Other Plugins – Avada Website Builder https://avada.com For WordPress & WooCommerce Mon, 09 Dec 2024 09:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 ACF Repeaters & Relationships https://avada.com/documentation/acf-repeaters-relationships/ Wed, 21 Jun 2023 04:13:12 +0000 https://avada.com/?post_type=documentation&p=892728

In this document, we are going to look at the bundled ACF Pro plugin, and two features which we have recently added support for in Avada – ACF Repeaters & Relationships. This support is in the form of Dynamic Content you can add to Elements, Post Cards; indeed, anywhere you can add dynamic content. Please see the How To Use ACF Pro With Avada doc for details on how to add the custom fields to ACF. You can also refer to the ACF documentation, linked below. Also, watch the video below for a visual example of how you can use ACF Repeaters & Relationships.

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ACF Repeater

The Repeater field is an ACF Field Type that provides a simple solution for repeating content – for example, team members, URLs and the like. This field type acts as a parent to a set of Sub Fields which can be repeated again and again. What makes this field type special is its versatility. Any kind of field can be used within a Repeater, and there are no limits to the number of repeats.

ACF Repeater

ACF Repeater Sub Field

The ACF Repeater Sub Fields are used in conjunction with the ACF Repeater. The Sub Fields area defines the set of repeatable sub fields available. In the example below, only one Sub Field has been added. For a working example of how to use ACF Repeater and ACF Repeater Sub Fields together, see the section below on How To Use ACF Repeaters With Parent & Child Elements.

URL Repeater & Sub Field

ACF Relationship

The Relationship field provides a dual-column component to select one or more posts, pages or custom post type items. In the Project Fields Field group on the Programmer Prebuilt, the Client Field field type is set to Relationship, filtered by the Testiomonial Post Type.

Therefore when editing the Single Projects, you get a list of testimonials to choose from for the post.

ACF Relationship

How to use ACF Repeaters with parent & child elements.

With Parent & Child Elements, such as the Checklist Element, we use the ACF Repeater & ACF Repeater Sub Field together.

You can find an example of this on any Single Project page on the Programmer prebuilt. Here, in the Single Project Content Layout Section, you can see the URLs section on the right. Here, a Checklist Element has been used to pull values from the URLs Repeater Field, found in the Project Fields Field Group.

In the Checklist Element, the Dynamic Content of ‘ACF Repeater’ has been applied, and set to the URLs field.

ACF Repeater

Then in the Child Item field, the ‘ACF Repeater Sub Field’ has been added as the dynamic content, with the Sub Field of project_url.

ACF Repeater Sub Field

In this way, however many URLs are in the URL Sub Field in each specific project post, would then be repeated on the front end of the post. In this example, there were three URLs added to this specific post.

ACF Repeater and Repeater Sub Field > Front End

How To Pull An ACF Repeater Single Value

The ACF Repeater Single Value Dynamic Content allows a single value of the Repeater Sub Fields to be targeted. For example, if you wanted to only pull the first link from the repeater demonstrated above, you could add the Repeater Single Value Dynamic Content into a Text Element, setting the Repeater field name, the Sub Field name, and the value you require. In this example, this would pull the first URL in the Sub Field list.

ACF Repeater Single Value

How to use ACF Repeaters with post cards

You can also use ACF Repeaters with Post Cards. Again, as an example, let’s look at how this is used on the Programmer Prebuilt.

Here a Post Card has been designed to pull data pulled from ACF Sub Fields. There is an Icon, a Title and a Text Block Element, all pulling the ACF Repeater Sub Field via Dynamic Content. Each one pulls the relevant Sub Field of Icon, Tile or Description.

Post Card With Repeater Sub Fields

Then in the Content Layout Section, in the Project Tasks area, the Post Card has been displayed with the Post Card Element, using the ACF Repeater as the Content Source. The Repeater field of tasks was then chosen, which contains the afforementioned Sub Fields.

ACF Repeater + Postcard

How to use ACF Relationship with post cards

In the same way, you can also use ACF Relationship data with Post Cards, Again, in the Programmer Prebuilt, in the Client area of the Content Layout Section, this information is pulled using a Post Card, with ACF Relationship as the Content Source, and client as the Relationship Field.

ACF Relationship + Postcards

Conditional Rendering

You can also use conditional rendering in conjunction with the ACF Dynamic Content, to set up advanced Layouts. Let’s look at a few examples.

ACF Repeater Count

In the Testimonial Nested Column for example, there is some Conditional Rendering on the Column itself. This uses the ACF Repeater Count to check if there are any clients added to the post. If the number of clients is not greater than 0, the column will not be rendered. You could use the ACF Relationship Count in a similar way.

ACF Repeater Count + Conditional Rendering

ACF Repeater Single Value

Another example might include the ACF Repeater Value. Our Project Tasks Layout could be built in an entirely different way, using the ACF Repeater Single Value to pull the icons, titles and descriptions, instead of using a Post Card.

As can be seen in the screenshot below, the Icon is added via the ACF Repeater Single Value, set to the tasks Repeater field, and the Icon Sub Field, with an index of 1 (the first icon). In the same way, the title and description can be set.

ACF Repeater Single Value > Example

Rendering logic could then be used to check if one of the ACF Repeater Single Value is empty (In the example below, it is the Title that is being checked, but it could just as well be the icon or description). If it is, we don’t have any content, and so the column would not be rendered.

ACF Repeater Single Value > Example
How To Use FileBird Pro With Avada https://avada.com/documentation/how-to-use-filebird-pro-with-avada/ Thu, 14 Jan 2021 21:14:43 +0000 https://theme-fusion.com/?post_type=documentation&p=826517

FileBird Pro is a premium WordPress media library folders & file manager tool developed by NinjaTeam. FileBird is included with and 100% free with your purchase of Avada. It has a well designed, simple interface, it’s easy to use and comes with all the features you need. Read below to find out all you need to know about this fantastic free premium plugin, and watch the video for a visual overview.

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What is FileBird?

FileBird is a WordPress media management plugin that gives you the ability to create virtual folders and subfolders and help you organize your website media content effectively, without breaking any permalinks.

Free with your purchase of the Avada Website Builder, let’s take a closer look at how this plugin works and what it has to offer when it comes to sorting out that pesky mess in the WordPress media library.

How do I install Filebird?

To use the bundled Filebird plugin with Avada, it must be installed from Avada > Plugins. When an update of the plugin is released, an update will be available from Avada > Plugins within a few days. For more information on the bundled plugins with Avada, see the Avada Bundled Premium Plugins doc.

Using Filebird

With FileBird’s resizable, sidebar toolbar, provides you with the ultimate control over the folders you created to help manage your uploaded files, upload new files, move existing files, and rearrange folders, all with drag and drop.

Single Toolbar Control View:

FileBird - Smart Sidebar

Drag & Drop Feature:

FileBird - Drag and Drop

Easy Migration

Import and seamlessly synchronize media structure from Enhanced Media Library, WP Media Folder by JoomUnited, WordPress Media Library Folders by Max Foundry, and Real Media Library Folders.

Powerful Search and Sort Features

Not only does FileBird Allow you to sort and search files and folders in its media library sidebar, but it also allows you to do the exact same sort and search in the FileBird Browser when editing a page or post.

Search Option:

FileBird - Search

Filter Option:

FileBird Filter Options

Unlimited Folders and Subfolders

Boost productivity and multitasking and manage your media content by categorizing them in folders and subfolders. The full FileBird offers unlimited folders and nested folders, however, the Ninja Team also created a FileBird Lite version that supports up to 10 folders, including subfolders, for those who have fewer requirements, but still need to group their WordPress library media content.

Create Unlimited Folders & Subfolders:

FileBird - Unlimited Folders and Subfolders

Bulk Select and Delete

Bulk select is a feature that gives you the means to easily select multiple files and folders so you can move then or to delete folders. Deleting folders moves your files to the uncategorized folder, keeping your media content intact.

Bulk select and Delete Feature:

FileBird - Bulk Delete

Smart Sidebar & Navigation

Within the stratified sidebar, you can right-click to create, rename, cut, paste or delete any folder.

Smart Context Menu:

FileBird - Smart Context Menu

Many Languages And RTL Supported

FileBird supports the most popular languages such as English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, etc., and fully supports RTL languages such as Hebrew, Arabic, and more.

Quick Overview

  • Easy Migration

  • Powerful search and sort options

  • Create unlimited folders and subfolders

  • Drag and Drop

  • Bulk select files or folders

  • Intuitive User Interface

  • Smart Context Menu

  • RTL Support


Are you a website administrator? A freelancer? Do you have hundreds or thousands of website media files to manage? The answer to the clutter-free organization for your Avada website is FileBird.

How To Use Contact Form 7 With Avada https://avada.com/documentation/how-to-use-contact-form-7-with-avada/ Mon, 16 Mar 2020 23:00:02 +0000 https://theme-fusion.com/?post_type=documentation&p=710283

Contact Form 7 is a popular form plugin for WordPress, and it works well with Avada. Let’s look at how you install and use this plugin on your Avada website. Read on.


To install Contact Form 7, simply head to Plugins > Add New from the WordPress dashboard, search for Contact Form 7. and click the Install Now button. Then activate it.

Installing Contact Form 7


Once Contact Form 7 is installed, you will find a sample form under Contact > Contact Forms. All settings for the plugin are found in the actual forms themselves.

Contact Form 7 > Contact Forms

Using The Plugin

Whether you add a New Form, or edit the sample form, you come to the Form Editor, and here, there are four tabs to help you configure your form and its settings.


The first tab is Form. Here, you create the form template with use of form tags. The sample form is a basic contact form with fields for Name, Email, Subject, a Message area, and a Send button. You can add further form fields by clicking on and configuring the corresponding Form Tag Generator button above the form template area.

On the right hand side, you will see links to the Contact Form 7 FAQs, Docs and Support Forums.

Contact Form 7 > Form Tab


Once you have completed your form fields, you can configure the form as a whole in the Mail tab. this tab configures where the form is sent, and the content the mail will have. You can also use mail tags in this template to customize how the mail appears.

The ‘To’ email address can be any email address, but the ‘From’ email address should be one on the same domain as the form. In the Message Body, you can edit the template, and add any of the [your-name] [your-email] [your-subject] [your-message] mail tags to control the content.

Contact Form 7 > Mail Tab


The Messages Tab is where you configure the various messages the form can give off in certain situations. There are default values in all of them, but you can, of course, customize these to whatever you like.

Contact Form 7 > Messages Tab

Additional Settings

There is a final tab called Additional Settings, where you can add customization code snippets. This is for advanced users, and is not at all required for the forms to work. Follow the Additional Settings link on the tab for more information.

Adding The Form To A Page

At the top of every form, above the tabs, is the specific contact form shortcode. This is the way to add your form into your content. Just use a Code Block or Text Block Element, and paste the shortcode in, or you can use the Contact Form 7 Element.

Contact Form 7 > Additional Settings Tab
Contact Form Example


Contact Form 7 is a popular form plugins for WordPress, and works well with Avada. To style it however, as this is a third party plugin, will require the use of custom CSS. For much more flexibility and integration with Avada Builder, we advise using Avada Forms. See The Avada Form Builder documentation for more information on our integrated form solution.

How To Use bbPress With Avada https://avada.com/documentation/how-to-use-bbpress-with-avada/ Mon, 16 Mar 2020 20:52:44 +0000 https://theme-fusion.com/?post_type=documentation&p=710286

bbPress is forum software that’s made by the people from WordPress. So as far as integration with WordPress goes, you couldn’t get a better plugin. There are also a number of extension plugins you can add to enhance bbPress, but even by itself, it’s very capable forum software.

It’s also one of the Included Plugins with Avada. Let’s take a closer look. Read on, and watch the video for a visual overview.

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To install bbPress, simply head to the Avada > Plugins / Add-ons page, mouse over bbPress, and click install. This will install and activate the plugin with one click.

This places the Forum, Topics, and Replies links in the Dashboard Menu, and the Forums tab under Settings. This is where you customize the user settings and forum features, and set things like the forum slugs. If you import a demo that includes bbPress, you will be prompted to install it as part of the import.

Installing bbPress


Once bbPress is installed, you will find a range of settings to control it, under Settings > Forums. There are some Forum User Settings, and a range of Forum Features, as well as some miscellaneous settings and the Forum Slugs. By default, the Forums parent slug is forums, and the individual forums use a slug of forum, but these can be customised here.

Theme Option Settings

In the Global Options as well, are a couple of specific bbPress option areas. Firstly, you can control the sidebars in your bbPress forums at Sidebars > bbPress/BuddyPress.

Also, further down in the Global Options, there is a bbPress section, which controls the font size, and colors of the forum.

bbPress Theme Options

Using The Plugin

In the sidebar on the WordPress dashboard, you will find the Forums, Topics, and Replies links. Forums is where you can create and manage your individual forums. Forums are like parent containers that hold topics on a specific subject. The individual forum posts will then populate in the Topics section, and replies to the specific topics will populate in Replies.

Generally, all forum pages are dynamically generated from the slug set in the Forum Settings, and the forums, topics and replies created, but if you want, you can add the forums by using a shortcode. See the bbPress codex for a full list of shortcodes if you want to do this sort of thing. The benefit of this approach is that you then have the possibility of designing the forum page to add other elements. See the eSports Forum page for an example of this.

There are other helpful Elements as well when building a forum. Avada Builder Elements, like the User Register, User Login and User Lost Password can be used throughout your layout to assist users to become part of your community.

Avada Forum Demo

Using Layouts

You can select Forums and Topics in Conditional Layouts using Avada Layouts, so now you have even more control creating specific layouts for particular forums, or even topics. With a combination of the bbpress shortcodes and a conditional Avada Layout, you now have even greater control over the appearance of your forums.

Conditional Layout for Forums


Forums are awesome, and with bbPress and Avada, they are very easy to set up and implement. They can add a whole new dimension to your web presence, so if you have a website that could benefit from a forum, take a look at this fantastic plugin.

Also, make sure to check out the Avada Forum pre-built website, which is a great showcase of using the bbPress plugin, and a fantastic demo to start a forum based community website.

How To Use Yoast SEO With Avada https://avada.com/documentation/how-to-use-yoast-seo-with-avada/ Wed, 11 Mar 2020 22:20:46 +0000 https://theme-fusion.com/?post_type=documentation&p=709048

Yoast SEO is the world’s leading SEO plugin for WordPress, and it is 100% compatible with Avada. This plugin analyses your content for SEO issues and, using a simple traffic light system gives you step-by-step options for improving the SEO friendliness of your content. The Yoast SEO plugin is one of our recommended plugins.

Read on to discover more about this fantastic plugin, and watch the video below for a visual overview.

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To install Yoast SEO, simply head to the Avada > Plugins page, mouse over Yoast SEO, and click install. This will install and activate the plugin with one click.

This places the SEO link in the Dashboard Menu, and the Yoast SEO panel on all pages, posts and custom post types. Yoast SEO comes in a free and a premium version, and it has a number of other extensions as well. But let’s just look at the free version, which you can use to great effect.

Yoast SEO


Yoast has a number of settings, all designed to help you configure the plugin to best suit your site and your needs. The best place to start is the General tab.

Here, you will find a Configuration Wizard, as well as Problems and Notifications areas. It’s a good idea to run the Configuration Wizard as a first step, as this eight step process helps you set up the needed technical optimisation of your site for SEO.

Yoast SEO Configuration Wizard

Still in the General panel, there is a Features tab, which has a range of features you can enable or disable, with links to the Yoast website explaining each one. There is also a Webmaster Tools tab, where you can connect your site to your preferred Webmaster tools site.

In the Search Appearance panel, there are further tabs with options for Title Separators, Content Types, Media, Taxonomies, Archives, Breadcrumbs and RSS. Some of these options are configured for you when completing the Configuration Wizard.

There is also a Social panel, where you can connect and configure your Social accounts, and a Tools panel, that has a range of tools, including an import and export options, so you can import or export your settings for use on another blog. You can even import settings from other SEO plugins you may have used. Ther’s also a File Editor, a Bulk Editor, and a Text Link Counter.

Finally, there is a Premium panel, which outlines the advantages of the Premium version of Yoast SEO, and also offers Yoast SEO Extensions.

Which Content Can Be Optimized?

Once you have configured the plugin to your liking, it’s time to start using it. But which content can you use it on, and is all content equal?

Yoast SEO, by default, will be available on all custom post type, taxonomies, and other pages you have, from pages, posts, portfolio items, FAQ items, and even things like WooCommmerce products. You can use the Yoast SEO panel on any of these items to help optimize the content for SEO purposes.

But it will typically be posts that are the easiest to work with, and which will give the biggest cost/benefit ratio. This is largely because their content can be tailored to a specific keyphrase, and as such will be easier to optimise for SEO purposes.

You can blog to a predefined list of desirable keyphrases and customize your content so that the posts are easy to optimize with Yoast SEO, giving your site lots of new entry points in the SERPs.

The Yoast SEO Panel

To use the Yoast SEO panel, you need to be editing the content in the back end. The Panel will be towards the bottom of the page, under the Editor. If it’s not there, check your Screen Options, at the top right of your page, and ensure the Yoast SEO box is ticked.

The panel is empty when you first load your page/post, and the first thing to do to use it, is to add your focus keyword/keyphrase. This is the term you want to be found for when people search in a search engine. For more information on Focus Keyphrases, click the question mark right next to the Focus Keyphrase Title on the Yoast SEO panel.

Once you have added a Focus Keyphrase, the SEO Analysis will populate, showing you the initial Google Preview and analysis of your content, from an SEO perspective. See below for the three main areas of the panel, the Focus Keyphrase section, the Google Preview section, and the SEO analysis section.

The Yoast SEO Panel

Using The Plugin

From here on in, it’s pretty much up to you. The way you use the plugin is to look at the analysis results, and address the issues listed in the problem and improvement sections. For example, the first one in the Problem section in the screenshot above is Outbound Links. Yoast SEO tells you to go add some. If you do, that item will move to the Good results section, and your page will be one step closer towards that Green light.

Most issues are relatively easy to fix and involve tweaking the content to improve its SEO rankability. You don’t have to address every point, but the more you do, the better the page will rank in the SERPs for your Focus Keyphrase.

At some point, as you make your improvements, the page will rank as Green. You may still have a few items in the Problems and Improvements sections, but the smiley face in the SEO Analysis section will turn Green, and at the top of the page, as can be seen in the inset in the screenshot below, the SEO icon in the Publish Panel will also turn green. Watch the video at the top of the page to see an example of editing a post, so that all items end in the Good Results section, as seen below.

Yoast SEO > Perfect Results


Once your page is green, all you need to do now is wait for the Search engine Bots to reindex the page, and over time, the page should start to rise in the SERPs. Just note that this plugin and process will not guarantee a better result in the SERPs. There are many complex factors at play with SEO, not least of which is the popularity of the Keyword Phrase you are trying to rank for.

SEO is a huge topic and well outside the scope of this document, but hopefully, you can see how easy it is to use Yoast SEO and how it can help you tweak your content so that it has the best chance of being listed higher in the Search Results.

Avada’s Recommended Plugins https://avada.com/documentation/avadas-recommended-plugins/ Thu, 05 Dec 2019 20:29:27 +0000 https://theme-fusion.com/?post_type=documentation&p=669948

Apart from the required and other bundled premium plugins in Avada, there are also links in the Avada > Plugins section to seven other recommended plugins. They are completely optional to install, and are all free. Some of these plugins are used in various prebuilt websites, and so these are required to be installed for the full import of these websites. These plugins are also fully design integrated with Avada.

They are PWA, WooCommerce, the Events Calendar, Yoast SEO, HubSpot, and bbPress. For more information on these leading plugins, please read below, and watch the video for a visual overview.

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HubSpot is a powerful inbound marketing and sales cloud-based software suite, and their free plugin help connects your HubSpot account to your website. Their tools and service offerings help companies and individuals attract visitors, convert leads, control their marketing efforts, manage their sales processes, and much more.



WooCommerce is one of the world’s leading eCommerce solution, and is owned by Automattic, the creators of WordPress. With almost 80 million downloads, WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce platform on the web. There is deep design integration with Avada with this plugin, and it’s the perfect solution if you have something to sell.

For more information on how to integrate WooCommerce with Avada, please see the WooCommerce docs.


The Events Calendar

The Events Calendar plugin is one of the world’s most popular events plugins, and is created and developed by Modern Tribe. It has a huge range of features and full design integration with Avada. For events, you can’t go past it.

For more information on how to set up The Events Calendar with Avada, please see the linked documentation.

The Events Calendar

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is one of the world’s leading SEO plugins, and uses a simple traffic light system to show you how well your pages rank in SEO terms for the search engines. This is often one of the first plugins added to a site, and with Avada, you can add it with a single click.

Yoast SEO


Are you looking for a timeless, elegant, and streamlined discussion board? bbPress is easy to integrate, easy to use, and is built to scale with your growing community.

bbPress is intentionally simple, yet infinitely powerful forum software, built by contributors to WordPress. With bbPress, you can quickly set up a place for discussion, subscriptions, and more!



PWA stands for Progressive Web App. This is being developed by Google, and provides new caching strategies to the Avada experience, and also allows your users to install your website as an app, for deeper user engagement.

Read more about PWA and Avada in the Avada And Progressive Web Apps doc.

How To Setup Hubspot Forms With Avada https://avada.com/documentation/how-to-setup-hubspot-forms-with-avada/ Sun, 24 Nov 2019 21:51:36 +0000 https://theme-fusion.com/?post_type=documentation&p=670693

One of the strengths of HubSpot is that is is a great tracking tool for your communication with leads and clients, even directly from your website. When using the HubSpot plugin in Avada, you can create and add HubSpot forms into your website to gather leads and communicate with your clients. These forms then connect directly with your HubSpot account. Let’s see how this is done.

Create Your Form

Once you have installed the HubSpot plugin and connected your account (see Setting Up Hubspot in Avada for more info on those steps), you are ready to create your first form. Let’s walk through it.

  • Step 1: You start the process by going to Hubspot > Forms, from the WordPress dashboard.

  • Step 2: At the top right, click the Create Form button.

  • Step 3: This takes you into a form wizard. You can create regular or pop up forms, and there are a number of templates you can take advantage of to get started, or you can start from scratch.

  • Step 4: Once you’ve chosen your starting template, this leads you into the Form Editor, where you can make any number of changes to your form.

HubSpot Form Editor

Customising The Form and Its Options

  • Step 5: Once you have configured the fields in the form, you can move on to the other tabs along the top of the form editor. Here you can set up a follow up mail, set various options relating to what happens when the form is submitted, and language options, and then the Style & Preview tab, where you can adjust styling options and preview the final form. With the free version of HubSpot, there is a logo at the bottom of the form, which can only be removed on premium plans.

  • Step 6: Once you are happy with your form, click Publish at the top right of the page. You will get a popup with a link to the form on HubSpot, and an embed code that will allow you to place the form easily on your Avada website. Let’s look at how this works.

Insert HubSpot Form Shortcode

Insert Form

  • Step 7: On your Avada website, it’s simply a matter of creating the page you want to add the form to and in the column you have chosen, add the Code Block Element, and paste the embed code into the element. Here it is in a one half column, added into the SEO demo.

Inserted HubSpot Form

Non HubSpot Forms

It’s also possible to connect non-HubSpot forms with your HubSpot account. With the HubSpot tracking code installed on your site, submissions to non-HubSpot forms will be collected in HubSpot.

In order for form submissions to be collected in HubSpot, your form must:

  • be a static HTML form.

  • be wrapped in HTML < form > tags.

  • not be in an < iframe >.
  • be a static HTML form.

  • have an email input field.

To enable or disable the collection of information from non-HubSpot forms on your pages:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings icon settings in the main navigation bar.

  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Marketing > Forms.

  • Click the Non-HubSpot Forms tab.

  • Click to toggle the Collect data from website forms switch on/off to enable/disable non-HubSpot forms.

You can also convert your non HubSpot forms to HubSpot ones, and much more. For more details on this, please see the HubSpot Knowledgebase.

How To Use HubSpot With Avada https://avada.com/documentation/how-to-use-hubspot-with-avada/ Tue, 19 Nov 2019 20:32:20 +0000 https://theme-fusion.com/?post_type=documentation&p=672208

HubSpot is an inbound marketing and sales cloud-based software suite, and their free plugin has recently been added to Avada’s recommended plugins. For more details on HubSpot, please see our informative blog post.

If you are keen to take advantage of this integrated CRM, you need to both install the plugin, and connect or set up a HubSpot account. Read on for more information about what features you can use with HubSpot, and watch the video for a visual overview.

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Install The Plugin

The first step is to install the free HubSpot plugin. This could not be easier. Simply head to the plugins page (Avada > Plugins) and click once on HubSpot to install and activate the plugin.

Log in and Connect Your Account

Once you have installed the plugin, you will be redirected to a page where you can either connect to an existing HubSpot account, or you can create a new one.

HubSpot > Login

Following this is a page where you connect your HubSpot account to your WordPress website.

HubSpot > Connect Account

Once you have connected your account to your site, you’re all set up. You will see the HubSpot User Guide, and be able to implement Popup Forms, add HubSpot Forms and Live Chat to your site, and your HubSpot account will be fully intergated with your website.

HubSpot > User Guide

HubSpot is an awesome CRM, and integrating it with your Avada website gives you a marketing powerhouse. Read our How To Setup And Use HubSpot Live Chat With Avada doc for more information on starting to implement some of the available HubSpot tools.

The HubSpot Plugin Free Tools and CRM

Utilize HubSpot’s free marketing, sales, service, and CRM tools to help grow your online business.

Free CRM Tools

  • Contact Management: Build views and run automated actions to manage your contacts and data easily.

  • Contact Website Activity: Get insight into what a contact is doing on your website. See page views, form submissions, sales activity, and more, all in one place.

  • Companies: Store records for every company in your database. View all your company details and communications in a single place.

  • Deals: Store, track, manage and report on the deals (sometimes referred to as “opportunities”) your sales team is working.

  • Tasks & Activities: Store, track, manage and report on the tasks and activities that make up your relationships with customers.
  • Company Insights: See useful insights about companies you’re dealing with appearing in your database. So your sales team can spend more time selling and less time digging.
  • Gmail and Outlook Integration: Connect HubSpot CRM to your Gmail or Outlook inbox to send email from the CRM, set up a shared team email account, and access dozens of other useful, time-saving tools.

  • HubSpot Connect Integrations: Explore the integrations library and connect your HubSpot account to other tools that you love to use.

  • Custom Support Form Fields: Add custom fields to your support forms to gather the right information for your team, and generate tickets.

  • Prospects: Use the prospects tool to see which companies are visiting your site and see any available insights about them too.

  • Ticketing: Log customer issues as tickets. They can then be assigned to team members, organized and prioritized, and tracked in a central location.

  • Forms: Add pop-up, embedded, and collected forms to any web page tracked in your HubSpot account to gather the contact details that your business needs.

  • Ad Management: Connect accounts from supported ad networks to your HubSpot account. Create audiences from your HubSpot CRM and see which ads are generating customers.

  • Conversations Inbox: Set up a shared inbox — for all incoming email and live chats — that your whole team can work from efficiently managing 1-to-1 communications at scale.

  • Reporting Dashboards: See detailed metrics on sales activity and performance. Use the data to know how you’re doing and where to improve.

  • Email Tracking & Notifications: Track one-off emails to contacts. Receive real-time notifications when emails are opened or clicked.

  • Email Templates: Save and reuse your best performing emails and share them with your team for a faster and more consistent way to communicate with prospects.

  • Canned Snippets: Create a bank of reusable answers for prospects’ most frequently asked questions that you can quickly add to live chats or emails to save time and help prospects faster.

  • Documents: Build a library of sales documents that you can easily share with prospects. Get insight into when and where prospects are most engaged.

  • Calling: Call prospects through VOIP from inside your HubSpot account. Calls can be recorded and auto-logged on the contact record for future reference.

  • Meeting Scheduling: Share a link with customers that lets them see when you’re free and book meetings with you, cutting out those tedious ‘what time works best for you’ emails.

  • Messenger Integration: Automatically capture contact information, have two-way communications with your audience, create chatbots, and report on chat volume through Facebook Messenger.

Free Marketing Tools

  • All Features of HubSpot CRM: Marketing Hub is built on top of HubSpot CRM, giving you access to all the tools you see in the HubSpot CRM.

  • Forms: Add pop-up, embedded, and collected forms to any web page tracked in your HubSpot account to gather the contact details that your business needs.

  • Email Marketing: Send bulk emails that are tested and optimized for different devices and inboxes. Create better emails with a drag and drop editor and personalization tokens.

  • Ad Management: Connect accounts from supported ad networks to your HubSpot account. Create audiences from your HubSpot CRM and see which ads are generating customers.

  • List Segmentation: Create static or dynamically updating contact lists based on various criteria using HubSpot CRM properties. Use them to power more personalized content in email, on the web, and more.

  • Conversations Inbox: Set up a shared inbox — for all incoming email and live chats — that your whole team can work from efficiently managing 1-to-1 communications at scale.

  • Team Email: Connect team-wide email addresses to your Conversation inbox. Turn incoming emails into tickets, or send them straight into your shared inbox. No more questions slipping through the cracks.

  • Live Chat: Have 1-to-1 live chats with visitors as they browse your site, and give the information they need to turn them into qualified leads.

  • Conversational Bots: Use a bot to connect visitors to the right rep, route visitors to the most helpful content, and scale 1-to-1 communications.

  • Mobile Optimization: Create content that looks good on multiple device types, and see it before it goes out.

  • User Roles: Give each team member using your account the right permission levels for different functionality.

  • Reporting Dashboards: Get in-depth, customizable data on your marketing performance, so you know how you’re doing and where to improve.

  • Messenger Integration: Automatically capture contact information, have two-way communications with your audience, create chatbots, and report on chat volume through Facebook Messenger.

Free Sales Tools

  • All Features of HubSpot CRM: Sales Hub is built on top of HubSpot CRM, giving you access to all the tools you see in the HubSpot CRM.
  • Live Chat: Chat 1-to-1 with visitors as they browse your site, and give them the information they need about your business.

  • Conversational Bots: Scale live chat using bots. They can qualify leads, collect and store contact data, book meetings, and send leads to the right salesperson.

  • Team Email: Connect team-wide email addresses to your Conversation inbox. Turn incoming emails into tickets, or send them straight into your shared inbox. No more questions slipping through the cracks.

  • Conversations Inbox: Set up a shared inbox — for all incoming email and live chats — that your whole team can work from efficiently managing 1-to-1 communications at scale.

  • Calling: Call prospects through VOIP from inside your HubSpot account. Calls can be recorded and auto-logged on the contact record for future reference.

  • Email Scheduling: Write one-to-one prospect emails, and schedule them for the right send and receipt time.

  • Email Tracking & Notifications: Track one-off emails to contacts. Receive real-time notifications when emails are opened or clicked.

  • Email Templates: Save and reuse your best performing emails and share them with your team for a faster and more consistent way to communicate with prospects.

  • Canned Snippets: Create a bank of reusable answers for prospects’ most frequently asked questions that you can quickly add to live chats or emails to save time and help prospects faster.

  • Documents: Build a library of sales documents that you can easily share with prospects. Get insight into when and where prospects are most engaged.

  • Meeting Scheduling: Share a link with customers that lets them see when you’re free and book meetings with you, cutting out those tedious ‘what time works best for you’ emails.

  • Reporting Dashboards: See detailed metrics on sales activity and performance. Use the data to know how you’re doing and where to improve.

  • Deal Pipeline: Keep track of deals and predict future revenue based on how likely they are to close.

  • Messenger Integration: Automatically capture contact information, have two-way communications with your audience, create chatbots, and report on chat volume through Facebook Messenger.

Free Customer Service Tools

  • All Features of HubSpot CRM: Service Hub is built on top of HubSpot CRM, giving you access to all the tools you see in the HubSpot CRM.
  • Ticketing: Log customer issues as tickets. They can then be assigned to team members, organized and prioritized, and tracked in a central location.

  • Live Chat: Chat directly with customers through a live chat widget on your website, giving them the help they need, when they need it.

  • Conversations Inbox: Organize customer questions, including live chats and emails, in a shared inbox. Accessible to your entire team so you can manage 1-to-1 customer communications at scale.

  • Calling: Call prospects through VOIP from inside your HubSpot account. Calls can be recorded and auto-logged on the contact record for future reference.

  • Conversational Bots: Use a bot to create tickets and send visitors to the right service rep, or knowledge base article. Improving the efficiency of live chat and helping you to scale 1-to-1 communications.

  • Team Email: Connect team-wide email addresses to your Conversation inbox. Turn incoming emails into tickets, or send them straight into your shared inbox. No more questions slipping through the cracks.

  • Canned Snippets: Create a bank of reusable answers for prospects’ most frequently asked questions that you can quickly add to live chats or emails to save time and help prospects faster.

  • Email Templates: Save and reuse your most helpful emails. Share them with your team for faster and more consistent customer communication.

  • Meeting Scheduling: Share a link with customers that lets them see when you’re free and book meetings with you, cutting out those tedious ‘what time works best for you’ emails.

  • Tickets Closed Reports: Measure your customer service efforts. Get in-depth reports that show volume, category, and response times.

  • Rep Productivity Reports: See productivity and response times broken down by rep, and use the data to spot high performers and who needs help.

  • Time-to-close Reports: See how long customers are waiting for their questions to be solved, and use the data to improve response times and processes.

  • Reporting Dashboards: Get data on your marketing, sales, and customer service performance. Use the data to know how you’re doing and where to improve.

  • Email Tracking & Notifications: Track one-off emails to contacts. Receive real-time notifications when emails are opened or clicked.

  • Documents: Build a library of resources and collateral that you can easily share with customers. Get insight into when and where they are most engaged.

  • Messenger Integration: Automatically capture contact information, have two-way communications with your audience, create chatbots, and report on chat volume through Facebook Messenger.

How To Setup HubSpot Live Chat With Avada https://avada.com/documentation/how-to-setup-hubspot-live-chat-with-avada/ Tue, 19 Nov 2019 20:26:03 +0000 https://theme-fusion.com/?post_type=documentation&p=670231

What is HubSpot?

HubSpot is an inbound marketing and sales cloud-based software suite, and their free plugin is now one of Avada’s Recommended Plugins, and it needs to be added to any import of the new Avada Consultant Prebuilt Website, for full replication of the online website.

The HubSpot tools and service offerings help companies and individuals attract visitors, convert leads, control their marketing efforts, manage their sales processes, and so much more. Using HubSpot with the Avada Website Builder gives you the confidence to turn your site into a marketing powerhouse.

What is Live Chat?

HubSpot is loaded with features, and it’s one of these we will look at in this document – Live Chat. With Live Chat you can create a chatflow with live chat to connect visitors directly with members of your team. The live chat will appear as a widget on your website pages that visitors can click to start a real-time conversation with someone on your team. Read on to see how to set HubSpot up for a live chat with your website users, or watch the video for a visual overview.

For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.

Importing A Prebuilt Website With HubSpot Live Chat

As mentioned before, some Prebuilt Websites require the HubSpot plugin installed to achieve full replication of the online experience. In the Avada Consultant website for example, we have added Live Chat to the site, as you can see in the bottom right corner of the screenshot below.

Avada Consultant > LiveChat

The HubSpot plugin is added during the Website import, but you will still need to connect your account and configure Live Chat. Please see Setting Up HubSpot in Avada for more info on the initial steps of adding an account.

How To Add HubSpot Live Chat To An Existing Site

If you already have an existing site you’d like to add Live Chat to, you need to add the HubSpot plugin to your site, which you can do with one click on the Avada > Plugins / Add-ons page. Then you simply need to register for an account, and then you can add the Live Chat feature. Please see How To Use HubSpot With Avada for more info on HubSpot, installing the plugin, and the initial steps of adding an account.

Install HubSpot Plugin

How To Configure The Conversations Inbox

Once you have installed the HubSpot plugin and connected your account, you are ready to configure your HubSpot account for live chat.

The first thing to do is to edit and configure your default Conversations Inbox. A conversation inbox streamlines and centralizes communication with your contacts. You can connect team emails and/or chat channels to the inbox, and then view, reply, and manage all conversations from each channel in one place. Let’s walk through it.

  • Step 1: Click on HubSpot > Live Chat from the WordPress dashboard. This opens your HubSpot account in a new tab, on the Chatflows page.

  • Step 2: In the top right corner, click on Create Chatflow.

  • Step 3: Select if you want to add the Chatflow to a Website or Facebook Messenger.

  • Step 4: If this is your first Chatflow for the account, a popup will appear, asking you to Add Chat to your website.

  • Step 5: This takes you to the customization wizard, where you can configure your chat inbox as you like. You can set things like the color and heading of your chat box, the users, its availability, and several other options.

Hubspot - Set Up Live Chat
  • Step 6: Once you have set your Availability options, you get a preview of the Chatbox, and you can then click Publish. You get a pop up letting you know the Chatflow is published.

Published Hubspot Live Chat

Start Chatting!

That’s it. You can now return to your website front end, and refresh, and the live chat box will display according to your settings.

Avada Consultant > LiveChat

HubSpot Resources

HubSpot has a huge amount of resources, and an in-depth Help Section, found at https://help.hubspot.com/. Please see the following two sections that relate to Accounts and Live Chat.

Avada’s Bundled Premium Plugins https://avada.com/documentation/avadas-bundled-premium-plugins/ Wed, 13 Nov 2019 00:22:08 +0000 https://theme-fusion.com/?post_type=documentation&p=669940

Apart from the two required plugins, Avada Core and Avada Builder, the Avada Website Builder also includes six other bundled, premium plugins. They are completely optional but are very useful and are required for the full import of some of the prebuilt websites. They are Avada Custom Branding, Slider Revolution, LayerSlider WP, Advanced Custom Fields PRO, Convert Plus, and FileBird Pro.

These premium plugins come bundled with Avada and do not require additional licensing to use. But before you can install the bundled plugins, you must first register your purchase. If so required, each of these plugins can also be downloaded from the Downloads page (found under Support > Downloads) on My Avada.

Many themes sold on ThemeForest come bundled with premium plugins from CodeCanyon. A plugin offers additional functionality and features beyond a typical WordPress installation, and you do not need additional licensing in order to use the plugin with your theme. Support for the plugins, however, will come from ThemeFusion, and not the plugin author. The terms and conditions for bundled plugins are set out by Envato.

For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.

Avada Custom Branding

Avada Custom Branding is a premium plugin developed by ThemeFusion. It allows you to rebrand different areas like the WordPress Admin, WordPress Login Screen and the Avada dashboard and menus, bringing your own unique look and feel to the interface. To learn more about this plugin, please follow the link below.

Avada Custom Branding

Current version

Slider Revolution

Slider Revolution is a premium and popular slider plugin developed by ThemePunch. It is beautifully animated and 100% responsive slider that has huge range of features and amazing options. To know more about this plugin and how to setup a slider and add slides to it, please click the button below.


Current version 6.7.21


LayerSlider WP is a premium and popular slider plugin developed by Kreatura. It is a slider for creating mind-blowing slideshows and image galleries with must-see effects, animated landing pages and even beautiful full website. To know more about this plugin and how to setup a slider and add slides to it, please click the button below.


Current version 7.14

Advanced Custom Fields PRO

Advanced Custom Fields PRO is a premium plugin developed by Elliot Condon. It allows you to add extra customs fields which includes repeatable blocks, intuitive galleries, custom settings pages, and reusable fields, that will allow you to build websites faster. To know more about this plugin and see an example usage of it, please click the button below.


Current version 6.3.11

Convert Plus

Convert Plus is a premium plugin developed by Brainstorm Force. It is an all-in-one popup plugin that will help you generate more leads and get more email subscribers. To know more about this plugin, please click the button below.

Convert Plus Logo

Current version 3.5.28

FileBird Pro

FileBird Pro is a premium WordPress media library folders & file manager tool developed by NinjaTeam. It will make managing your media simple & save you time. To learn more about this plugin, please follow the link below.

FileBird Pro

Current version
