Documentation – Avada Website Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce Wed, 13 Nov 2024 00:32:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Set Up Form Notifications Wed, 13 Nov 2024 00:32:48 +0000

Notifications let you, or others, know about the form submission. You need to set up a notification if you want to recieve the data submitted with the form in an email.

You can set up a notification to have the email sent to a specific address, maybe your own, or a co-worker, or both, or you could also set up a notification that sends an auto-reply to the user. You can add CC and BC email notifications, and you can have an many notifications as you wish for each form you set up. All notifications are created from the Form Options > Notifications tab.

Avada Forms Notifications

Notification Options

In email options, field names within square brackets can be used as placeholders which will be replaced when the form is submitted, ie: [email_address]. For more information check out our Form Placeholders doc.

  • + Add Notification – Click this to add a new notification for the form.

  • Notification
  • Label – Enter notification label.

  • Email – Enter email ID where form data should be sent to. If left empty, email will be sent to the WordPress admin.

  • CC EmailEnter additional CC emails. Add one address per line.

  • BCC EmailEnter additional BC emails. Add one address per line.

  • Email SubjectEnter email subject. If left empty, the form title will be used.
  • Encode Email Subject Select if you want to encode email subjects. This helps to display special characters correctly in the subject field. A few hosting environments and email clients might have issues with this setting.

  • Email From Name – Enter email from name. If left empty, WordPress will be used.

  • Sender Email Enter sender email address. If left empty, will be used.
  • Reply To Email Enter reply to email address.
  • Attach Uploaded FilesAdd uploaded files as email attachments.

  • Email Message – Enter email message, leave empty to get the default message with all form fields. You can add form fields to the message by insert field name wrapped with square brackets ie: [email_address], also you can add all fields with [all_fields] tag.

Watch the Notifications section of the How To Use Avada Forms by clicking on the video below.

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Or for a short step by step example of setting up an auto-reply notification, watch the Avada Short below.

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How to Set Images Used for Sharing on Social Networks Mon, 07 Oct 2024 00:00:17 +0000

When users share your site to social media, it’s nice to be able to control what image and description go with the share. This is the domain of the Open Graph tag. Read on to find out more about OG tags, and watch the video below for a visual overview of this topic.

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Open Graph Meta Tags

Open Graph meta tags are snippets of code that control how URLs are displayed when shared on social media. They’re part of Facebook’s Open Graph protocol and are also used by other social media sites, including LinkedIn and X, but there’s varying levels of support, so they’re not always respected.

There are OG tags for titles, descriptions and images, and what we are looking at today is how to best implement these on your Avada site.

Global Options

To start, there are a couple of Global options that relate to this topic. Under the Advanced > Features tab, there is an option called Description and Open Graph Meta Tags. As the description for this option explains, you turn this on to enable custom description meta tag and open graph meta tags in Avada.

As it also notes, it’s IMPORTANT to know that some optimization plugins, like for example Yoast SEO or RANK MATH, add their own implementation of this. You can choose whether to use Avada’s implementation of this or the plugin’s, but you should not use both, as this can cause duplicate tags.

There is also another option above this one called Meta Tags Separator. This just controls the separator character that can then be used in the Avada Page Options SEO tab for post title and description meta tags.

Global Options > Open Graph Meta Tags

Page Options

Then there are the page options section of a post or a page. On the SEO tab, there are options for the SEO Title, a Meta Description, and an Open Graph Image. If these are set, which is on a page by page basis, these tags will be used when sharing the post or page to social media.

If there is a featured image set on the page or post, and no image has been added in the SEO tab of the page options, then the featured image will be used instead.

If nothing is set anywhere, then the logo from the Global options will be used.

Page Options > SEO

Facebook Options

It’s also worth noting that the various social networks can have different requirements for images. Facebook for example has this page – – which specifies the size and even aspect ratio for images, and you can even test your shares out with the Debugger tool –

Staging Sites vs. Local Development Environments Thu, 26 Sep 2024 22:13:49 +0000

Staging Sites

A Staging site is typically a clone of a production site, where you can safely test any updates, or try out new features, before pushing them live. It’s usually on the same server as your live site.

Staging is a service offered by many hosting companies. With many hosts, particularly the larger ones, it’s a simple process to clone your site and set it up as a staging site. See the How to Set Up An Avada Staging Site With Siteground video below for a specific example of that.

Cloning your production site to a staging site allows you to test WordPress, theme and plugin updates before implementing them on your live site. It also allows you to add new plugins and try out new Avada features or content without any concern about how they might affect the live site. When you are happy with the staging site, you can simply deploy that to the live site, and you’re good to go.

So staging sites have a very specific purpose, and are usually on the same server and directly connected to the live site for easy deployment. You can have a local staging site, but deployment is not as easy, and if the local server configuration is different to the live one, there’s no guarantee that it would work correctly when pushed to the live site.

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Local Development Environments

So what’s different about a Local Development Environment. Well, just about everything. In our context, this is simply a local Avada install that can be registered, so you can add plugins, import prebuilts, run the Setup Wizard, and generally play with and explore Avada.

This is set up on your computer, and is a development sandpit so to speak, where you can play and explore without the content ever being intended to go live.

With a single license of Avada, you can not only run your live site but it also supports an associated staging site for your convenience. How you use the Staging Site is of course up to you.

For example, if you see a particular design feature on one of the prebuilts, you can just import that prebuilt, and see how it’s built. With Cross domain copying, you can even just copy and paste the feature to your live site.

Another huge benefit is being able to use the Avada Setup Wizard. You can create a new site and explore how the Setup Wizard creates multiple Layouts and Layout sections, how it creates and populates WooCommerce shop pages, and how it uses a range of post cards to display the dummy content on the features selected. This alone is a solid reason to have a local development area.

So in a nutshell, a local development area gives you the freedom to fully explore and learn the ins and outs of what Avada can do. You can’t easily do these things on a live site or a staging site.

In many ways, its good to have all three. A live site, a staging site, and a local development area. In that way you can have your live site, a gold standard method for updating, and a local environment to explore and learn.

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How To Create A Single Event Layout Section in Avada Wed, 11 Sep 2024 20:46:20 +0000

If you’re a user of The Events Calendar, with Avada 7.11.10 and up you can create Single Event Layout sections using Avada Layouts and a range of Events Calendar dynamic content items. Read on for more details of this, and watch the video below for a visual overview.

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Creating The Layout

A Layout section is just part of a Layout, so the first thing to do is to create a Layout for your Single Event Pages. You can assign any of the four possible layout sections to it, but generally, it’s only the Content Layout Section you need. For the Layout Conditions, just assign All Events to the Layout, as seen below.

Event Single Layout

Adding Dynamic Content To The Content Layout Section

For the Content Layout Section, you have all the freedom and flexibility you need. By utilising the Events Calendar Dynamic Content items to populate your Layout, you can design your Single Event pages any way you want. You could of course, also add Dynamic Content to a Page Title Bar Layout Section, but for this example, we are just looking at the Content Layout Section.

In the example below, from the Campaign EventSingle Page Layout, you can see every item of dynamic content in the Single Event Content Layout Section, coming from regular dynamic content items (Title), dynamic elements (Content Element & Post Card Element) and the Events Calendar dynamic content items.

Breakdown of single event content layout section

Events Calendar Dynamic Content Items

Listed below are the standard Events Calendar Dynamic Content items you will find in Elements such as the Text Block Element. Below this, there are also a few extra ones that require specific plugins to be enabled.

  • Event Date
  • Event Cost
  • Event Status
  • Event Website
  • Event Subscribe Link

  • Event Venue Name

  • Event Venue URL

  • Event Venue Post Content

  • Event Venue Address

  • Event Venue City
  • Event Venue Country

  • Event Venue State / Province

  • Event Venue Postal Code

  • Event Venue Phone

  • Event Venue Website

  • Event Venue Google Maps Link

  • Event Venue Full Address

  • Event Organizer Name

  • Event Organizer URL

  • Event Organizer Post Content

  • Event Organizer Phone

  • Event Organizer Email

  • Event Organizer Website

  • Main Events Page URL

  • Event Series Name
  • Event Series URL
  • Event Venue Address Latitude
  • Event Venue Address Longitude
  • These require The Events Calendar Pro plugin

  • Event Ticket Capacity
  • Event Ticket Availability
  • These require Event Tickets plugin

Cross-domain copying with Avada Tue, 10 Sep 2024 23:38:31 +0000

While you’ve always been able to copy content easily from one page to another within an Avada site, a recently added feature allows you to copy and paste content across different domains. Read on to find out how this works, and watch the video below for a visual overview.

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To use this feature, you will need Avada 7.11.10 and above. It is available in both the Live Editor and the backend Builder. It works, as usual, through the right click context menu. This feature copies data to the OS clipboard, using the clipboard API which is the standard method of copying data between websites.

Browser Specific Setup – Chrome / Safari

Different browsers have different approaches to this because of security management. On WebKit browsers, such as Chrome and Safari, cross-domain copying and pasting will usually work out of the box, meaning nothing has to be activated in the browser settings.

If you want, you can enable or disable copying permissions by clicking on the site information icon in the address bar, and resetting the Clipboard permission.

When you want to copy, the current browser window and tab have to have focus on page load. Usually, that will be automatically the case, when you load the editor. In some cases though, you could have dev tools open and do something there, then click reload through the keyboard shortcut. In that case the browser considers devtools to have focus and not the page window.

Clipboard Permissions

When you load a site in one of the editors for the first time after installing 7.11.10 or up, you will see a popup, asking for your consent for text and images to be copied to the clipboard. Just allow that, and this will be stored for that website, so you don’t have to do this again.

Copy Permissions popup

If you want, you can enable or disable copying permissions by clicking on the site information icon in the address bar, and resetting the Clipboard permission.

Reset Copy Permissions

Browser Specific Setup – Firefox

In Firefox however, it’s a bit different, as here, the clipboard API has to be enabled. In order to do so, just type about:config in the address bar. A risk warning will appear – just accept it.

Firefox About Config

Then type asyncClipboard in the search bar, which will yield 3 settings. ClipboardItem and readText will likely already be set to true by default, so one would expect that the feature is auto-activated.

Firefox Async Clipboard Default

But testing.asyncClipboard also needs to be set to true, and this is false by default. So just click the toggle icon for the value to be set to true. Once this is done, copying and pasting will work, after you reload your page.

Firefox Toggle Value

Right Click Cross Domain Copy / Paste

So once your browser is on board, you can just copy and paste as normal. Below on one domain, I have right clicked on the container icon and selected Copy.

Cross Domain Copy

And then on another I have right clicked and selected Paste Before. The container is then pasted into the page. The differences you see here are due to the color variables and fonts being different on the two sites.

Cross Domain Pasted
Responsive Header Design With Avada Sun, 01 Sep 2024 22:20:54 +0000

Designing your headers for smaller screens, such as tablets and phones can be simple or challenging, depending on the header layout and the amount of content. But with Avada, there are many strategies you can employ to create successful headers for any screen size.

Read on to see some of the different strategies available, and watch the video below for a visual overview.

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Strategy #1 – Logo and Mobile Menu

Let’s start with what is the simplest strategy, that also uses minimal content in the header. This is simply to have a logo and a mobile menu on all screen sizes. The easiest setup for this is two one half columns, one with an Image Element displaying the logo, and the other with a minimized version of the Menu Element. Examples of this are the Barber prebuilt, the photography light prebuilt, and the music prebuilt.

If we look at the barber prebuilt, there is also a WooCommerce Cart icon next to the main hamburger menu icon, but there is ample room on all screen sizes for the content to stay as it is.

But even here, there are responsive options as play. In this prebuilt, the designer has in fact used different column sizes on all three different screen sizes, which has the effect of controlling the size of the logo, as it is an SVG logo and can scale without loss of quality.

Barber Shop Header

Strategy #2 – Separate Containers for Desktop / Tablet and Mobile

A different approach is to make completely different headers for large screens and medium/small screens. The e-bike prebuilt for example, uses two containers for large screens and another one entirely for smaller screens, using conditional rendering to control which ones get used where.

This approach can also be seen on the Energy prebuilt. On this prebuilt, the header container that renders on desktop devices, via device type rendering logic, is completely different to the header container that renders on tablets and phones.

Energy Header

Strategy #3 – Collapsing Menu on Smaller Screens

One of the most common approaches to responsive header design however, is to simply have the main Menu Element collapsing to a mobile menu on either medium or small screens. This can be seen on many of the prebuilts, including the Classic, Restaurant, Taxi, Creative, and Wedding prebuilts, as well as many others. This is a solid strategy and works in almost all situations.

Here on the Wedding prebuilt, the header is in fact at the bottom of the screen, due to a full screen Avada Slider being added above it in the page options, but only on large screens.

With medium screens and below, the header is back at the top, and the menu has reduced to a mobile menu instead.

This approach can also be taken with side headers. Prebuilts like the Cafe, agency and Resume do this, with a side header on desktop, reverting to a top iconised header on smaller screens.

This is achieved by setting the Header Position to Left in the Layout Section options of the header layout section, and setting the Side header breakpoint to medium.

So on medium screens, the header reverts to the top, and via the menu element, the mobile breakpoint set on the mobile tab kicks in and the menu collapses to a mobile menu.

Wedding Header
Wedding Header

Strategy #4 – Items Progressively disappearing

A more complex strategy that generally also includes the above method is when items progressively disappear as the screen size gets smaller, and potentially also change size and order.

A couple of examples of this are the Financial Advisor, Pet Supplies and Retro Prebuilts. This is usally achieved with the visibility option on the column holding the element.

If we look at the Retro prebuilt as an example, on desktop there is only one header with five separate elements visible, but on medium screens, there are only three, and on small screens, just two.

Retro Header > Large Screens
Retro Header > Medium Screens
Retro Header > Small Screens

Strategy #5 – Off Canvas for Navigation on smaller screens

Finally, another great strategy, which is also seen on the Retro prebuilt, as well as on quite a few of the more recent prebuilts, is the use of an Off Canvas to use as the primary navigation in responsive situations. This approach can be found on the Investment, Corporation, Business, and Magazine prebuilts just to name a few.

On the Magazine prebuilt for example, on large screens there is a main menu, and an icon triggering an off canvas as well. But when we view the site on a smaller screen, the main menu disappears, and the off canvas now also acts as the main navigation.

Magazine Header
Magazine Header > Responsive

The content in your header will best determine which of these strategies to use for successful responsive design. Download the various prebuilts to explore more about how these strategies have been achieved. Then you can pick and choose amongst the various strategies to find something perfect for your site.

Container Publishing Status Options Mon, 29 Jul 2024 23:03:28 +0000

A very useful set of options can be found in the Container Element, on the General tab, just under the Visibility options. It’s the Container Publishing Status Options.

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By default, all containers are Published, which is one of the choices in the option. So there’s not much to say about that. It’s the other three that offer some great features, particularly for those with seasonal or temporary content.

Published Until

The second option is Published Until. If you select this, a date and time picker appears, and here you can select the specific time that the Container is published until. After that time, it reverts to draft status, and is then only visible to logged in users with the capability to publish posts.

This feature is particularly useful to website owners with seasonal or temporary content, as in this way, they can automate the publication of the container, and not have to manually come in to sort it on a particular date.

Published After

The next option is Publish After. This is the same in the sense that if you select this, you choose a date and time, after which the container’s status becomes published.

So you can design and set up your container to be published on a particular day and time.

Any time after it’s published, you could edit it again, and this time select Published Until, and set the date for it to be unpublished. Once it reaches that date, the container reverts back to Draft status, and is not visible to the public.


Draft status is also useful if you are updating a live site with a new container, but you don’t get finished. You can just set it to draft, and save your work, and then you can come back another time to complete and publish the container.

OK, these often overlooked options can be very useful for controlling content on a container by container basis.

Behind the Scenes

When using the publishing status options on containers, they are not hidden as they would be with the visibility options. Instead they are treated like conditional rendering is applied. If the container is in draft mode or scheduled for a later date, it won’t render at all, and thus there is no indexing, and also no additional weight on page load.

The Avada Role Manager Tue, 04 Jun 2024 22:05:15 +0000

The Avada Role Manager allows you to completely control access to Avada components to the full range of users on your site. Each user type has defaults appropriate for the role, and you can fully customize each role to suit your needs.

The Avada Role Manager can be found at the very bottom of the Avada Builder Options, found from the Avada Dashboard at Options > Builder Options.

Role Manager


The user roles you see in the Role Manager will depend on your setup. The default WordPress roles are: Editor, Author, Contributor, and Subscriber. If you have WooCommerce enabled, you will also have Customer and Shop Manager. Other plugins may also add further roles, such as Keymaster, Moderator, Participant, Spectator, and Blocked, which are all added by bbPress. Furthermore, if you add a custom user role with a plugin, they will also be added to the list.

Default Access levels

Each user role has a default level of access. As you go down from Editor to Subscriber, these levels of access will of course lessen. The strength of the Role Manager is that it allows you to individually customize the Access levels for each user type to suit your requirements. You can also Reset a role at any time to restore the default access levels for that user role.


Let’s look at the Editor User Role to see what options can be set. The same options are on all user roles; the only difference is what options are enabled.

The Editor role has the most access of all the user roles. As can be seen below, only access to the Avada Global Options, the Avada Prebuilts (Avada > Website) and Avada Studio is off by default.

With most sections you can enable or disable dashboard access, as well as enabling or disabling the Backend or Live Builder, as well as the Page Options.

With this powerful tool at your disposal, you can set your user access permissions to whatever you like, protecting the integrity of your website.

Role Manager > Editor
How To Use Z-Index in Avada Sun, 02 Jun 2024 23:12:01 +0000

Z index is a CSS property that controls overlapping HTML elements’ stacking order. With this property, elements with a higher index are placed on top of those with a lower one.

In Avada, you will find a Z-index option in all Containers and Columns, as well as in a few other specific elements like the Image, Pagination, and Scroll Progress Elements, as well as Off Canvases. Read on to find out more about using Z-Index in Avada, and watch the video below for a visual overview.

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There are a few typical places you will need to use Z-index when building a website. A common example would be anytime you have overlapping content, like images. Menus are another common example where a Z-index can really come in handy. This could be a sticky menu, a mobile menu, a drop-down sub-menu, or mega menus. In all these situations, we want the menus to be on top. Let’s use these as examples as to what the Z-index can do.

Overlapping images

In the example below, there are two images in a column, and I have overlapped them by manipulating the margin values on the second image. The later in the DOM, the higher the element’s stacking, and so the second image is above the first. But with a Z-index value, you can decide which image should be on top.

Overlapping Images

So if we edit the first image and head to the design tab, we can set a z-index of say 100.. and it is now on top. The number just has to be high enough to place the element above the other one. See below for more on the Z-index numbers.

Overlapping Images > Z-Index


As noted before, there are many situations with menus where using a Z-index can come in handy. Whether it’s a sticky menu or a container holding a menu with dropdown menus, the concept is the same.

With menus, the best strategy is to make sure the container holding the menu is above everything else. For example, with this header layout section shown below, there are both submenus and mega menus, and we always want them to be above the content below.

So here, we just go to the holding container, and on the design tab, set a very high Z-index to ensure the container, and its content, stay on the top.

Header with Dropdown Menu

So here, we just go to the holding container, and on the design tab, set a very high Z-index to ensure the container, and its content, stay on the top.

Header with Dropdown Menu > Z-Index

How High Do you Need to Set the z-index?

When it comes to the number you use for a Z-index, there are no arbitrary rules. A negative value will place content below anything that has a higher value, and a very high value will place the content above everything else. Theoretically, you could use a value of 1 to place something above something else that has a value of 0. But in reality, there are a lot of elements in the dom, and it’s perhaps easiest to use a standard numbering system.

One way to do it is to add the z-index in steps of 100. This gives plenty of room for values in between in case you later have to add another element above one item, but below another.

Another method, when wanting to add something to the very top is to use a very high number like 9999, as an ‘absolute top ever value’. In the end, you just need a higher value than the content you want to be below it, so just experiment your way forward.

OK, that’s the Z-index in Avada. Go wild!

How To Set Favicons In Avada Tue, 07 May 2024 21:54:53 +0000

A favicon, short for favorites icon, is an icon displayed in the tab bar of a browser accessing the site and next to the site name in a list of saved bookmarks. You can see a large version of the Avada favicon here. In Avada, you can add a range of favicons to give your site a professional look on all devices, and when your site is saved as a bookmark. Read on, and watch the video below for a visual overview.

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Creating Favicons

Creating favicons are best made when creating your logo, using elements and colors from your branding. A favicon needs to have a square aspect ratio, and should be simple enough to display well at a very small size. Typically a favicon is a small version of your logo, with no logotype or other text, but can also just be a letter, or other graphic image.

There are favicon generators online, but these are basic scripts and cannot take any logo and make a great favicon. The best results with such tools are usually Text to Favicon options, where the favicon becomes just one letter.

An alternative to this is to create your own favicon in Photoshop or the like. If using this method, create a square document (I like to use a big size like 1000px) and then resize the favicon to the correct sizes when done designing. See this guide for more information on how to make a great favicon.

Setting Site Favicons

Once your have your favicons, it’s time to upload them. Favicon Options are located in the Global Options at Avada > Options > Logo > Favicons. Avada offers several fields to upload different sizes of favicons. Each one has its own unique size listed in the description.

To add favicons, simply click the ‘Upload’ button next to the appropriate field, then select the favicon file you would like to use. The best format to save your favicons in for uploading is a png file, but you can also use jpgs and svg files.

Upload Favicons