Menus – Avada Website Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce Sun, 18 Aug 2024 22:24:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Avada Menu Options Thu, 23 Jul 2020 00:14:55 +0000

The Avada Menu Options are found when editing individual menu items in WordPress menus (Appearance > Menus). They allow a range of customization to menu items. Read on to discover more about this excellent menu addition, and to see these options in action, watch the video below.

Avada Menu Options
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Parent Level Item Avada Menu Options

Mega Menu – Select to use created content as the mega menu dropdown. To create a mega menu, visit the Avada Library. Sub-menu items added to a parent mega menu item will be rendered on mobile only, as a replacement for the mega menu content.

Menu Button – Allows you to make the menu item regular text or a button. Choose between Default Style which is regular text, Button Small, Button Medium, Button Large, Button xLarge. The button styling is determined by the default button styles in Avada > Options > Avada Builder Elements > Button.

Icon Select – Allows you to select an icon for the menu item.

Image Thumbnail – Select an image to use as a thumbnail for the menu item. For top-level items, the size of the thumbnail can be controlled in Global Options > Menu > Main Menu Icons.

Icon/Thumbnail Only – Allows you to optionally show only the selected icon or only the thumbnail image without the menu text, as the menu item. Note: This option doesn’t apply to mobile. Click here for frontend example.

Menu Highlight Label – Allows you to add the label text for the menu item. This text will appear beside the menu text.

Menu Highlight Label Background Color – Allows you to add the background color for your menu highlight label.

Menu Highlight Label Text Color – Allows you to set the menu item’s highlight label text color.

Menu Highlight Label Border Color – Allows you to set the menu item’s highlight label border color.

Modal Window Anchor – Allows you to set the name of a modal element to launch a modal from the main menu on click. For more information on modals, click here!

Flyout Menu Background Image – Select an image for the flyout menu background. The image will be shown on full screen when hovering over the corresponding menu item.

Avada Menu Options > Parent

Child Level Item Avada Menu Options

These settings are located in any child level menu item’s Avada Menu Options area.

Mega Menu – Select to use created content as the mega menu dropdown. To create a mega menu, visit the Avada Library. Sub-menu items added to a parent mega menu item, will be rendered on mobile only, as replacement of the mega menu content.

Icon Select – Allows you to select an icon for the menu item.

Image Thumbnail – Select an image to use as a thumbnail for the menu item. For top-level items, the size of the thumbnail can be controlled in Global Options > Menu > Main Menu Icons.

Icon/Thumbnail Only – Allows you to optionally show only the selected icon or only the thumbnail image without the menu text, as the menu item. Note: This option doesn’t apply to mobile. Click here for frontend example.

Menu Highlight Label – Allows you to add the label text for the menu item. This text will appear beside the menu text.

Menu Highlight Label Background Color – Allows you to add the background color for your menu highlight label.

Menu Highlight Label Text Color – Allows you to set the menu item’s highlight label text color.

Menu Highlight Label Border Color – Allows you to set the menu item’s highlight label border color.

Modal Window Anchor – Allows you to set the name of a modal element to launch a modal from the main menu on click. For more information on modals, click here!

Flyout Menu Background Image – Select an image for the flyout menu background. The image will be shown full screen when hovering the corresponding menu item.

Avada Menu Options > Child

Avada Special Menu Items

Special menu Items has been added to the Menu page, and these all have their own unique Avada Menu Option panels. Please see the Avada Special Menu Items page for more information on these.

How The Menu Element And Menu Work Together Tue, 07 Jul 2020 03:07:57 +0000

The Menu Element allows you to display and customize an existing Menu, and can be used anywhere in your content. But it will most typically be used in Custom Header Layouts. See the Menu Element documentation for a full rundown of the element and all of its many options, but in this document, we are going to explore how it works in concert with the actual WordPress menu, and review some common situations using the Menu Element.

Using The Menu Element in Header Layouts

Creating Your Menu In WordPress

The first step, before using the Menu Element, is to have an existing menu. Menus are core WordPress business, and are created under Appearance > Menus, from the WordPress dashboard. See our Setting Up A Menu doc, or the WordPress Menu User Guide on the WordPress Codex for detailed information on this step.

The Menu Element then controls how the menu displays, but there also some options to be aware of in the Menu itself, that affect the menu’s appearance.

When creating your menu in WordPress, there are several options with the menu and the menu items that will affect how the menu will display on the page, whether assigned via the WordPress Menu Options, or displayed using the Menu Element.

Please review the Menu Settings doc for a full rundown of what you can configure while building a menu, but these primarily include the Avada Menu Options, found in every menu item, and the Avada Special Menu Items, found at the bottom left of the menu area.

For example, with the Avada Menu Options, you can style a menu item as a button, add an icon or show the menu item only as an icon, add a Menu Highlight Label, or enable a Mega Menu on the item. All of these options would affect how the menu displayed when using the Menu Element, and as such, the styling for such aspects of the menu items would come from the Menu itself, and not the Menu Element.

And with the Avada Special Menu Items, this is where you would add things like WooCommerce iconized menus, Search bars and Sliding Bar Toggles, if wanting to use a menu with the Menu Element.

How To Add Avada’s Special Menu Items

To see details of each specific Special Menu Item, head to the Avada Special Menu Items doc. When assigning Menus via WordPress, these options are added via the Global Options, but when using the Menu Element, these special items need to be added to the menu itself for them to appear. These are the WooCommerce Cart, the WooCommerce My Account, Search functionality, and the Sliding Bar Toggle.

Each of these Special Items has their own Avada Menu Options panel, and can be added to menus by themselves or with other menu items.

Adding Special Menu Items
How To Have A Menu Border On Hover Without Movement Using The Menu Element Tue, 07 Jul 2020 00:33:14 +0000

When creating a menu using the Menu Element, you can set a border on hover, as is shown in the screenshot below. But if you just set it on hover, you will see the menu move slightly, as the border is activated. To eliminate this movement when you hover, there’s a simple trick.

Header With Border on Hover

Set Hover State Border & Color

Let’s start by adding a border size and border color on the Hover state of the menu. These options are found on the bottom of the Main tab, with the Main Menu Item Border Size and Main Menu Item Border Color options. Simply click on the circle to the right of the option to enter the hover state for those options and add your values.

Default / Hover State Controls
Header > Set up Border size and color

Set Default State Border & Transparent Color

The key to eliminate that movement is to also set the Regular state with the same size border, and then set the color to transparent. That way the border is also on the Regular state, but it’s just invisible. But with this method, any movement is fully eliminated.

Header > Set up Border size and transparent color
How To Set Up A Click Mode Menu In The Best Way Using The Menu Element Mon, 06 Jul 2020 23:05:07 +0000

We are used to menus that open upon hover. But this is not necessarily the best method, either for navigation, or accessibility. With the Menu Element however, you can create menus that open their submenus only on click. This is done simply by choosing Click as the Expand Method in the Menu > Submenu options, as seen below in the image. But there a few things to be aware of when doing this. Read on…

Click Mode Menu

One is the use of carets. If Click Mode is activated, and Dropdown Carets are enabled, then it is the Carets themselves that need to be clicked to activate the submenu, not the menu item.

This is related to the second issue; the top level menu items. These can be normal page or post links etc, but in this case, clicking on them would redirect the page to the link, and not open the submenu.

So, to avoid these issues when creating a Click Mode Menu, it is best to use custom links set to # as the top level menu item, when a submenu exists, so that if a user clicks on the actual menu item, the submenu will open.

Avada Special Menu Items Mon, 06 Jul 2020 22:13:23 +0000

On the WordPress Menu page, you will find the Avada Special Menu Items. These are at the bottom of the Add Menu Items dialog, found at Appearance > Menus. You can use these special items to add these specific features to your menu when using the Menu Element. Read on to learn more about the special items.

Avada Special Menu Items

How To Use The Avada Special Menu Items

There are a number of special menu items, that we used to add into the menu automatically. Now, you have full control to place them in the menu where you like, plus more control over the appearance/icon. These items can be added to a menu when you build it, at Appearance > Menus. Simply select the one you want and click Add to Menu, Each one has their own Avada Menu Options dialog to help style the menu item.

Adding Special Menu Items

Avada Special Menu Items


With this item, you can add the Search function to your Menu, rather than using the Search Element. It has a custom Avada Menu Options dialog with just the one setting. With this you choose the style of the Search bar.

  • Inline – A search field displays in the menu, with an icon and a tooltip.

  • Dropdown – This displays the word Search and an optional icon, and the search field displays on rollover in a dropdown field.

  • Overlay – A search icon displays on the menu, and when clicked, the entire menu area is overlaid with a Search field.

Avada Menu Options > Search

Log Out

With this item, you can add a Log Out option to your Menu. It has an Avada Menu Options dialog with Button, Icon and Highlight styling options.

Avada Special Menu Items > Log Out > Menu Options

Sliding Bar Toggle

With this item, you can add a Sliding Bar toggle to your menu. It has a couple of settings around the Icon shown.

Avada Menu Options > Sliding Bar Toggle

Off Canvas Toggle

With this item, you can add the any Off Canvas to your Menu, allowing you to toggle it via a menu link.

Avada Special Menu Items > Off Canvas

WooCommerce Cart

With this item, you can add the WooCommerce Cart to your Menu. It has a custom Avada Menu Options dialog with WooCommerce cart relevant settings.

Avada Special Menu Item - WooCommerce Cart

WooCommerce My Account

With this item, you can add the WooCommerce My Account to your Menu. It has a custom Avada Menu Options dialog with settings for the Icon.

Avada Menu Options > WooCommerce My Account
Menu Element Sun, 05 Jul 2020 22:11:04 +0000

The fully featured Menu Element can be used both throughout your content, and in the construction of Header Layout Sections using Avada Layouts. Read on to find out more about this exciting Element, and watch the video below for a comprehensive walkthrough.

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How To Use The Menu Element

The Menu Element allows you to place a menu anywhere on your site, including in a Header Layout in Avada Layouts.

To start, choose where you want to add your menu and add the element into your desired column.

There are five tabs in the Menu Element. The first one, General, is where you select the Menu to display and make some basic configuration settings to do with functionality and alignment. The Main tab is where you configure your selected menu’s appearance and colors. The Submenu tab has its own configuration options for any submenus. The Mobile tab is where you configure your menu for mobile, and the Extras tab offers animation options that allow you to determine how the menu interacts with the loading of the page.

Read on below for full details of all the Menu element options.

Element Options

Note: Please note that the displayed options screens below show ALL the available options for the element. If you have Avada’s Option Network Dependencies turned on, you will only see options relevant to your selections, and so the options screen may look somewhat different.


MenuSelect the menu which you want to use.
Element VisibilityChoose to show or hide the element on small, medium or large screens. You can choose more than one at a time.
Element Sticky VisibilityChoose to show or hide the element, based on the current mode (normal or sticky) of its parent container. You can choose more than one at a time.
DirectionChoose to have a horizontal or a vertical menu.
MarginSpacing above and below the section. Enter values including any valid CSS unit, ex: 4%.
Transition TimeSet the time for submenu expansion and all other hover transitions. In milliseconds.
Space Between Main Menu and SubmenuControls the space between the main menu and dropdowns.
Menu ArrowsChoose if you want to show dropdown arrows on the main menu and submenus.
Arrow SizeControls the width and height of the arrows.
CSS ClassAdd a class to the wrapping HTML element.
CSS IDAdd an ID to the wrapping HTML element.


Minimum HeightThe minimum height for the main menu. Use any valid CSS unit.
Sticky Minimum HeightThe minimum height for main menu links when the container is sticky. Use any valid CSS unit.
Align ItemsSelect how main menu items will be aligned. Defines the default behavior for how flex items are laid out along the cross axis on the current line (perpendicular to the main-axis).
JustificationSelect how main menu items will be justified.
Main Menu TypographyControls the typography of the main menu item. Leave empty for the global font family.
Main Menu Item Text AlignSelect if main menu items should be aligned to the left, right or centered.
Main Menu Item PaddingSelect the padding for main menu items. Enter values including any valid CSS unit, ex: 10px or 10%.
Main Menu Item SpacingThe gap between main menu items. Use any valid CSS value, including its unit (10px, 4%, 1em etc).
Main Menu Item Border RadiusEnter values including any valid CSS unit, ex: 10px.
Main Menu Hover TransitionSelect the animation type when hovering the main menu items. This animation is applied to the background-color and borders.
Main Menu Icon PositionControls the main menu icon position.
Main Menu Icon SizeControls the size of the main menu icons.
Main Menu Item Background ColorControls the background-color for main menu items.
Main Menu Item Text ColorControls the color for main menu item text color.
Main Menu Item Border SizeSelect the border size for main menu items. Enter values including any valid CSS unit, ex: 10px.
Main Menu Item Border ColorControls the border-color for main menu items.
Main Menu Item Icon ColorControls the main menu icon color.


Dropdown CaretsSelect whether dropdown carets should show as submenu indicator.
Submenu ModeSelect whether you want a classic dropdown, or a full-screen flyout.
Expand MethodSelect how submenus will expand. If carets are enabled, then they will become clickable.
Close On Outer ClickSelect if submenu should be closed on click outside the section.
Click Method ModeSelect how the submenus should open. Toggle allows several items to be open at a time. Accordion only allows one item to be open at a time.
Submenu IndentSet submenu indent. Enter values including any valid CSS unit, ex: 10px or 10%.
Submenu Expand DirectionChanges the expand direction for submenus and vertical menus.
Submenu Expand TransitionChanges the expand transition for submenus.
Submenu Maximum WidthThe maximum width for submenus. Use any valid CSS value.
Flyout DirectionControls the direction the flyout submenu starts from.
Submenu TypographyControls the typography of the submenu items. Leave empty for the global font family.
Submenu Item Text AlignSelect how the submenu text should be aligned.
Submenu Item PaddingSelect the padding for submenu items. Enter values including any valid CSS unit, ex: 10px or 10%.
Submenu Border RadiusEnter values including any valid CSS unit, ex: 10px.
Box ShadowSet to "Yes" to enable box shadows.
Box Shadow PositionSet the vertical and horizontal position of the box shadow. Positive values put the shadow below and right of the box, negative values put it above and left of the box. In pixels, ex. 5px.
Box Shadow Blur RadiusSet the blur radius of the box shadow. In pixels.
Box Shadow Spread RadiusSet the spread radius of the box shadow. A positive value increases the size of the shadow, a negative value decreases the size of the shadow. In pixels.
Box Shadow ColorControls the color of the box shadow.
Box Shadow StyleSet the style of the box shadow to either be an outer or inner shadow.
Submenu Thumbnail SizeControls the width and height of the submenu image thumbnails. Use "auto" for automatic resizing if you added either width or height.
Legacy Mega Menu Title JustificationSelect how legacy mega menu titles will be justified.
Submenu Separator ColorControls the color for the submenu items separator. Set to transparent for no separator.
Submenu Background ColorControls the background-color for submenu dropdowns.
Submenu Text ColorControls the text color for submenu dropdowns.
Close Icon ColorControls the close icon color for flyout submenu.


Collapse to Mobile BreakpointThe breakpoint at which your navigation will collapse to mobile mode.
Mobile Menu ModeChoose if you want the mobile menu to be collapsed to a button, or always expanded.
Mobile Menu Expand ModeChange the width and position of expanded mobile menus.
Mobile Menu Opening ModeSelect how the submenus should open. Toggle allows several items to be open at a time. Accordion only allows one item to be open at a time.
Mobile Menu Trigger PaddingSelect the padding for your mobile menu's expand / collapse button. Enter values including any valid CSS unit, ex: 10px.
Mobile Menu Trigger Background ColorControls the background-color for the mobile menu trigger.
Mobile Menu Trigger Text ColorControls the text-color for the mobile menu trigger.
Mobile Menu Trigger TextThe text shown next to the mobile menu trigger icon.
Mobile Menu Trigger Expand IconSelect icon for expanding / opening the menu.
Mobile Menu Trigger Collapse IconSelect icon for collapsing / closing the menu.
Mobile Menu Trigger Font SizeControls the size of the mobile menu trigger. Font-Size In pixels.
Mobile Menu Trigger Horizontal AlignChange the horizontal alignment of the collapse / expand button within its container column.
Mobile Menu Trigger Button Full WidthTurn on to make the mobile menu trigger button span full-width.
Mobile Menu Trigger Bottom MarginControls the space between the mobile menu trigger and expanded mobile menu.
Mobile Menu Item Minimum HeightControls the height of each menu item. In pixels.
Mobile Menu Sticky Maximum HeightThe maximum height for mobile main menu links when the container is sticky. Use any valid CSS unit.
Mobile Menu Text AlignSelect if mobile menu items should be aligned to the left, right or centered.
Mobile Menu Indent SubmenusTurn on to enable identation for submenus.
Mobile Menu TypographyControls the typography of the mobile menu. Leave empty for the global font family.
Mobile Menu Separator ColorControls the color for mobile menu separators.
Mobile Menu Background ColorControls the background color for mobile menus.
Mobile Menu Text ColorControls the text color for mobile menus.


Animation TypeSelect the type of animation to use on the element.
Direction of AnimationSelect the incoming direction for the animation.
Animation ColorSelect the color of the animation
Speed of AnimationType in speed of animation in seconds (0.1 - 5).
Animation DelaySelect the delay time after the animation starts(0 - 5).
Offset of AnimationControls when the animation should start.
One Page Menu with Multi-Page Links Thu, 21 Jan 2016 02:19:11 +0000

When creating a menu for a website that has anchor links as well as normal links to other pages, you may find that your menu items with anchor links may not work or behave as expected. If you’d like to know more about why this is and how to properly create a menu with a combination of absolute and relative links, please continue reading our detailed guide below.

Absolute Vs. Relative Links

To fully understand the process of of creating a menu with anchor links and normal links, we first need to understand the difference between absolute links and relative links. Please continue reading below for a brief description of each type of links and how they work.

Absolute Links

An absolute link contains your full site URL. For example, the URL of this page is
Another example is, the link to this section of the page. As you can see from the second example, an absolute link may also contain an anchor that is located specifically somewhere in the content of the page. Unlike a relative link, using an absolute link as a menu item to point to an anchor on another page will always work, regardless of which page on the website you’re currently on.

Relative Links

Relative links are links which are local or relative to only a specific page. Meaning, the browser will have to be on that page for the link to navigate to the desired location. For example, if the About page contains an Avada Menu Anchor element or an element with the ID team, then a menu item that has the #team relative link as the menu item’s URL, that menu item will only work on the About page.

One Page Menu with Multi-page links - Absolute

Creating A Multi-Page Menu

The proper way to create a menu that has both relative and absolute links would be to create two separate menus. One menu to act as your Main Menu, and one menu specifically tailored for the page that contains the anchor links. Below is a detailed guide on creating both menus.

How To Create The Main Menu

Step 1 – Go to the Appearance > Menus tab and create a new menu.

Step 2 – Build your menu as you normally would. For the links that you’d like to point to an anchor on a specific page, insert a ‘Custom Link’ and use the absolute link of the anchor. For example, if the anchor you’d like to point to is on the About page, then your URL will look like this:

Step 3 – Keep repeating Step 2 until all your menu items that point to an anchor on another page all contain their respective absolute links.

Step 4 – Set this menu in the Menu Element in your Header Layout, and set the conditions for this menu to be used everywhere except the About Page.

One Page Menu with Multi-page links - Relative Full

How To Create The Specific Menu

Step 1 – Go to the Appearance > Menus tab and create a new menu. Give it a unique name. For example, About Page Menu.

Step 2 – Build your specific menu identical to your main menu. This time, instead of putting absolute links in the menu items that point to an anchor on another page, you’ll insert their relative link. For example, if the absolute link is, then you’ll replace it with just #team as seen in in example image.

Step 3 – Keep repeating Step 2 until all your menu items that point to an anchor on another page all contain their respective relative links.

Step 4 – Save all your changes.

Step 5 – Create a new layout just for the About page, and clone your existing header layout section and assign it to this layout. Edit that, and change the menu to this one just created. Assign this layout only to the About page.

One Page Menu with Multi-page Links - Absolute Team

Why Create A Multi-Page Menu This Way?

Creating two menus is the proper way to create a multi-page menu because it’s the best way to display relative links. If you only use one menu and only use relative anchor links for your menu items, then those menu items will not work unless you’re in the specific page where those anchors are found. This is because WordPress just appends the anchor to the current URL.

On the other hand, If you only use absolute links, then all your menu items containing the anchor links will all be highlighted when you’re in the specific page where those anchors are found. This is because as far as WordPress is concerned, you’re already on that anchor because you’re on the specific page they’re located.

WordPress Menu Settings Wed, 22 Jul 2015 14:52:51 +0000

To make the most of your menus in WordPress when using Avada, you should be familiar with the various settings and options available when initially creating your menus, at Appearance > Menus, from the WordPress dashboard. These are a mixture of WordPress core menu functions, and third-party and Avada added settings. For an introduction to the core WordPress functionality of Menus, please see the Appearance > Menus Screen documentation.

General Menu Options

There are many types of menu items that can be added to a menu. Some of these are core WordPress options, such as Pages, Posts, Custom Links & Categories. Others are added with third-party plugins, such as WooCommerce or The Events Calendar. Yet others are added by Avada, such as the Avada Special Menu Items and the Avada Menu Options.

There are also multiple levels of possible menu items; the Parent Level (or the First Level menu items) and any Child Levels (or sub-level menu items below the Parent Level menu item). There can be up to 4 child levels with Avada.

In each Menu item, you will also find the Avada Menu Options button. See the linked doc for a full rundown, but basically, you can use these options to configure your menu item’s appearance in your menu.

There are also five menu positions available with Avada – Main Navigation, Top Navigation, Mobile Navigation, 404 Useful Pages, and Sticky Header Navigation. See the Setting Up A Menu doc for more details on this, and other menu related items.

To read more about Mega Menus, please see our Using The Mega Menu document. Read below for more information on Menu Settings in Avada.

Menu Settings

Navigation Label – Illustrated as A. Allows you to add a name to your menu item. In this way, you can change the display name of a menu item.

Title Attribute – Illustrated as B. This will specifies the value for the title attribute of the menu item. This text will only be displayed when a user’s mouse hovers over the menu item.

Link Target – Illustrated as C. Allows you to set the link target to _blank.

Description – Illustrated as D. You can add a description under the Menu item. See the Spa Demo Menu for an example of this.

Avada Options – Illustrated as E. This will open additional menu item settings which are proprietary to Avada. Click the button and you’ll gain access to the additional options listed below, in the next section.

Move – Illustrated as F. Allows you to easily move the menu item to various positions in the Menu Structure.

Original – Illustrated as G. Allows you to view the original page name, which the menu item links to.

Remove – Illustrated as H. Allows you to remove the menu item from the Menu Structure.

Cancel – Illustrated as I. Allows you to cancel or remove the changes made to the menu item and collapse the panel.

Custom Link URL Setting Illustrated as J. The Custom Link menu item has the additional option of a URL setting. This setting allows you to add a custom link as a menu item.

Parent and Custom Menu Item Options

Under the Screen Options at the top of the screen, there are several options you can turn on or off that will display on the Menu items, such as Link Target & Description.

Advanced Menu Properties
How To Create Menus In Avada Fri, 20 Sep 2013 00:34:31 +0000

Menus are initially created in Appearance > Menus from the WordPress dashboard. They can then be added anywhere to your Avada website using the Menu Element, or if using legacy methods, they are assigned to certain areas within your website, which are then displayed according to your chosen Header layout. This article looks at the creation of menus through the WordPress interface.

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How To Create A New Menu

Step 1 – Navigate to Appearance > Menus from the WordPress sidebar.

Step 2 – Click the Create A New Menu link. Give your new menu a name, and then click the Create Menu button.

Step 3 – To add a menu item, select one of your created pages on the left hand side and click the Add to Menu button. You can also add all kinds of different content from the Add Menu Items section.

Step 4 – To add a custom menu item, click the “Custom Links” menu item bar, then enter a custom name and URL into the respective text fields and click “Add to Menu.”

Step 5 – You can further customize the individual Menu Items, but clicking on the Avada Menu Options button on each item.

Step 6 – Manage your menus by using the drag and drop functionality. To create a dropdown menu, simply drag a menu item below and slightly to the right of the menu item above it and it will lock into place. That will set the menu item as child item and will automatically appear as a dropdown menu item.

Step 7 – After setting up your menu, scroll down to the bottom of the page to assign the menu to one of the 5 locations in the Theme Locations box.

– Once it’s all done, make sure you click the Save button.

Here is a screenshot that shows you the various areas and descriptions of the menu section described above.

Menu Creation

Assigning A Menu

Once you have created you menu, you need to assign it to your site. There are two main ways to do this. Our recommended method is to use the Menu Element in a Header Layout Section (You can also add a Menu anywhere in your page content with the Menu Element). Read more about how this works in the How The Menu Element And Menu Work Together document.

Alternatively, If you are not yet using Avada layouts, and instead using the legacy Headers chosen from the Global Options, then you assign the menu to a specific location in the menu itself. See the Assigning Menus via Global Options document for more information on this.
