are located in the Avada > Options > Blog tabs. There are dozens of options to choose from like layout, sidebars, excerpts, full width, etc. There are general blog options, single post page options, and blog meta options. Each one has titles and descriptions to help you better understand what they do. For full details, see the Blog Global Options doc.

Avada Builder Hooks: Actions and Filters https://avada.com/documentation/avada-builder-hooks-actions-and-filters/ Sun, 30 Apr 2023 21:20:42 +0000 https://avada.com/?post_type=documentation&p=892349

Here is a list of actions and filters that are available for the Avada Builder plugin. If you would like to view hooks for the Avada WordPress Builder, then please click the button bellow.

Actions List

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Description: This hook is executed before Fusion Builder initialization.

Arguments: None.
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File: fusion-builder/front-end/class-fusion-builder-front.php

Description: This hook is executed after live editor templates are loaded.

Arguments: None.
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File: fusion-builder/front-end/class-fusion-builder-front.php

Description: This hook is executed after live editor scripts are enqueued.

Arguments: None.
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File: fusion-builder/inc/bootstrap.php

Description: This hook is executed when library files are loaded in Fusion Builder.

Arguments: None
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File: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-builder.php

Description: This hook is executed to init shortcodes.

Arguments: None
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File: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-builder-library-table.php

Description: This hook is executed for display of library element columns.

Arguments: $column_id $item
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File: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-builder-library.php

Description: This hook is executed after a library element is created.

Arguments: None
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File: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-builder.php

Description: This hook is executed after backend editor scripts are enqueued.

Arguments: None
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File: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-custom-icons-table.php

Description: This hook is executed for display of custom icons columns.

Arguments: None
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Description: This hook is executed to filter meta data in live editor.

Arguments: None.
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File: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-dynamic-data-callbacks.php

Description: This hook can be used to pause meta data filter in live editor.

Arguments: None.
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File: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-dynamic-data-callbacks.php

Description: This hook can be used to resume meta data filter in live editor.

Arguments: None.
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File: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-template-builder-table.php

Description: This hook is executed for display of theme builder layout section columns.

Arguments: None
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Description: This hook is executed to make actual post content non editable in live editor.

Arguments: None
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Description: This hook is executed to make actual post content editable in live editor.

Arguments: None
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File: fusion-builder/front-end/class-fusion-builder-front.php

Description: This hook can be used to enqueue separate scripts when developer mode is enabled.

Arguments: None
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File: fusion-builder/inc/templates.php

Description: This hook is executed before builder templates are added.

Arguments: None
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File: fusion-builder/inc/templates.php

Description: This hook is executed after builder templates are added.

Arguments: None
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File: fusion-builder/inc/templates/app.php

Description: This hook is executed before builder container content is added.

Arguments: None
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File: fusion-builder/inc/templates/app.php

Description: This hook is executed after builder container content.

Arguments: None
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File: fusion-builder/shortcodes/components/templates/fusion-tb-comments.php

Description: This hook is executed before theme builder comments section is displayed.

Arguments: None
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File: fusion-builder/shortcodes/fusion-blog.php

Description: This hook is executed to get blog timeline layout date.

Arguments: $date_params
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File: fusion-builder/shortcodes/fusion-blog.php

Description: This hook is executed before blog shortcode loop.

Arguments: None
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File: fusion-builder/shortcodes/fusion-blog.php

Description: This hook is executed after blog shortcode loop.

Arguments: None
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File: fusion-builder/shortcodes/fusion-blog.php

Description: This hook is executed to get date and format section for medium alternate and large alternate layouts in blog element.

Arguments: None
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File: fusion-builder/shortcodes/fusion-events.php

Description: This hook is executed to get placeholder image in events.

Arguments: fixed
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File: fusion-builder/templates/template-page.php

Description: This hook is executed before template builder content element is displayed.

Arguments: None
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File: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-form-submit.php

Description: This hook is executed after Fusion form submission data is ready.

Arguments: $form_data $form_post_id

Filters List

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File: Avada/includes/class-fusion-builder-migrate.php

Description: Used to support migration of Custom Post Types that use Fusion Builder elements in Avada 5.0 or higher.

Default Value: None
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Description: Allows to filter Fusion Builder elements for JS object.

Default Value: $fusion_builder_elements
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Files: fusion-builder/inc/shortcodes.php

Description: Allows to filter Fusion Builder elements parameters.

Arguments: $params $shortcode
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Files: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-template-builder.php

Description: Allows to filter Fusion Builder template section tag.

Arguments: $default_tag $section_name
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File: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php

Description: Let's you control the default values that should be set for portfolio element.

Default Value: $defaults
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File: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php

Description: Can be used to change the actual query parameters that will be used to retrieve posts.

Default Value: $args
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File: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php

Description: Can be used to change the title markup for portfolio carousels.

Default Value: $fusion_portfolio_carousel_title
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File: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php

Description: Can be used to change the terms markup for portfolio carousels.

Default Value: $carousel_terms
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File: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php

Description: Can be used to change the video markup.

Default Value: $video_markup: The full markup
$video: The iframe tag added in the post options.
$video_max_width: Allowed maximum width the video may take up.
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File: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php

Description: Can be used to change the title markup for portfolio grids.

Default Value: $post_title
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File: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php

Description: Can be used to change the terms markup for portfolio grids.

Default Value: $post_terms
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File: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php

Description: Can be used to change the separator markup for portfolio grids.

Default Value: $separator
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File: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php

Description: Can be used to change the content markup for portfolio grids.

Default Value: $stripped_content
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File: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php

Description: Can be used to change the button markup for portfolio grids.

Default Value: $buttons: “Learn More” and “View Project” buttons including the wrapper div
$learn_more_button: “Learn More” button markup.
$view_project_button: “View Project” button markup.
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File: fusion-builder/shortcodes/fusion-blog.php

Description: Filters the HTML output of the blog element pagination.

Params: $output: The HTML output of the pagination.
$pages: Max number of pages.
$range: How many page numbers to display to either side of the current page.
$current_query: The query for which the pagination is constructed.
$blog_global_pagination: Global pagination style override.

Default Value: The pagination HTML output constructed by the blog element class.
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File: fusion-builder/shortcodes/fusion-user-login.php

Description: Can be used to update the standard messages/notices for User element.

Default Value: $notice_array: They array having all notices
$action: Sanitized form action.
$success: Bool success.
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Files: fusion-builder/inc/lib/inc/functions.php

Description: Allows to set the amount of page links shown left and right to the current element.

Params: $range

Default Value: 1
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Fusion Builder

Description: Filter is used to determine if live editor should be loaded or not.

Arguments: $load (boolean)

Example For Disabling: add_filter( 'fusion_load_live_editor', '__return_false', 999 );

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Fusion Builder

Fusion Core

Description: Filter to easily disable the antispambot function of WordPress for emails.

Default value: false

Example For Disabling: add_filter( 'fusion_disable_antispambot', '__return_true' );

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File: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-builder.php

Description: Can be used to enable Fusion Builder for a post type by default.

Default Value: Array of post types.
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File: fusion-builder/inc/shortcodes.php

Description: Can be used to enable Fusion Builder Elements.

Default Value: Array of enabled elements.
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File: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-template-builder.php

Description: Can be used to modify theme builder section override.

Params: $override: The override.
$type: The type of override we're querying.
$c_page_id: Current page ID.

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File: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-template-builder.php

Description: Can be used to modify theme builder layout condition post types.

Params: $post_types: The existing post types

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Description: Allows to modify Theme Builder component content.

Params: $shortcode_handle: Component name.
$html: Component HTML.
$args: Component Options.

Avada Hooks: Actions and Filters https://avada.com/documentation/avada-hooks-actions-and-filters/ Sun, 30 Apr 2023 21:19:36 +0000 https://avada.com/?post_type=documentation&p=892348

Actions and Filters are provided by WordPress to allow your plugin to ‘hook into’ the rest of WordPress; the same concept is used by Avada to allow hooking into Avada specific functionality so that you can modify it in a child theme or even a plugin.

How To Use a Hook Or A Filter?

So, let’s assume you want to add a banner ad before the entire header. There are three ways to do that:

1. Edit the parent theme’s code and add the code in the header file

2. Copy the header file into the child theme and modify the code in that file

3. Use an action in a child theme’s functions.php

With the #1 and #2 above, there is a high possibility that the edit would be lost during an update. By using an action, you don’t edit or overwrite the core code which is why, your code will rarely need to be changed.

To add a banner ad before the entire header, we need to use the “avada_before_header_wrapper” action in the functions.php of the child theme. Following is an example code:

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Filters are similar to the actions but instead of ‘hooking’ into the code, you are simply changing the final output. You can read more about the difference difference between actions and filters from the beginner’s guide.

How To Add Code After The Opening Body Tag

To add code, such as GTM script, after the opening

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tag, you will have to use the “avada_before_body_content” filter. If you’re not familiar with editing child theme files or you don’t have a child theme installed, you can install the Code Snippets plugin then add this code to it:

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Conversion For Child Themes

If you’d like to learn how to convert Child Themes and your own Custom Post Types, see this link and follow the instructions in the article.

Actions List

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Description: This hook is executed after the content list is displayed on a support page.

Arguments: None.
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File: Avada/page.php

Description: This hook is executed after additional content such as comment form on the single page.

Arguments: None.
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File: Avada/single.php

Description: This hook is executed after additional content such as comments form on the single post.

Arguments: None.
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Description: This hook is executed after the #content div primarily to add sidebars.

Arguments: None
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Description: This hook is executed after the div that wraps the entire header (includes main header and top header).

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/footer.php

Description: This hook is executed to display custom content just before the footer, outside of #main container.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/footer.php

Description: This hook is executed to display custom content right after #content and .sidebar containers, but still inside #main container.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/author.php

Description: This hook is executed on the author page to add author info.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/page.php

Description: This hook is executed before additional content such as comment form on the single page.

Arguments: None.
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Description: This hook is executed before additional content such as comments form on the single post.

Arguments: None.
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File: Avada/header.php

Description: This hook is executed right after body tag in HTML.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/comments.php

Description: This hook is executed to display custom content just after the page contents, but before the comment section is displayed.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/includes/avada-functions.php Avada/templates/side-header.php

Description: This hook is executed before the div that wraps the entire header (includes main header and top header).

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/header.php

Description: This hook is executed before the div id #main. An example usage would be to add AdSense before the content area.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/templates/blog-layout.php

Description: This hook renders the actual post content. Custom content can be displayed before or after the post content.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/templates/blog-layout.php

Description: This hook is executed to add blog post format boxes to medium alternate layout.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/footer.php

Description: This hook is executed to add content in the copyright area.

Arguments: None
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Description: By default, this hook outputs the header, including top header and the main header.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/templates/side-header.php

Description: This hook is executed only when side header is used and before any kind of content including logo.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/templates/side-header.php

Description: This hook is executed right after side header wrapper.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/templates/logo.php

Description: This hook is executed directly after the logo html.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/templates/logo.php

Description: This hook is executed directly before the logo html.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/includes/custom-functions.php

Description: This hook will override the existing page title bar.

Arguments: $c_pageID
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Description: This hook is used to create a placeholder markup. Different markup can be used, when removing the theme action and adding a custom one.

Arguments: $post_featured_image_size
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File: fusion-core/templates/portfolio-archive-layout.php

Description: This hook renders the actual portfolio content. Custom additions can be displayed before or after it by setting the corresponding hook priority.

Arguments: $archive_id $current_page_id
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File: Avada/includes/lib/inc/templates/featured-image-first.php

Description: This hook is executed to add rollovers over images.

Arguments: $post_id $post_permalink $display_woo_price $display_woo_buttons $display_post_categories $display_post_title $gallery_id $display_woo_rating
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File: Avada/includes/lib/inc/templates/rollover.php

Description: This hook is used to add the WooCommerce add to cart buttons to the featured image rollover.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/includes/lib/inc/class-fusion-patcher-admin-screen.php

Description: By default, this hook outputs the form on patcher page.

Arguments: None.
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File: fusion-core/templates/single-avada_portfolio.php

Description: Allows you to add contents directly before and after the sharing box and related posts on single portfolio posts.

Params: None.
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File: fusion-core/templates/single-avada_portfolio.php

Description: These actions allow you to add contents directly before and after the "Project Details" on single portfolio posts..

Params: None.
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File: Avada/includes/lib/inc/class-fusion-cache.php

Description: This hook is executed after all fusion caches are cleared.

Arguments: None.
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File: Avada/includes/lib/inc/class-fusion-fusionredux.php

Description: This hook is executed after saving theme options.

Arguments: $data $changed_values
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File: Avada/contact.php

Description: This hook is executed to get contact template contents.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/header.php

Description: This hook is executed to render header.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/includes/avada-functions.php

Description: This hook can used to render content in div id #sliders-container.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/includes/avada-functions.php

Description: This hook can used to render content after div id #sliders-container.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/footer.php

Description: This hook is executed to render footer.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/footer.php

Description: This hook can be used to add content just before #wrapper is closed.

Arguments: None
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File: Avada/templates/wc-quick-view-product.php

Description: This hook is executed to get WooCommerce produce quick view content.

Arguments: None

Filters List

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File: Avada/includes/admin-screens/welcome.php

Description: This hook can be used to modify admin welcome screen content.

Arguments: $welcome_html
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File: Avada/includes/lib/inc/class-fusion-social-icons.php

Description: This hook can be used to modify social icons content.

Arguments: $html, $args
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File: Avada/includes/lib/inc/class-fusion-social-sharing.php

Description: This hook can be used to modify social sharing content.

Arguments: $html, $args
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File: Avada/includes/lib/inc/functions.php

Description: This hook can be used to modify post meta data content.

Arguments: $html
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File: Avada/includes/lib/inc/class-fusion-cache.php

Description: Setting one of the array variables to false will make the clearing function skip that module.

Arguments: _Array of all cache modules.
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File: Avada/includes/lib/inc/templates/featured-image-first.php

Description: This hook is used to modify related post's fixed image attributes.

Arguments: $image_attr
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File: Avada/includes/fusion-functions.php

Description: fusion_related_posts_args hook can be used to modify related custom post's arguments. While fusion_related_posts_query_args can be used for default posts.

Arguments: $args (array)
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Description: These filters allow to set custom labels for all the portfolio meta data parts on the right of the contents.

Arguments: All include the markup we use by default. Check file for details.
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File: Avada/includes/lib/inc/class-fusion-breadcrumbs.php

Description: Applied to the default values of breadcrumb.

Default Value: array( 'home_prefix' => $this->options['breacrumb_prefix'], 'separator' => $this->options['breadcrumb_separator'], 'show_post_type_archive' => $this->options['breadcrumb_show_post_type_archive'], 'show_terms' => $this->options['breadcrumb_show_categories'], 'home_label' => __( 'Home', 'Avada' ), 'tag_archive_prefix' => __( 'Tag:', 'Avada' ), 'search_prefix' => __( 'Search:', 'Avada' ), 'error_prefix' => __( '404 - Page not Found', 'Avada' ), );
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File: Avada/includes/class-avada-dynamic-css.php

Description: Applied to the final compiled CSS from dynamic CSS.

Default Value: $css
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File: Avada/includes/dynamic_css.php

Description: Applied to the dynamic CSS array.

Default Value: $css
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File: Avada/includes/class-avada-privacy-embeds.php

Description: Applies to iframe placeholder consent text when privacy mode is active.

Params: $content: Existing content.
$label: Label text of particular embed type.

$type: Type slug of embed type.

Default Value: None
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File: Avada/includes/options/typography.php

Description: Applies to the array of all the elements that will be targeted from the typography settings.

Default Value: $typography_elements
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File: Avada/includes/avada-functions.php

Description: Applied to the email address in top header.

Default Value: %s
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File: Avada/includes/avada-functions.php

Description: Separator for top header content, not menu.

Default Value: |
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Description: Applied to the text for the load more button.

Default Value: __( 'Load More Posts', 'Avada' )
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File: Avada/templates/logo.php

Description: Filters the alt attribute added to the main site logo image.

Default Value: get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) . ' ' . __( 'Logo', 'Avada' ).
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File: Avada/includes/metaboxes/metaboxes.php

Description: Allows developers to add their own tabs to the Fusion Page Options setup.

Arguments: $tabs $post_type

Example Usage Code: In child theme's function.php, this would add a new section to portfolio post type: https://gist.github.com/ilicfilip/8c4221bbb6eeb7aafe3e14ba95e18f46. In a separate file, this defines the actual options: https://gist.github.com/ilicfilip/9a7becc01bf53dda0fb4edf42268da7c. In any child theme template file, the developer can access the settings like this e.g: get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'pyre_child_video', true );
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File: Avada/includes/lib/inc/class-fusion-nav-walker.php

Description: Allows developers to modify meta data of menu items.

Arguments: $fusion_meta $item_id

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File: Avada/includes/lib/inc/class-fusion-data-postmeta.php

Description: Allows developers to modify meta data of a post/page.

Arguments: $data $post_id

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File: Avada/templates/logo.php

Description: Filters the HTML attributes on the site logo anchor tag.

Default Value: array( 'class' => 'fusion-logo-link', 'href' => ( $custom_link = Avada()->settings->get( 'logo_custom_link' ) ) ? esc_url( $custom_link ) : esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ), )
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File: Avada/includes/lib/inc/class-fusion-nav-walker.php

Description: Filters the menu item index after wich the logo will be displayed.

Default Value: $middle_logo_menu_break_point, value depending on amount of set menu items.
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File: Avada/includes/lib/inc/class-fusion-helper.php

Description: Allows for easy filtering of the page title bar markup and contents.

Default Value: array( $title, $subtitle, $secondary_content )
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File: Avada/includes/class-avada-init.php

Description: Filter is used to modify search results content by post type.

Arguments: $post_types (string | array )

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File: Avada/includes/avada-functions.php

Description: Filters the left/right content output in the secondary (top) header.

Arguments: $secondary_content:string. The actual content to be output.
$content_area:string. The content area where content should be displayed.
$content_to_display:string. The kind of content to be retrieved.

Default Value: (The secondary header content as set in Theme Options.)

File: Avada/includes/avada-functions.php

Description: Applied to the placeholder image height.

Default Value: 150
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File: Avada/includes/class-avada-layout.php

Description: Allows to filter the main sidebar settings for single post template of posts and CPTs.

Default Value: array() with indices 'global', 'sidebar_1, 'sidebar_2', 'position'
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File: Avada/includes/avada-functions.php

Description: Applied to an array of classes added to html element.

Default Value: $classes
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File: Avada/includes/class-avada-head.php

Description: Applied to the viewport meta.

Default Value: none
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Description: Applied to the blog Read More title text.

Default Value: [...]
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Description: Changes the fusion-scripts and fusion-styles folders that are created inside the root paths.

Default Value: Defaults to 'fusion-scripts' for JS files and 'fusion-styles' for CSS files.
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Description: Changes the path of the root folder where files are being compiled.

Default Value: Defaults to the full system-path of wp-content/uploads.
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File: Avada/includes/lib/inc/class-fusion-filesystem.php

Description: Changes the URL of the root folder where files are being compiled.

Default Value: Defaults to the url of wp-content/uploads.
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Description: If the site/host falsely reports that the JS files can't be read but it still does work correctly, readability can be forced to yes through the filter and thus the compiled JS file can be loaded on the front end.

Default Value: bool, true if JS file is readable.
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File: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-faq.php

Description: Applied to the "All" text on the portfolio filters.

Default Value: __( 'All', 'Avada' )
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Description: Applies to check if current page is a 100% width page.

Params: $value: The value from the filter.
$page_id: A custom page ID.

Default Value: None.
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File: Avada/includes/lib/inc/class-fusion-settings.php

Description: Applies to theme options label on description texts.

Default Value: None.
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File: Avada/includes/metaboxes/metaboxes.php

Description: Adds an OR argument to the if clause deciding on what pages the Fusion Page Options should be shown.

Default Value: false
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Description: Allows to set the amount of page links shown left and right to the current element.

Params: $range

Default Value: 1
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File: Avada/includes/class-avada-privacy-embeds.php

Description: Applies to set the args for the privacy cookie.

Default Value: $default_args = array( 'name' => 'privacy_embeds', 'days' => '30', 'path' => '/', );
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File: Avada/includes/class-avada-privacy-embeds.php

Description: Applies to change available embeds.

Default Value: $embeds
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Description: Applies to replaces iframe src.

Params: $content: Existing content.

Default Value: None
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Files: Avada/includes/class-avada-privacy-embeds.php

Description: Allows custom placeholder additions.

Params: $placeholder $type $frame_width $frame_height $src

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File: Avada/includes/avada-functions.php

Default: The main heading name, dependednt on the post type.

Params: $post_type the type of the current post.
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File: Avada/includes/dynamic_css.php

Description: This hook is used to modify content and sidebar order in responsive mode.

Arguments: $sidebar_order
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File: Avada/templates/social-sharing.php

Description: Sets a custom sharing box tagline. This will override the setting in Theme Options.

Default Value: "Share This Story!" (can be set in Theme Options)
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Copy to Clipboard


Description: Applies to add classes to first and second sidebar.

Default Value: None.
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Copy to Clipboard

Files: Avada/includes/class-avada-template.php

Description: Applies to check if current page has got single or dual sidebars.

Params: Bool, $body_classes, $sidebar_class
Adding A Logo To a Legacy Header https://avada.com/documentation/adding-a-logo-to-a-legacy-header/ Tue, 28 Mar 2023 00:56:01 +0000 https://avada.com/?post_type=documentation&p=892239

If you’re not using Avada Layouts, you can also add your logo into the Global options when using a Legacy Header. You can upload an image file of any size as your website logo in Avada in 3 different areas; the default logo, the sticky header logo and the mobile logo. This gives you the flexibility to adjust your logo depending on where it’s displayed. Avada is also retina ready, so there are additional options to upload a retina 2x logo for high resolution devices. Favicons are only added though the Global options, so see below for details on that.

Available Logo Areas

  • Default Logo Fields – Upload a default logo that will be displayed in all areas (Default/Sticky/Mobile) unless a unique logo is uploaded to the sticky header and/or the mobile header logo option.
  • Sticky Header Logo Fields – Upload a unique logo that will only appear on your sticky header. This is optional.
  • Mobile Header Logo Fields – Upload a unique logo that will only appear on mobile devices. This is optional.

How To Upload A Default Logo

Step 1 – Navigate to Avada > Options > Logo > Default Logo.

Step 2 – Locate the ‘Default Logo’ option and click the ‘Upload’ button to upload your logo image file. View screenshot here.

Step 3 – This step is optional. You can upload a default retina logo using the ‘Retina Default Logo’ option.

Step 4 – Click ‘Save Changes’.

How To Upload A Sticky Header Logo

Step 1 – Navigate to Avada > Options > Logo > Sticky Header Logo.

Step 2 – Locate the ‘Sticky Header Logo’ option and click the ‘Upload’ button to upload your logo image file. View screenshot here.

Step 3 – This step is optional. You can upload a sticky header retina logo using the ‘Retina Sticky Header Logo’ option.

Step 4 – Click ‘Save Changes’.

How To Upload A Mobile Logo

Step 1 – Navigate to Avada > Options > Logo > Mobile Logo.

Step 2 – Locate the ‘Mobile Logo’ option and click the ‘Upload’ button to upload your logo image file. View screenshot here.

Step 3 – This step is optional. You can upload a retina mobile logo using the ‘Retina Mobile Logo’ option.

Step 4 – Click ‘Save Changes’.

Logo Settings

Avada offers various settings to help with the styling and alignment of your logo. These options are located in the Avada > Options > Logo > Logo section and will only affect the default logo that displays in the header on desktop mode.

  • Logo Alignment – Controls the logo alignment. “Center” only works on Header 5 and Side Headers.
  • Logo Margins – Controls the top/right/bottom/left margins for the logo. Enter values including any valid CSS unit, for example: 31px, 31px, 0px, 0px
  • Logo Background Color – You can optionally add a logo background color for header versions v1, v2, v3, v6, v7 and side headers. Note: The logo background is only visible in desktop view and does not apply to the mobile header view.
Global Logo Options

Favicon Options

The Favicon Options are located in the Avada > Options > Logo > Favicons section. A favicon is an icon typically displayed in the address bar of a browser accessing the site or next to the site name in a list of saved bookmarks. Avada offers several fields to upload different types of favicons. Each one has its own unique size listed in the description.

To add favicons, simply click the ‘Upload’ button next to the appropriate field, then select the favicon file you would like to use.

Upload Favicons
Assigning Menus To A One Page Website https://avada.com/documentation/assigning-menus-to-a-one-page-website/ Mon, 06 Mar 2023 21:39:22 +0000 https://avada.com/?post_type=documentation&p=892009

In the How To Build A One Page Website With Avada document, we go through the process of creating the content for a one page website. But there are different methods of assigning menus, depending on what sort of header you are using. In this document, we show you the methods for assigning menus for one page websites when using Legacy Headers.

Assigning The Menu To A Legacy Header

If you’re not yet using Avada Layouts, you assign the menu for your site directly to the menu itself. Go to the Custom One Page Menu you created from the Appearance > Menus tab.

Once you’ve loaded your custom menu, go to the ‘Menu Settings’ section at the bottom of the menu, and check the ‘Main Navigation’ checkbox. This will assign the custom one-page menu as your One Page site’s main menu, using the Header layout you have selected in the Global Options.

One Page Parallax Menu Settings

Assigning Custom One Page Menus To A Multi-Page Site

As we mention in the How To Build A One Page Site With Avada document, you can also apply a one-page menu to a multi-page site. See that document for more details on how to create the different menus for that, but read below for how to assign this extra menu to your site when using Legacy Headers.

Step 1 – As before, if you’re not using Avada Layouts, you assign the main menu for your site directly to the menu itself.

Step 2 – Go to the Appearance > Menus tab and load the Absolute Links Menu you have created.

Step 3 – Once you’ve loaded your menu, go to the ‘Menu Settings’ section at the bottom of the menu, and check the ‘Main Navigation’ checkbox. This will assign the menu as your site’s main menu, using the Header design selected in the Global Options.

One Page Parallax Menu Settings

Step 4 – Now you want to assign your Relative Links Menu to the one Pager page. To do this, head to the Avada Page Options, on the One Pager page. You will find this in the sidebar in Avada Live, or underneath the editor field in the backend builder.

Step 5 – Switch to the ‘Header’ tab and locate the ‘Main Navigation Menu’ option. In the dropdown field, select the Relative Links Menu, as can be seen in the screenshot below. This will assign this particular custom menu to just this particular single page.

That’s it. Make sure to save your changes.

Avada Page Options > Apply Page Menu
Legacy Features https://avada.com/documentation/legacy-features/ Fri, 17 Feb 2023 00:00:33 +0000 https://avada.com/?post_type=documentation&p=891209

The development of Avada is an ongoing process, and so as features are added or methods evolve, other features or methods are removed. Sometimes, however, they are left for backward compatibility reasons but are then considered legacy methods. Below is a list of ‘legacy methods’ in Avada, and the more up-to-date methods you can use instead.

Legacy Feature / Method Current Method
Legacy Containers & Columns Flexbox Containers & Columns
Global Option Headers, PTBs & Footers Avada Layouts
Global Option Header Menus Menu Element in a Layout Section
Global Options Mega Menus Mega Menu Builder, Submenu Element
Widgets Corresponding Design Elements
Sidebars Layout Builder, Sticky Columns
Sliding Bar Off Canvas Bulder
Global Option Logos Image Element in Header Layout
Contact Template Avada Forms, Google Map Element, OpenStreetMap Element
Custom Post Type Elements (Blog, FAQ, Portfolio, Event etc) Post Cards & Post Cards Element

Updating From Legacy Methods and Features

For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.
For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.
For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.
For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.
For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.
Using The Legacy Mega Menu https://avada.com/documentation/using-the-legacy-mega-menu/ Thu, 09 Feb 2023 20:38:28 +0000 https://avada.com/documentation/using-the-mega-menu-legacy-method/

Avada has a built-in mega menu that can be enabled on every First Level menu item in the Appearance > Menus tab. It can have 1-6 columns, span the full site width, have custom column width settings, display widgets, have icons or images next to menu items, and more. Please see below for information on how to set up the mega menu. If you need information on how to create a regular menu, please read our How To Create Menus in Avada article.

Mega Menu Example

To see how to build a simple Mega Menu in Avada, please see the ‘ How To Use Mega Menus In Avada (Legacy Method)’ video directly below.

For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.

How To Create A Mega Menu

Step 1 – Navigate to the Appearance > Menus section on your WordPress sidebar and select the ‘Create A New Menu’ link to create a new menu, or edit an existing one.

Step 2 – Choose the parent level menu item that you wish to open a mega menu with. To enable the Avada Mega Menu, click the Avada Menu Options button on your chosen menu item, which will launch the Avada menu settings window.
NOTE: Only parent level menu items have the Avada Mega Menu option. NB. If the option is not showing, make sure the Mega Menu option is enabled in the Global Options at Avdanced > Features.

Step 3 – Enable Mega Menu. For the mega menu to show, the enabled first level menu item must have sub-menu items.

Step 4. Check the ‘Max Width’ option if you want your mega menu to span the full site width as set in Avada > Options > Layout > Site Width. Further width options can be found in the Global Options under Menu > Mega Menu. You can find more information on the Mega Menu’s various width settings here.

Step 5 – Set the ‘Mega Menu Number of Columns’ option that will determine how many columns will be displayed. Auto is the default setting, and this will auto detect how many sub menu items you have, but you can also manually control this. For example, if you had 6 sub menu items, you could choose 3 Columns here, which would then create two rows with 3 columns in each.

Step 6 – Each menu item can have an icon, or a custom image thumbnail along with the menu text. There are two separate options where you can select your icon or upload your custom image.

Step 7 – Second Level menu items will display as a title for columns. To add a Second Level item inside the Mega Menu, select a link on the left hand side of your Menu page, and click the ‘Add to Menu’ button. To make it a Second Level menu item, drag the menu item below and to the right of the First Level menu item.

Step 8 – The Third Level menu items will be the smaller menu items in each column. To add a Third Level menu item, repeat step 5 above and drag and drop the new menu item below and to the right of the Second Level menu item.

Step 9 – Second & Third level menu items can also have a widget area assigned. Note that assigning a widget to a menu item replaces the menu item link and only displays the assigned widgets. Learn how to create Widget Areas and how to add Widgets to it here. Once you’re done creating a new widget area, return to the WordPress menu editor page and select the name of the new widget area in the “Mega Menu Widget Area” dropdown field. This option is only available when the Mega Menu option is enabled for the Parent menu item.

Step 10 – After setting up your menu, assign it using the Menu Element, or using the legacy method of assigning it to a header. Only the Main Navigation will display the Mega Menu.

Avada Mega Menu Options
How To Setup Different Menus On A Per Page Basis https://avada.com/documentation/how-to-setup-different-menus-on-a-per-page-basis/ Tue, 07 Feb 2023 23:26:59 +0000 https://avada.com/?post_type=documentation&p=891094

Sometimes more than one menu is needed for a complex site. There are several reasons for this. A likely case is when you want to have a one-page site with a parallax scrolling menu as a landing page, but also a full site at the same time (see Setting Up A One Page Site for further information). Since the one-page site part uses menu anchors for scrolling it will need a different menu than the rest of the site, which will use normal links.

But regardless of why you might need multiple menus, with Avada, it’s very easy to achieve. If there is one menu you want mostly on the site, you could assign that in the usual way. And then for any pages you want a new menu, just create the alternate menu, go to the page, and on the Avada Page Options, select an alternate Menu in the Main Navigation Menu option, as seen below.

Avada Page Options > Header
Assigning Menus via Global Options https://avada.com/documentation/assigning-menus-via-global-options/ Tue, 07 Feb 2023 23:18:25 +0000 https://avada.com/?post_type=documentation&p=891093

Once you have created a menu, you need to assign it to your site. There are two main ways to do this. Our recommended method is to use the Menu Element in a Header Layout Section (You can also add a Menu anywhere in your page content with the Menu Element). Read more about this method in the How The Menu Element And Menu Work Together document.

Alternatively, If you are not yet using Avada layouts, and instead using the legacy Headers chosen from the Global Options, then you assign the menu to a specific location in the menu itself.

There are 5 areas where you can assign a menu in Avada. These are: Main Navigation, Top Navigation, Mobile Navigation, 404 Useful Pages, and Sticky Header Navigation. Each of these menu locations can have a custom menu assigned to them. Once a menu is created and assigned to the location, it will be used on the front end for those specified areas.

Menu Locations in Avada
  • Main Navigation – This is the Main Menu that shows in the Header area.
  • Top Navigation – This is the top Secondary Menu that can be assigned with headers 2-5.
  • Mobile Navigation – This is the menu that will be used when viewing on mobile devices. If no menu is chosen, then the desktop menu will appear on mobile views.

  • 404 Useful Pages – This is the Menu that will be used in the “Helpful Links” area on the default 404 page and the Search Results Not Found page.

  • Sticky Header Navigation – You can use this optionally if you want to assign a different menu to the Sticky Header. The Main Menu will be used by default

Menu Global Options

When assigning Menus, Avada also offers several global options to help customize the menu. They are located in the Avada > Options > Menu tab. From there, the global options are organized under more specific areas. (e.g. Main Menu, Mobile Menu, Secondary top menu just to name a few). When styling your various menu locations, the settings will be here. For detailed screenshots of the various menu options, see the Menu Section of the Avada Global Options Page.

Global Menu Options
How To Create A Landing Page With Avada https://avada.com/documentation/how-to-create-a-landing-page-with-avada/ Fri, 26 Nov 2021 03:45:55 +0000 https://theme-fusion.com/?post_type=documentation&p=874545

A landing page is essentially a page that you get to directly from a link. Landing pages are most commonly used to drive conversions in marketing and advertising campaigns, including email and Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns.

Landing pages are designed with a clear focus or goal, and almost always have a singular Call To Action (CTA). Because of this, landing pages are typically without menus or other navigation, so as to help funnel the user to the CTA.

So how do you make a Landing page in Avada? It’s actually very simple. It’s really just a two step process of creating your content and turning your header (and potentially your footer) off. Let’s walk throught it.

The first step in making a landing page is to create your page content. Remember the idea that there should be a singular Call To Action. You can build this manually of course, or there are also some Avada Studio page templates you could possibly use as a starting point, like the Black Friday and Cyber Week templates, or some Avada Studio Containers, such as the Halloween, Black Friday or Cyber Monday Containers.

For this example, I have created a landing page manually, designed to entice students to apply to Avada University.

Landing Page Example

With a landing page, you generally want to turn your header off to reduce distractions. It’s all about the CTA, and you don’t want a menu to tempt people to head off to a different page. Remember, a landing page isn’t typically on your menu, and the user has only arrived at the page by clicking a link in an advertisement or an email campaign.

Removing your header might be typical on a landing page, but it’s not a necessity though, and you might want to leave your header on, or even have a different header. But for this example, we will assume you want to remove it entirely.

When using a legacy options header, all you need to do is simply go to the Avada Page Options on the landing page, and the Header tab, and set Display Header to No.

If you can’t see the options on this tab, it will be because you are using a Header Layout Section in an Avada Layout. See the Avada Layouts document for more information on how disable the header with that method.

Landing Page Header

In some cases, you may also want to turn the Footer off. In the case of the University site, there are a lot of navigational links in the content section of the footer, and on the Avada Page Options > Footer, you can turn this area off. In my example, I have turned the footer content off, but left the Copyright Area displaying.

Landing Page Footer

So as you can see, landing pages are deceptively simple in Avada. Create your desired page content using the Avada Builder, and then determine whether you want any header and footer content and use the relevant method to control them. Then you will have a page URL you can add directly to mailouts or ads that take your users directly to your call to action.
