Media – Avada Website Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce Wed, 16 Oct 2024 20:36:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Set Images Used for Sharing on Social Networks Mon, 07 Oct 2024 00:00:17 +0000

When users share your site to social media, it’s nice to be able to control what image and description go with the share. This is the domain of the Open Graph tag. Read on to find out more about OG tags, and watch the video below for a visual overview of this topic.

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Open Graph Meta Tags

Open Graph meta tags are snippets of code that control how URLs are displayed when shared on social media. They’re part of Facebook’s Open Graph protocol and are also used by other social media sites, including LinkedIn and X, but there’s varying levels of support, so they’re not always respected.

There are OG tags for titles, descriptions and images, and what we are looking at today is how to best implement these on your Avada site.

Global Options

To start, there are a couple of Global options that relate to this topic. Under the Advanced > Features tab, there is an option called Description and Open Graph Meta Tags. As the description for this option explains, you turn this on to enable custom description meta tag and open graph meta tags in Avada.

As it also notes, it’s IMPORTANT to know that some optimization plugins, like for example Yoast SEO or RANK MATH, add their own implementation of this. You can choose whether to use Avada’s implementation of this or the plugin’s, but you should not use both, as this can cause duplicate tags.

There is also another option above this one called Meta Tags Separator. This just controls the separator character that can then be used in the Avada Page Options SEO tab for post title and description meta tags.

Global Options > Open Graph Meta Tags

Page Options

Then there are the page options section of a post or a page. On the SEO tab, there are options for the SEO Title, a Meta Description, and an Open Graph Image. If these are set, which is on a page by page basis, these tags will be used when sharing the post or page to social media.

If there is a featured image set on the page or post, and no image has been added in the SEO tab of the page options, then the featured image will be used instead.

If nothing is set anywhere, then the logo from the Global options will be used.

Page Options > SEO

Facebook Options

It’s also worth noting that the various social networks can have different requirements for images. Facebook for example has this page – – which specifies the size and even aspect ratio for images, and you can even test your shares out with the Debugger tool –

How To Set Favicons In Avada Tue, 07 May 2024 21:54:53 +0000

A favicon, short for favorites icon, is an icon displayed in the tab bar of a browser accessing the site and next to the site name in a list of saved bookmarks. You can see a large version of the Avada favicon here. In Avada, you can add a range of favicons to give your site a professional look on all devices, and when your site is saved as a bookmark. Read on, and watch the video below for a visual overview.

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Creating Favicons

Creating favicons are best made when creating your logo, using elements and colors from your branding. A favicon needs to have a square aspect ratio, and should be simple enough to display well at a very small size. Typically a favicon is a small version of your logo, with no logotype or other text, but can also just be a letter, or other graphic image.

There are favicon generators online, but these are basic scripts and cannot take any logo and make a great favicon. The best results with such tools are usually Text to Favicon options, where the favicon becomes just one letter.

An alternative to this is to create your own favicon in Photoshop or the like. If using this method, create a square document (I like to use a big size like 1000px) and then resize the favicon to the correct sizes when done designing. See this guide for more information on how to make a great favicon.

Setting Site Favicons

Once your have your favicons, it’s time to upload them. Favicon Options are located in the Global Options at Avada > Options > Logo > Favicons. Avada offers several fields to upload different sizes of favicons. Each one has its own unique size listed in the description.

To add favicons, simply click the ‘Upload’ button next to the appropriate field, then select the favicon file you would like to use. The best format to save your favicons in for uploading is a png file, but you can also use jpgs and svg files.

Upload Favicons
How To Set Up Social Media Options In Avada Thu, 17 Feb 2022 23:35:47 +0000

Avada includes a wide range of social media options, enabling you to share your social links and feeds, as well as allowing users to share your content to their own social networks. Continue reading below to learn more about how to set up the social media options in Avada, and watch the video below for a visual overview.

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Social Media Icons

Social Media Icons allow you to share links to your Social Media channels. These icons are typically placed in the header and footer of your site. There are two ways to add these icons. Our recommended method is to add Social Media Icons into a Header or Footer Layout Section using the Social Links Element, however with this Element, you can add them anywhere in your content. Read the Element doc and the Introducing Avada Layouts doc for more information on this method.

If you are not using Avada Layouts, there is still the legacy method for adding social media icons into your header or footer. In the Social Media Icons panel, found at Avada > Options > Social Media > Social Media Icons, you will find a repeater field, to which you can add one social network at a time. You can add as many social links as you require. These icons are then displayed if the selected Header Layout has a place for them. See the Header Layouts via Global Options doc for more details on the various legacy headers.

Social Feeds

There are also a range of Design Elements in Avada, with which you can display full social feeds. These are the Facebook Page Element, and the Twitter Timeline Element, as shown below, and if you see Flickr as being a social platform, your can add the Flickr Element to the list. These Elements replace the legacy widgets method, are highly configurable, and can be added anywhere into your content. See the individual Element docs for more information on these.

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( function( d, s, id ) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName( s )[0]; if ( d.getElementById( id ) ) { return; } js = d.createElement( s ); = id; js.src = ""; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore( js, fjs ); }( document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk' ) );

Social Sharing

You can also allow your users to share your content to a chosen range of social media sites. Our recommended method for this is to use the Social Sharing Element, for example, in a single post layout, but again, with this Element, a Sharing Box can be placed anywhere in your content, as can be seen below.

If your’re not using Avada Layouts, and you want to add the Sharing Box to a post or portfolio template, your can still use the legacy method. The Sharing Box feature can be enabled or disabled on any blog or portfolio single post page, and the sharing box, itself can be widely customized. See the for more information on configuring the Social Sharing global options.

Share This Doc, Choose Your Platform!

How To Use Image Aspect Ratios Thu, 13 Jan 2022 00:19:18 +0000

A very useful feature in the Image Element is the ability to independently set an aspect ratio. This is the width of the image in relationship to the height, expressed as a ratio. A square image, for example, would have an aspect ratio of 1:1, whereas most digital cameras produce an image with an aspect ratio of 3:2 in landscape or 2:3 in portrait.

Images, of course, have an inherent aspect ratio, so what this option does is allow you to override that aspect ratio after you have uploaded it (which in turn will visually crop the image somewhat, depending on the aspect ratio chosen). Let’s have a look at how this feature works!


Selecting An Aspect Ratio

OK, so the image above has an inherent aspect ratio of 3:2. When you insert an Image Element, and add an image to it, the Image Aspect Ratio is, by default, set to Automatic, and displays the image at its native aspect ratio.

There is a dropdown list under the Image Aspect Ratio options, and here, you can override the native aspect ratio with one of your own. The selections available are 1:1, 2:1, 2:3, 3:1, 3:2, 4:1, 4:3, 5:4, 16:9, 9:16, 21:9, 9:21, and Custom.

Note; if the higher number is at the start of the ratio, the image will display as a landscape image, whereas if the lower number is at the start, it will be a portrait image.

In the image below, I have chosen an aspect ratio of 1:1, which crops the image square.

Image Aspect Ratio Options

Image Focus Point

There is also an option under this, called Image Focus Point. This allows you to select the part of the image that the aspect ratio will be centered around by moving the blue dot around the image. As you can see in the image above, it’s the right side of the image that mostly displays.

Custom Aspect Ratio

If you select Custom from the Image Aspect Ratio option, another option appears called Custom Aspect Ratio.

How this works is that here you are setting the height in relation to 100% width. So if I set this to 25, I get a ratio of 100:25, or reduced down, 4:1. This is what we see below. Any number above 100 would become a portrait ratio, so a figure of 400 would produce a ratio of 100:400, or 1:4.

Custom Aspect Ratio

Just note, that the image appears cropped, but it is in fact only cropped in the browser. If for example you right clicked on the image below and opened it in a new tab, you would in fact see the full image. For best results in terms of image optimisation, it’s perhaps still best to edit your images (both for size and aspect ratio) before uploading, but this helpful option allows you to qickly change the appearance of your images with little fuss, and little consequence.

How To Use Image Masks In Avada Wed, 12 Jan 2022 22:58:19 +0000

Image Masks are an awesome feature in Avada. You will find them on the background tabs of the Container Element as well as in the Image Element. These masks easily enable you to constrain your images to only display through a shape, or a mask. There are lots of different masks you can apply to your images, and you can even upload your own custom masks. Read on to see how this works, and watch the video below for a visual explanation.

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Container Element

With the Container Element, the masks options are on the Background > Mask tab. This is very different usage to the image element in that here, they are intended to be placed over a background image in your container, and likely in conjunction with other elements. As such, there are different shapes and options.

Container Image Masks Options

With Containers, you have a selection of sixteen preset masks and the ability to upload your own custom mask (in svg format). Selecting a mask then reveals all the other options, with which to modify the mask.

All masks have a color option, and a few also have a second accent color option (as in the example above). These can be global colors, hexadcimal values or rgba values, but mostly opaque colors makes the most sense as there are options for opacity in the mask options.

The Mask Style option allows the mask to be inverted if required. This completely reverses where the mask itself, so that areas that were masked are now clear, and clear areas are now masked.

You can also introduce opacity into the mask with the Mask Opacity option. As you move this slider down, any solid section of the mask will become more transparent, allowing any background image to show through.

There are options here for both a vertical flip and a horizontal flip of the mask (or both). So with the Mask Style and Transform options, there is an enormous amount of possibility with adjusting the mask to suit your needs.

Finally, you can apply a blend mode to the mask. This works in the same way other blending modes work, and allows you to choose from sixteen different blend modes

Image Element

Example Image

With the Image Element, you will find the Mask options on the Design tab. Currently, there are eighteen different masks to choose from, as well as the ability to upload a custom mask (in svg format).

To enable a mask for your image, simply select one of the prebuilt masks. The mask will be applied and you can then further customise its shape and position with the other mask options. To use a custom mask just click on Custom, which is the last Mask in the set, and then you can upload an image to be used as the mask. Just note that the image should be in SVG or PNG format with a transparent background.

Image Mask Options

Once you have selected the mask, there is an option for mask size. The possible selections here are Fit, Fill, or Custom.

Fit is the default and allows the full mask to display as large as possible while at the same time making sure the full mask stays within the boundaries of the image.

Fill however, will make the mask as big as possible, so either on the left/right or on top/bottom the mask will get cut off at the boundary of the image, depending on whether the image is landscape or portrait.

Custom triggers a new option called Custom Size, which allows you to specify a size (any valid CSS unit) for the mask. The example below on the right is set to 70%.

Example Image


Example Image


Example Image

Custom > 70%

Mask Position is the next option, which positions the mask over the image, and allows you to display different areas of the image. Here you have a choice of Top Center, Top Left, Top Right, Center Center, Center Left, Center Right, Bottom Center, Bottom Left, Bottom Right, and Custom.

If you choose Custom, a new option appears called Custom Mask Position, where you enter values in pairs, first for the X axis, and secondly for the Y axis, as coordinates for the position ex. 60% 50px.

Below from left to right, we have Center Center, Center Left, and Center Right. Note how different areas of the image are showing through the mask.

Example Image
Example Image
Example Image

Depending on the Column size and the image, you might also want to employ the last Mask option, Mask Repeat. Here you have a choice of No Repeat, Repeat, Repeat X, Repeat Y, Space, and Round.

Below is an example of using the Repeat option, combined with a Custom mask size of 90px. There are many ways to use this feature, depending on your image, mask and desired outcome. As always, the best way to get to know a feature is to experiment. Go Wild!

Example Image
How To Use Captions On Image Based Elements Mon, 18 Oct 2021 21:52:16 +0000

Captions are now easy to add to image based elements such as the Image Element, Image Carousel and the Gallery Element. You can find Captions on their own tab, and fully control the look and feel of how they display with a variety of design styles.

Read on to find out more about this awesome feature for images, and watch the video below for a visual overview.

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Where Do Captions Come From?

Captions and Titles are fields that are already available in images in the Media Library, as you can see in the image below. When you upload an image you can add, amongst other things, a Caption and / or a Title. The media based Elements with captions then pull that information directly from the images to display using the new Captions styles.

For images that don’t have captions and titles embedded in the file, you can add them (or override them) in the Element itself. There is one main difference however, between the Image Element, and the Image Carousel and Gallery Elements. With the Image Element, you can add the individual caption and title text on the Captions tab of the Element as it is a single image Element, but with the Gallery Element and the Image Carousel Element, these Image Title and Image Caption options are found by editing the individual Element items, found under the Children tab.

Media Library > Title And Caption Fields

Caption Options

The range of options on the Caption tabs of the three image-based Elements are almost identical, bar for the Title And Caption options mentioned above. But for a full list and screenshots of the options available on the Captions tab, please see the individual Element docs: Image Element, Image Carousel Element, & the Gallery Element

Caption Styles

There are a range of Caption styles to choose from. By default, captions are Off. There are two simple caption styles – Above and Below, and then a range of five styled caption designs. These are code named Navin, Dario, Resa, Schantel & Dany. Let’s look at these caption styles individually to see what you can achieve.


As the name says, the Title and Caption are placed above the image with this selection. You can control the color and size of the fonts etc used with the Element Options.

Captions Example > Above


This is exactly the same as Athe previous style, only this time, the title and Caption sit below the image.

Captions Example > Below


This places a color overlay over the image. And we can see the title on the image itself. So here, when we mouse over the image, the overlay disappears, and the title lifts up so there’s room for the caption to slide in beneath it.

Captions Example > Navin


OK, Dario is the next style, and this one places the Title near the top, and upon mouseover a border slides in under the title, and the caption slides in from the other side

Captions Example > Dario


Resa is a very stylish design. It only shows the title initially, but on mouseover the title and caption are aligned in the center of the image, and a border appears around the inside of the image.

Captions Example > Resa


Schantel has the title at the top left, and the caption slides in below this on mouseover, with a background color. There’s also a new option with this style called Image Caption Background Color to control that color of course. There’s also a zoom in effect applied to the image with this style.

Captions Example > Schantel


Finally, there is Dany. This puts the title at the bottom of the image, and on rollover, the image and title lift up, and the caption is presented with a background color. This option also has the Image Caption Background color option.

Captions Example > Dany
Image Format And Size Guide Thu, 21 Jan 2021 20:31:38 +0000

Images for websites is a deep and complex subject. There are many factors to understand and to take into account, and it’s not a topic where an easy, one size fits all answer will suffice. But if you want to know more about how images work with your website, and get a general overview of the factors at play, read on.

When we speak of image size, it is useful to keep in mind the two different sides of the issue. The first one is “What size images should I upload?”, while the other side is “What affects how large my images are displayed?” And these are not independent questions. You can’t answer the first one without also considering the second. Secondly, different usage requires different formats, and it’s good to know what formats suit what situations.

Below is a general guide on how to gauge how big or small your images should be to fit your website, as well as to ensure that they look crisp on your viewers’ screens. The size, and quality of the images on your website depends on a whole range of factors, such as the format, how big you upload them, your site width, whether they’re in columns or being used as a background image, whether you use sidebars, and even the resolution of the end user’s screen, to name just a few.

Continue reading below to learn more about these factors. Also, take a look at our extensive blog article, ‘A Comprehensive Guide To WordPress Image Optimization’, to explore the basics of image optimization, and watch the video below for a visual overview of the topic

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Image Formats

Image size is also directly affected by your choice of image format. This is a huge topic, and way too big for a tutorial such as this, but basically, there are two major file fomats you are likely to be using on your website, as well as a few more upcoming and possible formats. There are both vector and raster image formats, and each format has their own strengths and weaknesses. For a more detailed look at image file formats, view this excellent article at HubSpot, or this one at Kinsta.


JPG (.jpg or .jpeg) is the most common image raster format for the web, most suitable for photos. It compresses well (maintains quality relatively well for the file sizes you can achieve). It doesn’t support transparency, but it’s by far the most common image format.

Train Tracks in Forest


PNG (.png) is also a very common image format, with specific strengths. It was invented to replace GIFs, and is a lossless format and also supports transparency. This means it is great for logos and other images that require transparency. It is also a good format for high quality photos, but the comparitive file size is much bigger than a jpg.

Avada Website Builder Logo - 1


GIF (.gif) is a lossless format, meaning that a GIF retains all the data contained in the file, but they are smaller than JPGs, specifically because they only accommodate up to 256 indexed colors. GIF also supports transparency, but for logos, PNGs are a better format. This format is slowly being replaced by the .png format, but where GIFs still shine, is that they can be animated, and so are very useful in some situations.

FileBird Filter Options


SVG (.svg) is a vector format, which while having wide browser support, is not yet as easy a file format to implement as the others. It is however a great choice for logos, or other graphics you want to be tack sharp. Unlike raster formats seen in JPG, GIF, and PNG, an SVG image remains crisp and clear at any resolution or size, because they are mathematically declared shapes and curves, not pixels.



WebP is the new kid on the block, this file format is developed by Google, and was developed specifically to provide better lossless and lossy compression of images. This format does not have 100% browser support at this time, but there are ways around this using image optimisation plugins like ShortPixel. For more info on how to implement WebP with WordPress, check out this post.

Image Element Hero

What Size Images Should I Upload?

Images that are too large are one of the main causes for slow loading websites. So if you want a really slow website, just upload images straight from your phone, camera or other capture device. These are often over 5,000px in width and up to six or seven megabytes in size. This will ensure your pages take forever to load. This approach is incredibly common, yet it doesn’t take into account the size (both in pixels, and in kilobytes, or even megabytes) of the image being uploaded.

But we all want fast loading websites, and so we need to consider these things. To do this, and to determine what size our images should be, we need to understand a few things about images, and about how big the space we are adding the images into actually is. The first thing to understand is how images for the web are sized.

Pixel Size and File Size

For a start, forget about what ppi (pixels per inch) your image is. It makes no difference in a web browser, and doesn’t affect file size either. It is a printing instruction, and can be completely ignored with images for the web. Despite this, it’s a standard to upload images that are at 72ppi.

The most important figure to understand about images for the web is the pixel dimensions. Capture devices, like cameras and phones, capture images at a fixed aspect ratio and size. The longest length of an image is usually in the range of 3,000 – 7,000 pixels, but this depends entirely on the device. But this is what you most need to consider when preparing your images for uploading to a website. We will cover more on what’s an appropriate size, but as a very rough guide, images around 2,000 – 2,500 pixels on the longest length are considered the largest size you’d ever need to upload. In many cases, images around 600 – 1200 pixels would be more appropriate. And images that are only a couple of hundred pixels in width (like logos) will be fine in small Columns, but would pixelate if added to larger Columns.

When it comes to file size, this is determined by three things – the complexity of the image (an image of the blue sky will be much smaller than the same-sized image of a forest), the pixel dimensions of the image, and the compression applied to the image. There’s not much you need to know about the first one, and the second one will be determined by other considerations, but the compression is also important. This setting, available in virtually all graphics software and via image optimization websites or WordPress plugins, reduces the kilobyte size of an image and optimizes it for the web. The more compression you apply, the smaller the file size. But quality is also reduced. So, a balance between the two needs to be found. Check this comprehensive guide on image optimization.

Resizing and Compressing Images for the Web

So, What Size Images Did You Say I Should Upload?

Images Within The Site Width

So, now you know a bit about resizing images, and what formats to potentially use, how do you actually decide how big your images should be? Well, it all starts with your Site Width. You’ll find this setting in Avada > Options > Layout > Site Width. This can be a percetage value, but web design is still largely pixel based, and the current default width is 1200px (this is to do with screen reslolutions, which we will get to…)

Let’s say your Site Width is 1200px. That means that all the content on your site will display across 1200 pixels of the monitor it’s being viewed on. As an example, the content on this documentation, including the sidebar, is 1300px. (You can break the content out of this Site Width by using the 100% Width setting on Containers, or a slider, but again, we will get to that…)

Therefore, if you had a full width Column with an Image Element, an appropriate size for your image would be around 1200px. To determine the image size, we just need to consider the width (in pixels) of the area it will be added to.

So now, let’s say you have two one-half columns, and you want an image to display in one of them. How big does that image need to be? Well, around half of the Site Width would be a good starting point. So, around 600px. If you optionally wanted the image to be able to be opened in a Lightbox, you might initally upload a larger version (perhaps 1000 – 1500px) and then insert a 600px version into the column, and the full size into the Lightbox option of the Image Element.

In the example below, instead of being added via the Image Element, the image has been added to the background of the Column (to enable the overlaid Text and Button Elements). But it’s still being displayed in a one-half Column, and so an image size of approximately 600px would be appropriate. You could still enable a Lightbox with this method as well, only you’d do that via the Link URL and Link Target options in the Column itself.

Image Size in Half Column

Images Using The Screen Width

Now, let’s say you want to use the image in the background of a Container that’s set to 100% width, or as an image in a full screen slider? Both methods break the image out of the Site Width, and now it’s a completely different consideration we have to take. Now, what’s most important is the screen resolution (or pixel width) your users are viewing it on. This can be tricky, as there are many different screen resolutions.

The most common is still standard laptop resolution (1366px). This is why the default Site Width is 1200px, so that the content fits on this screen resolution. But Full HD is resolution, and 4K monitors are gaining in popularity as well (3840px). Some iMacs even have 5K resolution (5120px). So, how do we take all these different screen resolutions into account? A common way to approach this is to use an image size of around 2,000-2,500px. This covers most screen resolutions, and it is not interpolated significantly except for 5K monitors.
In the first example below, the page is using the 100% width template, which means that any container background images go full width. The container itself is also set to Full Height. And so the image size needs to be large enough to fill the screen. In this case, the image used is 1803px x 902px, which is almost the size of an HD monitor resolution. This could be bigger, but here it’s being used as a background image, and so the quality is not as important.

Note: Just to be clear, if viewed on a 5K iMac, this 1803px image would be distributed across the full 5120px of the iMac’s screen (less scrolling bars), effectively reducing the quality of the image. But on a laptop, with a resolution of only 1366px, the image would be more than big enough and would be crisp. It’s all about finding a sweet spot between screen resolution and file size (which comes directly from your choice of pixel dimensions). If you were sure most of your users were using iMacs, you’d probably make this image closer to 4000-5000px, but it would then be a much larger file.

Image Size in 100% Template

In the second example, the image is being used in a full screen slider. In this case, the image is sized at 2500px width, which on more than 95% of screen resolutions, would be larger than the monitor’s resolution and therefore be nice and sharp. With larger images such as these, optimisation of images using compression becomes even more important to keep file size, and therefore page load speed, down.

Image Size in Slider

Image Compression

Once you know what the largest size is of an image you want to upload, then you need to prepare it. This simply involves resizing it to the desired pixel width, and then applying compression before uploading it to your server. To learn more about image compression, read this detailed blog post, or our own blog post on Image Optimization.

In short, you can use graphics software like Adobe Photoshop to compress your images for web as you save them. Alternatively, there are many good websites, such as Compressor. Additionally, you can also use image compression plugins, such as Short Pixel, to further compress image. A bonus is that you can also use such plugins to generate .WebP images on your site.

A well compressed image that has first been resized to the correct pixel values can be many times smaller than the original file. in the example below, you can see that the original jpg was 805kb, but that with 40% compression, the final size of the image came down to only 163kb, almost 5 times smaller.

Image Compression - Export As

Options That Influence Image Size

As mentioned above, the size of the area the image will be displayed in is the major factor that determines how big it should be. Here are the main theme related areas that will affect this.

  • Site Width – Located in the Global Options > Layout panel. This setting allows you to set the overall width of your site, which can affect how big or small your images should be, and how big they will display. This also affects your columns, which will affect any images you display inside them.
  • Page Template – As previously mentioned, if using the 100% Width Page Template, any images added as background images into a full width Container display at the full width of the user’s screen (less any left/right Container margins and scrolling bars).
  • Container > Interior Content Width Option – Also, if using the 100% Width Page Template, any Container can have the Interior Content Width options set to 100% Width, thereby making the Container’s content stretch the full width of the viewer’s screen (again less any Container margins and scroll bars).
  • Column Width – Set in the individual Containers, the size of the Columns, as described above, has an obvious effect on what size image should be used. A good rule of thumb, when not using Sidebars, is to use an image sized at the Site Width divided by the Column Width.
  • Sidebars – Located in the Global Options > Layout panel, or in the Avada Page options. Having a sidebar allows you to set a sidebar width, which will affect Column size as well.

  • Dual Sidebars – Located in the Global Options > Layout panel, or in the Avada Page options. You also have the option to have 2 sidebars on each side of your website, and this will also affect Column Size.

  • Margins & Individual Element Spacing – Column sizes, and individual Elements, also have spacing options, such as padding and margins. A good example is column spacing, which affects how wide columns are displayed on the page, which in turn affects how big your images in columns will display.

Example: As can be seen in the example below, if we start with a Site Width of 1170px (this is what the Charity Website has), but then use a dual sidebar layout, using the global option defaults, the sidebars combined take up 42% of the site width. This leaves approximately 679 pixels for the content area. And then there are the Column margins. So if adding an image in a one-half Column in this situation, it would only need to be around 330px width.

Dual Sidebar - Half Column Image Size

Slider Image Sizes

  • Fixed Width – If you’re using a fixed width slider, then the appropriate image size for your slider would be your slider width and height. For example, if you have a slider width of 1100px and a slider height of 500px, then your image size should be 1100px wide and 500px high.
  • 100% Width – As for siders that are 100% width, the image size you should use depends on a few factors such as the screen it’s being viewed on, and the slider height. As a general rule, we currently use images that are 2000px wide for our prebuilt websites, which is usually big enough to make images look great on all common screen resolutions. As 4K monitors penetrate the market in bigger numbers, this might have to increase. The height of the image depends on the pixel value you’ve set for the slider. For example, if you have a slider that is 100% wide and 400px high (see screenhsot below), then your image size should be around 2000px wide and 400px high.

  • Full Screen Slider – Images for Full Screen sliders fully depend on the screen it’s being viewed on. Because it’s difficult to tell what screen your viewers are viewing your site on, it’s best to use a general size that is big enough for all general screen sizes. As a guide, we use images that are around 2000px wide and 1100px high for full screen sliders on our prebuilt websites.

Image Size Guide - Sliders

Attachment Display Settings

One crucial thing to understand – when uploading an image to your Media Library, a range of images of different sizes are automaically created at the same time. WordPress creates some of these (the Small, Medium, and Large Thumbnail sizes specified in WordPress > Settings > Media, and one unlisted intermediate size) and Avada itself creates a number of sizes to best suit certain situations. These image sizes are then automatically applied to different sections of the site. See the How Avada Controls Responsive Images document for more details on this.

When adding an image to the page content, such as through Elements, you’ll find the ‘Attachment Display Settings’ section at the bottom right of the Media Library. Your choices in this section also directly affect how your images display on the page, as here you are choosing which version of the image to use.

Step 1 – When you upload an image into the page content, the Media Library window will appear.

Step 2 – Select or upload your desired image. At the bottom right side of the window, find the ‘Attachment Display Settings’ section.

Step 3 – Under this section, you’ll find the ‘Size’ option. Using this option, you can select which size to use when uploading an image. You can choose between Thumbnail, Medium, Large or Full Size, plus a range of Avada size settings.

Step 4 – Choose the right image for the area you are adding the image into.

Image Size Guide - Full size Images

Container Background Image Sizes On Mobile Devices

When uploading a background image to an Avada Builder Container, you may notice that only a portion of your image is displayed when viewed on mobile or tablets. This is how the theme naturally handles background images, and is not a responsive issue. The background image is first centered, then it will resize proportionally until the image’s width or height is equal to the container’s width or height (whichever is greater). For example, if you have a 500px x 500px image and a 100px x 350px container, then your background image will be resized to 350px x 350px. Please refer to the examples below for a visual representation of this.


Getting images right is a crucial part of a visually interesting and fast loading website. And there’s a learning curve to be sure. But the benefits to be had are numerous, and it’s all part of the fun of building and maintaining an Avada website!

How To Use The Avada Slider Fri, 14 Aug 2020 03:12:00 +0000

Avada Slider is our own beautiful and lean slider, developed especially for Avada. It has amazing flexibility and produces stunning results. The slider is 100% responsive, giving you full control over width and height to easily create fixed, full width or full-screen sliders. You can create both image and video slides with support for self-hosted videos, YouTube and Vimeo. You can add Title and Caption text, along with buttons, and control various styles and typography settings.

The Avada Slider consists of sliders and slides. The process is to first create a slider, and then create slides and assign them to the slider. Any slide you create can be assigned to any slider. The Slider itself is then assigned to a page, either from the specific Page Options, under the Slider tab, or directly in the page content using the Avada Slider Element.

Avada Slider is a simple and lightweight slider, and it’s not meant to compete with much more complex sliders like Slider Revolution or LayerSlider. Please follow the links to read the documentation on those if you have a more complex slider in mind. But for a simple, lightweight slider, Avada Slider is a great choice. Continue reading below to learn about how to use Avada Slider, or watch the video for a visual overview.

For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.

How To Add An Avada Slider

There are two ways to add an Avada Slider to your page. The first is through the Avada Page Options. With this method, you simply create your Slider first, and then go to the page options of the page you want the Slider to display on. On the Slider tab, you can select your chosen slider to display, as well as its position, and a possible fallback image. You can also choose whether to display the Slider on Desktop, Tablet or Mobile screens.

Avada Page Options > Sliders

The other way to add an Avada Slider to your page is with the Avada Slider Element. With this method, you can add the Slider anywhere in your content, in any size Column. See the Avada Slider documentation for more information on that method. The rest of this document covers the process of creating both an Avada Slider, and the Sliders inside it.

How To Create A New Avada Slider

Before you can display an Avada Slider on your site, you must of course first create it. The first step is to create a slider to hold your slides. In this section, we’ll be covering how to create a slider, and the options you can use to customize it.

Step 1 – Navigate to the Avada > Sliders > from your WordPress admin panel.

Step 2 – Directly under the Add Slider section, give your new slider a name by entering it in the ‘Name’ field.

Step 3 – Each slider you make can be used as a shortcode in a page or post. Enter a unique shortcode name in the ‘Shortcode’ field. Make sure to only use lowercase letter, numbers and hyphens.

Step 4 – Under the ‘Slider Size’ option, you can enter your slider’s width and height. The width value can be a percentage or a pixel value, while the height value should be a pixel value. So, if you would like your slider to be full width of the browser window, then you can set your slider’s height to 100%. Otherwise, set it to any pixel value to display the slider at a fixed width.

Step 5 – If you would like your slider to be full screen, then you can check the ‘Full Screen Slider’ checkbox. This enables your slider to display 100% width and 100% height of the viewing area, and overrides the height value.

Step 6 – If you’d like your slider to have a parallax scrolling effect, then you can check the ‘Parallax Scrolling Effect’ checkbox. Please make sure to read the important information for this option below in the Avada Slider Options section.

Step 7 – There are many other options you can customize, such as the navigation options, autoplay, slide loop, animation, and the like. Please continue reading below for a description about each setting.

Step 8 – Once you are finished customizing your slider, click the ‘Add Slider’ button at the very bottom to save your slider.

How To Create An Avada Slider From Avada Live

Adding or creating a new Avada Slider from within Avada Live, is also very easy. As you mouse over the header area, you will see a small panel of icons.

Step 1 – Click on the Add Slider Icon in the Icon Panel in the Header. The Slider tab of the Page Options will open in the Sidebar.

Step 2 – Here you can select an existing slider to add to the page, or you can create a new one. For a completely new Slider, there will be an Avada Slider link in the Important Note section. Click the Avada Slider link and you will be taken to the New Slider page.

Step 3 – Follow the same steps as with the normal process to create a Slider, as listed above.

Avada Builder Live > Add Slider

If the page already has a slider, there will instead be an icon panel in the middle of the slider itself, with options to Edit Slider Options, Edit Slider, or Remove Slider, also seen below.

Avada Builder Live > Edit Slider

Avada Slider Options

Name – Allows you to set a name for your slider.

Shortcode – Allows you to set a shortcode name that can be used in the post content area. This is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.

Slider Size – Allows you to set a width and height value for your slider. The width value can be a percentage or a pixel value, while the height value should be a pixel value. You can set your slider width to 100% to display it as full width on your site.

Slider Content Max Width – Allows you to set a maximum width value for your slider’s content. For example, 850px. Leave blank to follow your site width value.

Full Screen Slider – You can check this checkbox to display your slider as full screen. Your slider will be 100% width and 100% height of your screen.

Parallax Scrolling Effect – Check this checkbox to enable a parallax scrolling effect on your slider. This effect only works when assigning the slider in Avada Page Options. This effect won’t work if you are using a Slider Shortcode.

Slider Indicator – Choose from the dropdown if you want to display pagination circles or scroll down indicator.

Slider Indicator Color – Set a color for the slider indicator icon. Hex color code, ex: var(–awb-color1). The default value is var(–awb-color1).

Display Navigation Arrows – Check this checkbox to display the navigation arrows on each side of the slider.

Navigation Arrow Size – Allows you to set a pixel value for the size of the navigation arrows. For example, 25px.

Navigation Box Size – Allows you to set a pixel value for the width and height of the navigation box. For example, 40px.

Slideshow Speed – Allows you to set a numerical value that controls the speed of your slideshow. For example, 1000. 1000 is equal to 1 second.

Slide Loop – Check this checkbox to enable the loop feature and have your slides loop infinitely.

Autoplay – Check this checkbox to enable the autoplay feature on the slides.

Order By – Controls how the slides should be ordered. Choose between Date, ID, Title, Modified, or Random.

Order – Controls the sorting order of the slides. Choose between Descending or Ascending.

Animation – Allows you to set an animation type for slide transitions. Choose between Fade or Slide.

Animation Speed – Allows you to set a numerical value that controls the speed of the slide transition. For example, 1000. 1000 is equal to 1 second.

Responsive Typography Sensitivity – Allows you to set the responsive typography sensitivity on the slider. To learn more about this, please read our Responsive Headings article.

Minimum Font Size Factor – Allows you to set the minimum distance between headings and body text on the slider. To learn more about this, please read our Responsive Headings article.

How To Create A New Avada Slide

Once you’ve created a Slider, you now create a slide, or slides, which you can assign to any existing Slider. Slides are what hold the content to be displayed on the Slider. In this section, we’ll be covering how to create slides, and the options you can use to customize them.

Step 1 – From the Avada Dashboard, navigate to Sliders > Slides. Alternatively, from the Sliders page, there is a link to the Slides page just under the page heading.

Step 2 – Click the ‘Add New Slide’ button just under the heading area.

Step 3 – Once you create a new Slide, don’t forget to give it a name.

Step 4 – Choose what Background Type you’d like to use. You can choose from Image, Self-Hosted Video, YouTube or Vimeo. Read more about each Background Type below. Depending on which type you select, there will be various options to choose.

Step 5 – Customize the Slider Content settings. Enter headings, captions, buttons and more. Read more about the Slider Content settings below.

Step 6 – Customize the Slide Link Settings. Choose to link a button, or the full slide. Read more about the Slider Content settings below.

Step 7 – To assign the slide to a slider, select the slider name in the Avada Sliders option box in the right sidebar. Any slide you create can be assigned to any slider.

Step 8 – When finished, click the ‘Publish’ button to save the slide.

See a visual representation of the Add Slide interface below.

Avada Slide Creation Overview

Slide Options – Background Type

  • Image Slide – Enter the background image you’d like to display in the Featured Image box on the right hand sidebar.

  • Self Hosted Video Slide – An MP4 format video file is required for self hosted videos. It is recommended that it is in a 16:9 aspect ratio. Enter the URL path or browse for the file via the Media Library. WebM and OGV files are now optional, but can be added to improve browser compatibility. You’ll also want to insert a video preview image for devices and old browsers that do not support these video types.

  • YouTube Video Slide – Enter the YouTube video ID. For example, the Video ID for is LOfeCR7KqUs. There are also settings to mute, autoplay, loop the video, hide the video controls add a color overlay to the video.

  • Vimeo Video Slide – Enter the Vimeo video ID. For example the Video ID for is 75230326. There are also settings to mute, autoplay, loop the video and add a color overlay to the video.
Avada Slide Background Type Option

Slide Options – Video Options

Self Hosted Video Options

  • Add your MP4 video file. This format must be included to render your video with cross-browser compatibility. WebM and OGV are optional. Using videos in a 16:9 aspect ratio is recommended.

  • Add your WebM video file. This is optional, only MP4 is required to render your video with cross-browser compatibility. Using videos in a 16:9 aspect ratio is recommended.

  • Add your OGV video file. This is optional, only MP4 is required to render your video with cross-browser compatibility. Using videos in a 16:9 aspect ratio is recommended.

  • IMPORTANT: This field must be used for self hosted videos. Self hosted videos do not work correctly on mobile devices and older browsers. The preview image will be seen in place of your video.

  • Select a color to show over the video as an overlay. Hex color code, ex: var(–awb-color1)

  • Mute Video – Turn all sound off for the video.

  • Autoplay Video – Choose whether to autoplay the video or not when it loads.

  • Loop Video – Choose whether to loop the video or not.

  • If this is set to yes, autoplay must be enabled, otherwise the video can’t play. For YouTube and Vimeo videos, in order to ensure the controls are always fully visible, the Video Display Mode should be set to “contain”.

    Note: For true background videos, ensure the last four options are set to Yes.

Avada Slide Self Hosted Video Options

YouTube Video Options

  • Select a color to show over the video as an overlay. Hex color code, ex: var(–awb-color1)

  • Mute Video – Turn all sound off for the video.

  • Autoplay Video – Choose whether to autoplay the video or not when it loads.

  • Loop Video – Choose whether to loop the video or not.

  • If this is set to yes, autoplay must be enabled, otherwise the video can’t play. For YouTube and Vimeo videos, in order to ensure the controls are always fully visible, the Video Display Mode should be set to “contain”.

    Note: For true background videos, ensure the last four options are set to Yes.

Avada Slide YouTube Video Options

Vimeo Video Options

  • Select a color to show over the video as an overlay. Hex color code, ex: var(–awb-color1)

  • Mute Video – Turn all sound off for the video.

  • Autoplay Video – Choose whether to autoplay the video or not when it loads.

  • Loop Video – Choose whether to loop the video or not.

Avada Slide Vimeo Video Options

Slide Options – Content Options

  • Content Alignment – Select if the content is left, right or center aligned.

  • Heading Area – Enter the heading text that will display on your slider. You can also choose to insert HTML markup and Avada shortcodes, such as a separator, into the text field.

  • Title Size – Choose the title size you want to use. The size you choose will utilize the font family and letter spacing typography settings in Global Options for that specific size. Font size is set below. Default: H2
  • Heading Font Size – Adjust the font size of the heading text by entering a numerical value. For example, 60.
  • Heading Color – Select a color for the heading font by entering a hexadecimal code. For example, var(–awb-color8).
  • Heading Background – Choose to display a semi-transparent background behind the heading text. Choose between Yes or No.
  • Heading Background Color – Select a color for the heading background by entering a hexadecimal code. For example, var(–awb-color8).
  • Caption Area – Enter a text caption for your slide. You can also choose to insert HTML markup and Avada shortcodes, such as a separator, into the text field.

  • Caption Size – Choose the caption size you want to use. The size you choose will utilize the font family and letter spacing typography settings in Global Options for that specific size. Font size is set below. Default: H3.

  • Caption Font Size – Adjust the font size of the caption text by entering a numerical value. For example, 60.
  • Caption Color – Select a color for the caption font by entering a hexadecimal code. For example, var(–awb-color8).
  • Caption Background – Choose to display a semi-transparent background behind the caption text. Choose between Yes or No.
  • Caption Background Color – Select a color for the caption background by entering a hexadecimal code. For example, var(–awb-color8).
Avada Slide Content Settings

Slide Options – Link Options

  • Button Link – Use one or two buttons. Each button has a text field with a full set of button shortcode options. Enter the settings for each button to display two buttons, or clear out one of the button fields to only show one button.

  • Full Slide Link – Enter a URL where your full slide background will link. You can also choose to open the link in a new window or not.
Avada Slide > Link Options

Avada Slider General Options and Import/Export

Under this section, we’ll be covering how to edit, delete or clone an Avada Slide or Slider, as well as how to import or export Avada Sliders. Continue reading below for detailed instructions for each of these processes.

How To Edit, Delete or Clone A Slide Or Slider

Step 1 – From the Avada Dashboard, navigate to Sliders > Sliders or Sliders > Slides, to access your sliders or slides.

Step 2 – On these pages, you will see a list of all your existing slides or sliders. Hover over the slide or slider you’d like to customize, and a set of options will appear.

Step 3 – These options are Edit, Quick Edit, Delete or Clone. Edit allows you to edit the slide or slider, Quick Edit allows you quickly edit important options without leaving the page, Delete allows you to delete the slide or slider, and Clone allows you to duplicate the slide or slider.

Step 4 – Simply click on the specific action you’d like to do.

Avada Slider Edit Options

Alternatively, if you’re already editing a slider or a slide, there will be a ‘Clone This Slider’ or ‘Clone This Slide’ button at the top of the Edit Slider area, or directly under the Slide Title, as seen below.

Avada Slider > Clone Slider
Avada Slider > Clone Slide

How To Import / Export Avada Slides & Sliders

Step 1 – From the Avada Dashboard, navigate to Sliders > Export / Import Sliders.

Step 2 – To export all your Avada Slides and Sliders, simply click the ‘Export All Sliders’ button. Once you click this button, a file named will be downloaded. This file contains all your slide images, a settings.json file, and a sliders.xml file.

Step 3 – To upload all your Avada Slides and Sliders, click the ‘Choose File’ button found under Import, and select the .zip file that you received after exporting your Avada Sliders. Once you have the correct file chosen, click the ‘Upload File and Import’ button.

Step 4 – Wait until the import is finished, then go to the Avada > Sliders page from your WordPress Dashboard to see your newly imported slider and slides.


If you can’t see the Sliders menu in the Avada Dashboard, this is because you don’t have Avada Sliders enabled. To do this, simply head to Avada > Options > Advanced > Post Types, and ensure that the Avada Slider option is set to On. If it is Off, change it to On, save the options, and then refresh the page. Now you will see the Sliders Menu on the Avada Dashboard.

Enable Avada Slider
Placing Videos in Avada Thu, 13 Feb 2020 20:18:32 +0000

As Internet speeds increase, videos are increasingly common on websites. Videos can make a site dynamic and more interesting than a static page. With Avada, we offer a wide range of options for adding videos to your website, including YouTube, Vimeo, and self-hosted videos.

Generally, YouTube and Vimeo videos are most commonly used, as these are not served directly from your server and so don’t affect your bandwidth, but self-hosted videos, despite their potential for affecting page load speed and server bandwidth, can also be used in clever ways in Avada, and should not be ruled out. This help file looks at how videos can be used in Avada.

Where Can I Use Videos In Avada?

Videos In Sliders

All major sliders that ship with Avada support videos, including Avada Slider, Slider Revolution, and Layer Slider. Of course, each slider has a different process for adding videos, but all three support YouTube, Vimeo, and self-hosted videos.

You can use any video type in a slider, but this is generally where self-hosted videos come into their own. The most appropriate videos for sliders are often small background videos that are muted, autoplay upon load, and with no controls. YouTube and Vimeo videos often have overlays and ads, etc, so it’s here a small self-hosted video fits the bill.

Videos As Container Backgrounds

You can also use videos as Container backgrounds, through the Container > BG > Video tab. Again, these are best as background videos, rather than feature videos, as the container dimensions may not fit the video size and content will likely be placed above the video in the container and its column/s.

For more details on the Container Background tabs, including the video tab, please see the How To Use Container & Column Background Options doc and video.

Videos can also be opened in a Lightbox, in a variety of ways. You can of course use the Lightbox Element, which we will cover below, in the Elements section, but you can also trigger a video in a Lightbox from a Column.

Editing any Column, you will find the Link URL field and the Link Target field, directly below this. Simply add your video URL in the Link URL field, and set the Link Target Field to Lightbox. The whole column then becomes a link, and clicking on it brings the video up in a Lightbox, ready to play.

Useful Elements for Videos

There are three video Elements in Avada, as well as a number of elements that can be used to trigger or display videos.

  • Video Element – this is for self-hosted videos. This offers a range of options for both video format and layout options.

  • Vimeo Element – easily add Vimeo videos to your content. There are dimension and alignment options, as well as autoplay and additional API paremeter options.

  • YouTube Element – easily add YouTube videos to your content. There are dimension and alignment options, as well as autoplay and additional API paremeter options.

  • Lightbox Element – The Lightbox Element has a Video Content type, and when this is selected, you can add any video URL here, as well as control a thumbnail, title and description. This is an easy and stylish way to play a video in a  Lightbox.

  • Button Element – You can also trigger a video in a Lightbox from the Button Element. Simply add the Video URL in the Button URL field, and select Lightbox as the Button Target.

  • Modal Element – You can add a video to a Modal dialog as its content, by adding another video based element, like the YouTube Element, into the Contents of Modal field, through the Avada Shortcode generator, when editing the Modal Element.

Some Examples

Click To Open Video!

Self-Hosted Video in a Lightbox Element

Self-Hosted Video in a Lightbox, being triggered from a Column

Self-Hosted Video in a Lightbox, being triggered by a Button

Self-hosted Video in a Video Element with 10px border radius.

For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.

YouTube Video in a YouTube Element

Self-Hosted Video opening in a Modal

How Background Images Work in Avada Mon, 16 Dec 2019 07:13:27 +0000

We regularly get support tickets asking why a background image is cropped or zoomed in. So here’s some information on how background images work to help explain those situations when a background image doesn’t look like you expect it to.

It all starts with the concept of image aspect ratios. This is the relationship between the width and height of an image. So if an image is 1200px by 800px, it has a 3:2 aspect ratio, in that if its length were 3, its height would be 2.

In this document we will look at adding background images to container and then columns.

Container Background Images

When you add a background image to a container, this is what happens: Images set as backgrounds on containers span to the height or width of the container while maintaining their aspect ratio; effectively, always filling the container. But containers by themselves have no height at all, so it’s the content (or padding) that determines their height, and the Site Width setting that determines the width (or the screen it’s being viewed on with the 100% width template).


Let’s take a simple example to illustrate. In the diagram below, the image is 1200px wide and 800px high. Let’s also say that the site width has been set to 1200px in the Layout > Site Width option, the page is using the Site Width template, and that the container height is exactly 800px, either through content, or padding. In this case the image would display fully, at its native aspect ratio.

How Background Images Work - Containers

Now if the container height was increased to 1000px, either through content or padding, then the image will now display at 1000px height, and keeping its aspect ratio, 1500px in width. So here the image will be slightly zoomed in, and slightly cropped on both sides.

How Background Images Work - Containers

And here’s a real world example. The container below is completely empty (no column or elements) and has padding set to 200px in height. The image set as a background image is 1200px x 847px, and so grows slightly to the width of the site layout (in this case 1280px) and (on desktop at least) we can only see 200px of its height, in the middle of the image, as this image has a Background Position of Center Center.

But on a mobile device, something else happens. The site goes into responsive mode, and because the width of the device is so much smaller, but the padding of 200px remains, we get an image that is 200px high and at that screen width, we are seeing almost the whole image again. This is just how responsive web design works.

Container Background Image > Responsive Mode

100% Width Template

Things are also a little different when you add a background image to a page with the 100% width template. Then, it’s the user’s screen size that comes into play. With a large resolution monitor, for example a 4K monitor, which has a resolution of 3840px x 2160px, then images might have to upscale considerably. It’s always a balance between image file size and pixel size, and so a typical approach is when uploading a container background image on a 100% width template, is to ensure the image is at least 2000px in width, so the upscaling is kept to a minimum.


Here’s a final illustration, showing an example of a container on a page using the 100% width template, on a large monitor. The image displays at the width of the screen resolution (minus any scroll bars etc) and the image will be cropped in height unless the container height equals the images’ native aspect ratio. So for an image with a 3:2 aspect ratio and sized at 2000px, the container height would need to be around 1333px for no cropping to occur. So in most situations, some cropping will occur, and the image will be zoomed in. If your image is very pixellated in a situation like this, it’s because the uploaded background image isn’t large enough to upscale on a large monitor without pixellation.

How Background Images Work - Containers on 100% width template

Column Background Images

Columns are a bit different than containers. They grow to the size of the background image inserted. Below is the same image inserted as a column background, into an empty 1/1 column. The column adjusts its height to show the image in full. In this case, as the image is only 1200px wide and the site width is 1280px, the image is also slightly zoomed in.

If we resize the columns, then the image displays smaller, always showing the full image. However, if our column content increase past the aspect ratio of the image, then the height of the image will always fill the column, and the image will be cropped on the width to keep the image aspect ratio intact. See two examples of that below.


On the left hand side, the column has simply been resized to 1/2. The full image displays, and is just scaled down to fit the 1/2 dimension. On the right hand side, however, content has been added that pushes the height of the column past where the apsect ratio of the image would make it. And so the height of the image is maintained, while the image is zoomed in on the sides, cropping the image, but keeping the aspect ratio intact.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Vitae et leo duis ut diam quam. Cras semper auctor neque vitae. Porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse. Elementum curabitur vitae nunc sed velit. Mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum. Bibendum arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae nunc. Eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus. Volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas. Ut sem nulla pharetra diam sit amet nisl. Semper eget duis at tellus at urna. Dictumst vestibulum rhoncus est pellentesque elit ullamcorper. Velit egestas dui id ornare arcu odio ut. Ut consequat semper viverra nam libero justo laoreet.

Hopefully, this article goes some way towards explaining how images work as Container and Column backgrounds. There are a lot of scenarios we haven’t covered here, but the principles are the same. Web design can be complex, but with an understanding of the principles at play around the theme and how it interacts with images, then you can achieve a satisfying result every time.
