Avada Registration and Licensing FAQ
Last Update: February 20, 2024
For each Avada license you purchase, you can use the individual purchase code to register a single website, as well as a staging site for that domain. You also need to register for My Avada, our support and license management portal.
Please see below for the answers to some frequently asked questions about Avada Registration and Licensing.
Registration & Licensing FAQ
To ensure that:
You will receive future updates for Avada.
You will receive future premium bundled plugin updates.
You will receive future maintenance patches.
- You will receive access to all future prebuilt websites that are released.
- You can set up a Staging site for each Avada license you own for testing purposes.
To locate your purchase code, you can log in to your Themeforest marketplace account (themeforest.net) and navigate to the ‘Downloads’ section, or if you have just purchased Avada, check your email inbox for the Envato email purchase confirmation that includes the item purchase code -> Click here to see the download page.

The Avada support team is ready to assist you, and we encourage our customer base to engage with our team and build a relationship. To obtain support, you need to register for an account. You can create your My Avada Account here, and once you are registered and logged in, you can contact our team by submitting a support ticket here.
If, for some reason, you can’t submit a support ticket, you can contact us via this contact form.
Unfortunately, there is no provision for multi-domain licensing. Envato’s licensing terms and conditions stipulate that a regular license is required per domain install of the theme.
Unfortunately, Envato does not provide a developer licensing option. For licensing FAQ’s please go here.
Envato’s licensing terms and conditions stipulate that a regular license is required per domain install of the theme. You can also take a look at the licensing nuts and bolts.
In terms of licensing, and according to Envato’s licensing terms and conditions, you need a license per domain install, regardless of whether you use a WordPress multisite install or not.
Yes, your purchase code and your license key are the same.
If you have updated to Avada 7.3 and have not yet re-registered your Avada website with a purchase code as explained in this help file, the Envato token key will only continue to be valid for an additional ten (10) days.
Once the ten (10) days are concluded, the Envato token key will be rendered invalid. This will not cause your site to break or to stop functioning normally. However, you will be required to register the website with a purchase code.
As of Avada 7.3 and beyond, a token key is no longer required and will not work for registration purposes. You will need to use your purchase code, which you can find on your license certificate. For any website running an Avada version prior to version 7.3, the token key used for registration will continue to work until the website is updated to Avada 7.3 or beyond.
To view your registered licenses, log into your My Avada account and navigate to the Licenses page. If you have additional licenses that are not listed there, you can bulk import them from your Envato account by clicking on the “Add New” button (top right) and then selecting “Import From Envato” > https://d.pr/i/tmOqdL
Note that a top-level or staging domain is automatically listed on the licenses page when registering your Avada website.
This will actually depend on the use case. Licenses in general, apply to the end product you use them for. Usually, this end product will be a website with a specific topic. If you use sub-domains where the topic of the site is not identical or the general design is different, then these sub-domains represent own end products, thus you will need one license per sub-domain.
Only in cases where the topic and general design of your sub-domains match the purpose of your main site, it is fine to go with one license. In the latter case, you can contact us, and after review, we can enable your license for usage with sub-domains.
Multiple sub-domains as multiple end products
Suppose you do a website where you present different branches of your business in different cities or countries. Thus, you create two different sub-domains: brancha.my-business.com and branchb.my-business.com. If the purpose of each of the sub-domain sites is a bit different or the general design is different, you have created different end products. So in this case you need one license per sub-domain.
Suppose you do a website for a retailer of apples and a retailer of pears, both hosted on your main domain. Thus, you create two different sub-domains: apple-retailer.my-grocery-hosting.com and pear-retailer.my-grocery-hosting.com. Your end products here clearly are the websites for each of the merchants, so in this case you need one license per sub-domain.
Multiple sub-domains in one end product
Suppose you do a website where you present different departments of the same local company. Thus, you create two different sub-domains: sales.my-business.com and customercare.my-business.com. If the departments are presented in a way that uses the same general design as your main site, they count towards a single end product. So in this case you don’t need extra licenses per sub-domain.
Suppose you do a website for a grocery store and among other goods, you sell apples and pears. To show your supplies, you create two different sub-domains: apples.my-grocery-store.com and pears.my-grocery-store.com. Your end product clearly is the website for the grocery store, so you only need one license.
Yes, you can have one dedicated staging/dev/local site per license. If the domain you are working on matches one of the patterns below, our system will automatically register it as a staging site. Only domains that match the patterns below will qualify as staging sites:
TLDs – Top-level Domains (domain endings)
Subdomains (domain prefixes)
Staging domains of hosting providers
is an unsigned integer)*.wpenginepowered.com
Local setups
No, a staging site does not require an additional license. Provided that you follow our recommendations for Staging site setups, our system will recognize it.
You can set up one Staging site for each Avada license that you own.
Envato’s licensing terms and conditions stipulate that a regular license is required per domain install of the theme. You can purchase the required Avada licenses on Themeforest.
In terms of bulk discounts, individual discounts, charitable discounts, etc., Envato does not give us the ability to discount individual purchases or provide coupons. To be alerted as to when we have our next sale event, please do sign up for our newsletter.
Yes, you can, but only at an Avada support level. To clarify, whoever purchases the license via Themeforest is the rightful owner of the license. According to Envato, ownership of a license can’t be transferred between individuals or marketplace accounts. At an Avada support level, however, the following scenarios are possible:
- If you have not registered the purchase code within your My Avada account, you can request that your customer registers their own My Avada account using the provided purchase code by following these instructions.
- If the purchase code is already added to your My Avada account and you would like to pass it on to your client so that they can register their own My Avada account, you can remove the purchase code from the Licenses page by clicking the bin icon next to the relevant purchase code.

No. The Extended License is also limited to a single end product. For more information, please see the Extended License terms.
There are several reasons why you might want to unregister a website, ranging from no longer having access to your website to a registration error saying your purchase code is already being used. In these instances, you can unregister your license from the attached domain by logging in to your My Avada account, navigating to the licenses page, and clicking the unlink icon between the domain type and the domain name.

Note that to do that, you should first register your My Avada account if you don’t already have one. Please ensure that you add the license to your account via the licenses page.
Licenses can be locked if they are flagged in our system as having contravened Envato licensing. In particular this would mean the use of the same license on multiple live websites. For multiple different live websites, each should have its own license. When a license is locked, automatic updates will not work and it cannot be used to register a new website.
If your license has been locked you can request that it be unlocked via the unlock license page on My Avada. Note, that in order to do that you should first sign up for a My Avada account and ensure the license has been added to your account via the licenses page.